Patch History

Note: Patches from 2007 and later can be found in the News Archives

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Patches from January 2007 - June 2007

Stand Out Occurrences:
- Druid spells Wildskin and Blessing of the Wild are replaced by Blistering Sunray and Sunscorch (Jan. 17)
- Cleric spells Rectitude and Cure Corruption are replaced by Blessing of Purpose and Ward of the Dauntless (Jan. 17)
- Drakkins rejoice as they can now dye their armor (Jan. 17)
- The Akihiro event in Stillmoon Temple now yields rewards (Jan. 17)
- The Buried Sea expansion launches (Feb. 13)
- In-game mail messages over four months old will be deleted, and you can now "export" messages to a text file (Feb. 13)
- Gates of Discord instances now require the same flags as their parent zones (Feb. 13)
- Epic 1.5 and 2.0 effects now work up to level 75 (Feb. 13)
- Max levels of Echo of Misdirection, Spinning into the Void, Color Collapse, Dreams of Veldyn, and Wake of Subdual increase 78 (Feb. 13)
- Toxxulia Forest is graphically revamped (Feb. 13)


Patches from July 2006 - December 2006

Stand Out Occurrences:
- The Serpent's Spine expansion launches (Sep. 19)
- The Drakkin becomes a playable race (Sep. 19)
- Characters now "hover" over their corpse upon death (Sep. 19)
- The /con colour system is revamped (grey-green-lightblue-darkblue-white-yellow-red) (Sep. 19)
- A new out-of-combat regeneration system is introduced (Sep. 19)
- Highpass Hold receives a graphical revamp (Sep. 19)
- Group leaders can now "mentor" other members of their group for leadership experience (Sep. 19)
- Bards and Beastlords gain the "Double Attack" skill at 71 (Sep. 19)
- Melee tomes can now be right-clicked, instead of having to turn the into guildmasters (Sep. 19)
- Players can no longer see a Shroud of Stealth'd rogue (Sep. 19)
- The fix of the fix of the fix of the Finding Fibblebrap mission goes through (Sep. 27)
- AA experience from NPCs is now based on an NPC's level rather than its /con color (Oct. 25)
- Numerous Frostcrypt giants gain the ability to see invisibility (Oct. 25)
- East and West Commonlands receive graphical revamps (Dec. 5)
- Most gems now stack to 100 (Dec. 5)
- Arrows and Bolt spells are no longer affected by height differences between PC and NPC (Dec. 5)
- Bard instruments are considered one-handed items regardless of which hand the instrument is in (Dec. 14)
- Aggro generated by pet heals is reduced (Dec. 14)


Patches from January 2006 - June 2006

Stand Out Occurrences:
- Things get chaotic when Test Server tradeskill vendors are accidentally made live; player rollbacks ensue (Jan. 18)
- Prophecy of Ro launches (Feb. 21)
- Oasis of Marr and North Freeport are no more; and, East Freeport, West Freeport, North Ro, and South Ro receive revamps (Feb. 21)
- The Wizard AA Mana Burn receives some tweaking (Feb. 21)
- Rogues and Bards gain the AA Thief's Intuition (Feb. 21)
- Monster Mission experience receives a long overdue nerf (Feb. 21)
- Alchemy undergoes a major revamp (Feb. 21)
- DirectX 9.0c (2006) becomes a requirement (Jun. 13)
- 8th Year Veteran AA Throne of Heroes introduced (Jun. 13)
- Guild Lobby is now available to everyone (Jun. 13)
- Death penalties now begin at level 6 (Jun. 13)
- Experience needed to level evolving items is reduced; Cloak of the Spirit Tracker experience is increased (Jun. 13)
- Taunt changes are made; Paladins, Shadowknights, and Rangers have taunt skill caps raised (Jun. 13)
- Lost Dungeons of Norrath raids become expeditions, allowing greater flexibility in additions/removals of players from raid (Jun. 13)
- The Illusion Werewolf spell now uses Depths of Darkhollow model (Jun. 13)
- Many NPC character models are updated throughout the world. Say goodbye to the old werewolves, zombies, and snakes, among many others (Jun. 13)


Patches from July 2005 - December 2005

Stand Out Occurrences:
- War develops between the Ykeshan army and Gukta-supporters (July 13)
- An SOS'd Rogue can now tell if a mob sees invis (July 13)
- Pet focus spells get buffed up (July 13)
- The Trolls regain power of Gukta, forcing the Frogloks into the Rathe Mountains (Aug. 11)
- Nektulos Forest is revamped ahead of the Depths of Darkhollow expansion (Sep. 7)
- Depths of Darkhollow launches along with monster missions, evolving and intelligent items, and spirit shrouds (Sep. 13)
- EverQuest: Escape to Norrath, a free trial, is introduced (Sep. 13)
- Cleric ability Divine Avatar reuse time is lowered and duration increased (Sep. 13)
- Lesser Faydark and Castle Mistmoore return to their pre-revamp states (Oct. 12)
- Worn damage shield cap increases from 15 to 30 (Oct. 12)
- Cultural pottery charms are introduced (Oct. 12)
- The "Escape to Norrath" UI is introduced as the default UI on live servers (Oct. 27)
- Helms can now be hidden (Oct. 27)
- EverQuest now uses the computer system's mouse cursor (Oct. 27)
- Raid invites can be done across zones (Oct. 27)
- Audio triggers are introduced (Oct. 27)
- More than 1000 Darkhollow items receive significant stat upgrades (Nov. 16)


