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Consigned Bite of the Shissar XVI  

No Trade Quest Item
Slot: AMMO
Effect: Bite of the Shissar Poison VIII (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 2.0) at Level 90 as Level 92
WT: 0.2 Size: SMALL
Class: ROG
Race: ALL

Item Type:Potion
Merchant Value:0 pp 0 gp 0 sp 1 cp
Lucy Entry By:spiffie
Item Updated By:RondorNorador
IC Last Updated:2021-12-19 03:37:45
Page Updated:Wed Feb 5th, 2020

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 90

[Drops | Summoned | Comments ]

This item is summoned.

Crafted: This item is crafted by players.


This item is found on creatures.

Al'Kabor's Nightmare
NPC Name
a brownie bewitcher
a brownie trickster
a crazed halfling
a Crushbone strategist
a Crushbone warrior
a drachnid knight
a drachnid necromancer
a drachnid priest
a drachnid soldier
a drachnid sorcerer
a drolvarg
a drolvarg lieutenant
a half elf guard
a half elf scout
a halfling bandit
a halfling lookout
a high elf sentry
a high elf wizard
a minion of discord
a Runnyeye raider
a Runnyeye thief
a snow orc scout
a snow orc warrior
a wood elf ranger
a wood elf seer
a wood elf warden
an ice goblin raider
an ice goblin scrapper
an ice goblin thief

Argath, Bastion of Illdaera
NPC Name
a Blade Regulant of Erillion
a dark mesmer
a greedy looter

NPC Name
a laborer

Beasts' Domain
NPC Name
a domain hunter

Breeding Grounds
NPC Name
a Chetari scavenger

Caverns of Endless Song
NPC Name
a seduced corsair
a seduced druid
a seduced marauder
a seduced pirate
a seduced raider
a seduced warden
an enthralled acolyte
an enthralled pirate

Chapterhouse of the Fallen
NPC Name
a necromancer initiate
a necromancer neophyte

Chelsith Reborn
NPC Name
a browsing cook
a bruised slave
a burly slave
a charming slave
a cruel spellbinder
a docile slave
a dockworker
a downcast slave
a farm slave
a frustrated fisherman
a merciless bonemender
a quiet slave
a shissar guard
a sickly slave
a slave trader
a tired fisherman
a young shissar
an aggressive haggler
an animated iksar
an anxious patroller
an overseer
an overworked slave

Citadel of the Worldslayer
NPC Name
a ceremonial guard
Discordant Corrupter Bklus
Discordant Corrupter Exxtan
Discordant Corrupter Grlax
Discordant Corrupter Knen

Crushbone (Level 90 - Hardcore Heritage)
NPC Name
orc centurion
orc emissary
orc legionnaire
orc oracle
orc slaver
orc taskmaster - HH Version
orc trainer
royal guard

Crystal Caverns, Fragment of Fear
NPC Name
a demented dwarf
a lazy orc
a Ry`Gorr digger
a Ry`Gorr excavator
a Ry`Gorr guard
a Ry`Gorr messenger
a Ry`Gorr miner
a Ry`Gorr oracle
a Ry`Gorr overseer
a Ry`Gorr prospector
a Ry`Gorr scout
a Ry`Gorr shaman
a Ry`Gorr watchman

East Wastes, Zeixshi-Kar's Awakening
NPC Name
a blizzard dervish
a coldain blacksmith
a coldain cook
a coldain hunter
a coldain lookout
a coldain marauder
a coldain missionary
a coldain skinner
a coldain warrior
a mindless thrall
a Ry`Gorr centurion
a Ry`Gorr clan lookout
a Ry`Gorr clan scout
a Ry`Gorr legionnaire
a Ry`Gorr snow trooper
a snow dervish
a suspicious coldain
a suspicious frost giant
a suspicious Ry`Gorr
an ulthork hunter
an ulthork man o war
an ulthork warrior
mystic of Ry`Gorr