Patches from January 2005 - June 2005

Stand Out Occurrences:
- Major revamps to Mistmoore and Splitpaw (Jan. 26)
- Enchanter Epic 1.5 and 2.0 effects no longer aggro NPCs in their vicinity (Jan. 26)
- Dragons of Norrath launches (Feb. 15)
- The EQ Mail system goes live (Feb. 15)
- PvP servers Rallos Zek, Tallon Zek, Vallon Zek, and Sullon Zek merge as the single "Zek Server" (March)
- Bazaar and Barter Hall zones merge (Mar. 3)
- Many pre-DoN tradeskill recipe trivials are lowered from the mid-300s to mid-200s (Mar. 3)
- The 'Return Home' function is introduced (Apr. 12)
- A stone to The Arena is added in the Plane of Knowledge (Apr. 12)
- Class "re-envisioning" begins (Apr. 12)
- Title suffixes are introduced (Apr. 12)
- Tradeskill hell levels (160 to 190) are softened (Apr. 12)
- Player pets over 52nd level are immune to fear (Apr. 20)
- New instanced missions are added to North Qeynos, Unrest, Befallen, and Hate's Fury (May 11)
- Casters now receive at least one spell with each level gained (May 11)
- The Type 9 augmentation slot is introduced (May 11)
- The Essence of Froglok illusion potion is introduced (May 11)
- Veteran Rewards are introduced (May 13)
- Plane of Time becomes instanced (June 29)
- You can now invite players from across zones (June 29)


Patches from July 2004 - December 2004

Stand Out Occurrences:
- Veeshan's Peak revamp goes live (July 14)
- Pets now zone with you (July 14)
- Siginifcant PVP changes go live (Aug. 11)
- Raid window allows leader to lock/unlock raid, and put players in different groups (Aug. 11)
- You can now /consent your group, raid, and guild (Aug. 11)
- Omens of War goes live (Sept. 14)
- Piercing and 1HBlunt/2HBlunt skills see cap inreases (Sept. 14)
- Fire Beetle Eyes now stack (Oct. 25)
- The 85/15 system is introduced for Gates of Discord zones (Dec. 15)
- AA costs for Discord abilities see numerous reductions (Dec. 15)
- Tacvi loot receives hitpoints/mana/endurance and effect upgrades (Dec. 15)
- NO RENT containers no longer poof when you log with them on your character (Dec. 15)


Patches from January 2004 - June 2004

Stand Out Occurrences:
- Nedaria's Landing goes live (January)
- Gates of Discord goes live (Feb. 10)
- The Casino returns (Feb. 10)
- Tradeskill UI goes live (Feb. 10)
- EverQuest celebrates its fifth anniversary with numerous ongoing events (Mar. 16)
- DirectX 9.0 becomes required to play EverQuest (Mar. 23)
- Player pets receive a boost (Mar. 25)
- Shadowrest goes live (Apr. 13)
- Invisibility actually has some use in Ferubi (Apr. 14)
- Boat gnomes become a permanent fixture (Apr. 24)
- Hot zones are introduced (Apr. 28)
- Plane of Knowledge is now open to everyone (Apr. 28)
- Named NPCs no longer spawn at an expedition's creation point (Apr. 28)
- /surname and /rewind commands introduced (May 5)
- Only one raid member must have completed Ikkinz trials to get players into raid trials (May 12)
- Gunthak stone is added to the Plane of Knowledge (June 16)
- You can now port to the Plane of Hate from the Plane of Tranquility (June 16)


Patches from July 2003 - December 2003

Stand Out Occurrences:
- European players get dinged with VAT equal to 17.5% of their subscription fees (July 1)
- Temple of Droga and Mines of Nurga receive revamps (July 10)
- Chardok "B" The Halls of Betrayal goes live (July 10)
- Mass Enchant, Imbue, and Thicken spells are introduced (July 10)
- Solusek "C" The Caverns of Exile goes live (Aug. 6)
- Scaled Wolf and Guktan illusions go live (Aug. 6)
- The Plane of Time "B" now remembers your progress in the zone and no longer resets (Aug. 6)
- Revamps to Grieg's, The Deep, Charasis, Necropolis, Siren's, The Hole, City of Mist, and Cazic-Thule (Aug 26)
- Platinum slot added to the shared bank (Aug. 26)
- Divine Ressurection recast time cut in half (36 hours to 18) (Aug. 26)
- Plane of Time raids now only require 18 people present instead of 40 (Aug. 28)
- Lost Dungeons of Norrath goes live (Sept. 9)
- Plane of Mischief receives a significant revamp (Oct. 9)
- The auto-attack key now defaults to Q (Oct. 9)
- The "Find" feature is added (Oct. 9)
- Number of players required for LDON adventures is now 3 instead of 4 (Nov. 5)
- 3D Target Ring introduced (Nov. 5)
- You can now buy and sell containers in The Bazaar (Dec. 18)
- Most Invigor effect items are replaced with sight-enhancers (Dec. 18)
- Endurance is added as a stat; melees receive disciplines as tomes (Dec. 18)
- The Shadowhaven Casino goes live (Dec. 18)
- The Shaodwhaven Casino shuts down (Dec. 19)