Erillion, City of Bronze
NPC Name
a blacksmith
a bloodthirsty carnifex
a bored potter
a bureaucrat
a busy cook
a busy papyrus maker
a carnifex
a citizen
a cook
a cruel carnifex
a detailed record keeper
a diligent potter
a dour bureaucrat
a dull record keeper
a dutiful guard
a faithful citizen
a forlorn prisoner
a government official
a guard - Erillion, City of Bronze
a magistrate
a merchant
a miserly government official
a mundane office worker
a potter
a prisoner
a prudent merchant
a record keeper - Erillion, City of Bronze
a resolute bureaucrat
a ruthless archon
a shrewd merchant
a solemn guard
a tired cook
a tired papyrus maker
a woeful prisoner
an apprentice blacksmith
an archon
an enthusiastic papyrus maker
an honest citizen
an imposing archon
an industrious blacksmith
an insipid government official
an irritated office worker
an office worker

Erudin Burning
NPC Name
a burning tome dervish
a burning tome whirlwind
a fallen Deepwater Knight
a heretic commander
a Heretic fell blademaster
a heretic hierophant

Evantil, the Vile Oak
NPC Name
a fear howler
a fear howler scavenger
a wretched hunter
a wretched scavenger

Fear Itself
NPC Name
a scareling
a wolf
an amygdalan guard
an amygdalan knight
an amygdalan soldier
an amygdalan warrior
an enraged scareling

Grelleth's Palace, Chateau of Filth
NPC Name
a Chateau bloodcaster
a Chateau defender
a Chateau gravedigger
a creature keeper
a junkcrafter scavenger
a kitchen assistant
a palace beast handler
a palace decay priest
a palace filthcaster
a palace guard
a palace scout
a rot shaman
an elite soldier

House of Thule, Upper Floors
NPC Name
a gibbering madman
Morzad Agent
Swindler Keega

Kael Drakkel, The King's Madness
NPC Name
a grave conjurer
a penumbral coldain
an umbral coldain

Katta Castrum: Deluge
NPC Name
a shissar arbiter
a shissar defiler
a shissar firetongue
a shissar flameweaver
a shissar necromancer
a shissar shadowslither
a shissar taskmaster
a shissar templar

Miragul's Nightmare
NPC Name

Morell's Castle
NPC Name
a candy hoarder
a devoted guard
a forest guardian
a forest protector
a forest watcher
a helping hand
a hoofed diviner
a hoofed guardian
a hoofed protector
a mutinous scallywag
a scallywag diabolist
a scallywag marauder
a scallywag pillager
a scorned diabolist
a scorned marauder
a scorned pillager
a sea vamp
a seawitch
a shelled defender
a shellscale diver
a shellscale guard
a shellscale guardian
a shellscale hunter
a shellscale occultist
a singing siren
a vengeful marauder
a vengeful pillager
an idle hand
an ornate guard

Nagafen's Lair (Level 100 - Hardcore Heritage)
NPC Name
a greater kobold
a greater kobold shaman
a kobold fighter
a kobold healer
a kobold noble
an imp protector

Old Bloodfields
NPC Name
a slavemaster

Permafrost Keep (Level 90 - Hardcore Heritage)
NPC Name
a goblin diviner
a goblin evoker
a goblin guard
a goblin mendicant
a goblin prelate
a goblin priest
a goblin royal guard
a goblin warlock
a goblin wizard
a goblin worker
a tiny ice goblin
an elite goblin guard
an ice goblin

Pillars of Alra
NPC Name
a constructor acolyte
a constructor apprentice
a constructor host
a constructor keeper - Light
a constructor neophyte
a contemplative verdantguardian
a dark essencegazer
a focused attendant
a focused lightgazer
a focused lightward
a focused sorcerer
a focused ward
a hall ward
a life harvester
a life infuser
a life purifier
a lifetender
a light convertor
a light harvester
a light infuser
a light purifier
a lighttender
a lightward captain
a lightward guardian
a lightward novice
a lightward sentinel
a lightward squire
a lightward trainee
a lightward zealot
a lightwarder
a mana convertor
a mana harvester
a mana infuser
a mana purifier
a manatender
a natureward acolyte
a natureward apprentice
a natureward host
a natureward initiate
a natureward keeper
a natureward meditator
a natureward seeker
a pensive lightgazer
a pensive onlooker
a pensive scholar - Arcane
a pensive shadowcaster
a penumbral priest
a purist essencegazer
a quiet cataloger - Light
a quiet naturetender
a scholar of Anriella
a scholar of Erion
a scholar of Fal`Kaa
a scholar of Melretia
a seasoned channeller
a seasoned lightward
a shade convertor
a shade infuser
a shadeweaver acolyte
a shadeweaver apprentice
a shadeweaver initiate
a shadeweaver keeper
a shadeweaver neophyte
a shadow harvester
a shadow purifier
a shadowtender
a shadowward
a shadowward captain
a shadowward guardian
a shadowward sentinel
a shadowward squire
a shadowward trainee
a shadowward veteran
a silent bookkeeper - Arcane
a silent shadowcaster
a spirited conjuror
a spirited focuser
a spirited lightward
a spirited verdantguardian
a stoic lightgazer
a stoic patron
a stoic shadowcaster
a stoic ward
a student of Anriella
a student of Erion
a student of Fal`Kaa
a student of Melretia
a verdant animator
a verdant earthshaper
a verdant earthtender
a verdantguard captain
a verdantguard initiate
a verdantguard novice
a verdantguard reflector
a verdantguard squire
a verdantguard veteran
a verdantguard ward
a verdantguard warden
a verdantguardian
a zealous augur
a zealous lightshaper
an antumbral priest
an arcane essencegazer
an arcward captain
an arcward guardian
an arcward sentinel
an arcward squire
an arcward trainee
an arcward veteran
an arcwarder
an ardent scholar - Nature
an attendant of Anriella
an attendant of Erion
an attendant of Fal`Kaa
an attendant of Melretia
an attendant of purity
an augmented zealot
an empowered manipulator
an empowered shadowweaver
an enthralled lightgazer
an enthralled shadowcaster
an enthralled spectator
an essence convertor
an essence director - Light
an essence extractor - Shadow
an essence keeper - Arcane
an essence lifegazer
an essence lifeshaper
an essence lifeward
an essence lifeweaver
an essence lightshaper
an essence lightward
an essence lightweaver
an essence manashaper
an essence manaward
an essence manaweaver
an essence purifier - Light
an essence shadowshaper
an essence shadowward
an essence shadowweaver
an essence surveyor - Nature
an experienced focuser
an experienced lightshaper
an illuminary ward
an illuminator acolyte
an illuminator apprentice
an illuminator initiate
an illuminator neophyte
an introspective student - Shadow
an umbral priest

Plane of Shadow
NPC Name
an Akhevan vagabond

Resplendent Temple
NPC Name
a Nitore apprentice
a Nitore guard
a Nitore prober
a Nitore purger
a Nitore sorcerer
a Piq`a deadraiser
a Piq`a diabolist
a Piq`a noble
a Piq`a soothsayer
a roaming swinetor
a swinetor summoner
a swinetor youth
an Ulork diviner
an Ulork noble
an Ulork occultist
an Ulork vicar

Rubak Oseka, Temple of the Sea
NPC Name
a follower
a priest
a servant
a templar
a zealot
an acolyte
an altar attendant

Sanctum Somnium
NPC Name
a dark occultist
a dark occultist researcher
a dark ritualist
a dark ritualist expert
a deranged beggar
a giant warrior
a giant warrior veteran
a goblin raid leader
a goblin raider
a goblin raider captain
a head servant
a kobold skirmisher
a leprechaun
a mad beggar
a master guardian
a personal servant
a royal archmage
a royal guard
a royal high priest
a royal knight
a royal knight errant
a royal mage
a royal priest
a shieldbearer guardian
a strange leprechaun
a tower guardian
a tower servant
a tower warden
a tower warden sergeant
an elite guardian
Morell`s Commander

Sarith, City of Tides
NPC Name
a Sarith guardsman

Sepulcher East
NPC Name
a blade overseer of alsa thelara
a bladeguide of alsa thelara
a champion of Kolos
a conqueror of Kolos
a dark magic caster
a dark magic wielder
a defender of Kolos
a didact of Ryken
a furrier of Kolos
a hunter of Kolos
a light magic caster
a light magic wielder
a nature magic caster
a nature magic wielder
a philosopher of Ryken
a shambling izon
a sophist of Ryken
a tracker of Kolos
a trapper of Kolos
an academic of Ryken
an arcane denizen
an arcane magic caster
an arcane magic wielder
an archon of alsa thelara
an embodiment of arcanum
light magic caster
light magic wielder

Sepulcher of Order
NPC Name
a blade mentor of alsa thelara
a blade overseer of alsa thelara
a bladed ereth of order
a bladeguide of alsa thelara
a bone amalgamation
a bone mass
a brutalizer of alsa thelara
a carnifex of alsa thelara
a carrier of arcanum
a defender of alsa thel
a gleaming stonewalker
a guardian of alsa thel
a luminous stonewalker
a mutated thel imbiber
a protector of alsa thel
a sub archon of alsa thelara
a thelara alsa ril of Alra
a tide creeper
a tide drifter
a torturer of alsa thelara
a transcendent adherent
a transfigured thel imbiber
a vessel of arcanum
Alra ser alsa
an Alra ser alsa
an alsa construct
an alsa thelara initiate
an alsa thelara worker
an arbiter ereth of order
an archon of alsa thelara
an ereth of Alra
an ereth of law
an ereth of order
an infused alsa construct
carnifex of alsa thelara
ereth of Alra
thelara alsa ril of Alra

Sepulcher West
NPC Name
a beast of steel
a blade overseer of alsa thelara
a bladeguide of alsa thelara
a bone assembly
a bone bruiser
a fouled warrior
a giant of steel
a high thelasa of Ladrys
a high thelasa of Oseka
a lost initiate
a myrmidon of Oseka
a noviate of Ladrys
a ser alsa hadal
a ser alsa thel hadal
a soiled warrior
a thelasa of Ladrys
a tide creeper
a tide drifter
a warrior of Oseka
a worshipper of decay
a worshipper of filth
an alsa thelara champion
an alsa thelara conqueror
an alsa thelara legend
an alsa thelara nonpareil
an alsa thelara wind archer
an alsa thelara wind tamer
an archon of alsa thelara
an devotee of Ladrys
an initiate of Ladrys
ser alsa hadal
ser alsa thel hadal

Shard's Landing
NPC Name
a calculating overseer
a citizen
a conscripted dredger
a conscripted edgecrafter
a conscripted excavator
a conscripted fighter
a conscripted gladiator
a conscripted ironshaper
a conscripted lifter
a conscripted miner
a conscripted smith
a conscripted tender
a council advisor
a council judicator
a council overseer
a devout believer
a forsaken believer
a forsaken coordinator
a forsaken overseer
a forsaken speaker
a forsaken supervisor
a forsaken torchbearer
a pious believer
a ruthless overseer
a soulless attendee
a stoic believer
a taskmaster
a zealous believer
an arena sentry
an arena ward
an armory director
an armory foreman
an armory guard
an armory sentry
an armory ward
an enforcer
an impassive clergyman
an umbraphyte cultivator
an umbraphyte tender

Tempest Temple
NPC Name
a sea goblin shaman
a sea naga evoker
a sea naga stormcaller

The Library
NPC Name
a corporeal scholar
a corporeal scholarly researcher
a disoriented dreamer
a library watcher
a listless librarian
a neglected tome
a preoccupied scholar
a weary assistant
an absorbed scholar
an arcane researcher
an armored watcher
an enraged historian
an ethereal watcher
an idle artisan

The Well
NPC Name
Raejic [Devourer of Souls]

Tower of Rot
NPC Name
a bandit
a brigand
a grave robber
a tomb raider

Valley of King Xorbb
NPC Name
a deathraiser goblin
a guardian minotaur
a pickslave goblin
a shamanic goblin
a shamanic minotaur
a warrior minotaur
a watchman minotaur
a waterknight goblin
an evenflame goblin

Valley of Lunanyn
NPC Name
a soldier
a trooper
an impaler

Volska's Husk
NPC Name
Bryxyx Kyzox

Windsong Sanctuary
NPC Name
a silent worshipper
a silentsong worshipper
a soundless devotee
a wind archer


Uploaded January 12th, 2023 by iventheassassin
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