Patches from January 2003 - June 2003

Stand Out Occurrences:
- Classic & Velious user interfaces become extinct (Jan. 9)
- You can now window out of EverQuest (Jan. 9)
- Song buff window added (Jan. 9)
- Wraith of a Shissar is no longer attacked by other Fear inhabitants (Feb. 4)
- Rallos Zek is now tethered to the Tactics arena pit (Feb. 4)
- Legacy of Ykesha goes live (Feb. 24)
- The "85% rule" is introduced, making raid flag requirements much easier on guilds (Feb. 24)
- Charm sees significant nerfs (Apr. 8)
- Acrylia Caverns, Hollowshade Moor and Grimling Forest receive major revamps (Apr. 23)
- Plane of Hate "B" goes live (May 14)
- Call of the Hero works in the Plane of Water (May 14)
- Gravel Rain is now cureable (if you've ever fought Glykus, you are quite thankful (May 14)
- You can now gate out of Veeshan's Peak (May 14)
- Bankers no longer take items (May 14)
- Shared bank slots, spell descriptions, spell menus, and NPC job titles are added (June 11)
- High level spells no longer affect low level characters under any circumstances (June 11)
- Flag restrictions in the Planes of Power are relaxed in Tiers 1 and 2 (June 11)
- The Prexus Server goes through one of the worst server crashes in EQ history (June 12)


Patches from July 2002 - December 2002

Stand Out Occurrences:
- New interface goes live (July 24)
- The Bazaar is introduced (July 24)
- Lifetappers no longer say "Ahhh... I feel much better now!" with every spell (July 24)
- Players are no longer susceptible to other players' fears and charms (July 24)
- /makeleader command introduced & LD group member no longer bugs the group (July 24)
- You can now view and/or delete your own petitions (Sept. 4)
- Hell levels are eliminated (Sept. 4)
- DoT spells cast by different players on an NPC now stack (Sept. 4)
- Clerics gain the Bash ability (Sept. 4)
- Merchant inventories grow to 80 (Sept. 4)
- Items are now linked in the "... has looted an X" messages (Sept. 26)
- Recast times are added to Rods of Mystical Transvergence (Sept. 26)
- Rods of Mystical Transvergence no longer kill you if your max-hitpoints are lower than the conversion (Oct. 17)
- /shield is introduced (Oct. 17)
- Planes of Power goes live (Oct. 21)
- Planes of Power flags can be done out of order (Dec. 19)


Patches from January 2002 - June 2002

Stand Out Occurrences:
- /ttell and /shownames commands introduced (Jan. 8)
- The Nexus becomes bindable (Jan. 8)
- Ragefire is moved out of Nagafen's Lair (Jan. 23)
- Pets stop pacing (Feb. 13)
- Levitation buffs get stripped upon entering a no-lev zone (Mar. 7)
- If you die while below 11th level, you respawn with items and keep your experience (Mar. 19)
- Lower level rez, evac, and corpse summon spells become available (Mar. 19)
- /hitsmode command introduced (Mar. 19)
- EverQuest monthly prices increase to $12.95 per month (Apr. 9)
- Non-pet NPCs stop accepting non-quest items given to them (Apr. 9)
- The item, White Dragon Hide is introduced (June 6)
- NPCs are now bound by casting range limits (June 12)
- Magic Clay becomes stackable (June 12)


Patches from July 2001 - December 2001

Stand Out Occurrences:
- Spider and Spiderling Silk become stackable (July 10)
- Folded Sheets and regular Sheets of Metal become stackable (July 10)
- Stonebrunt goes live (Aug. 29)
- Server population counts become hidden (Sept. 11)
- The September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks hit close to home for Sony
- Graphic upgrades are announced for Luclin (Oct. 5)
- The Firiona Vie (roleplay) Server goes live (Oct. 8)
- Flayed Barbarian Hide Mask gets Illusion: Barbarian added to it (Oct. 8)
- High level NPCs develop immunities to certain spell types, and are no longer outright magic immune (Oct. 8)
- The short-lived "Project M" is introduced, where players can spawn as monsters (Nov. 7)
- /targetgroupbuff is introduced (Nov. 7)
- "Light Blue" /consider is introduced (Nov. 7)
- DirectX 8.0 is now required to play EverQuest (Nov. 28)
- Luclin goes live, but not without its problems (Dec. 4)
- Non-targettable NPCs are introduced (Dec. 4)
- Option for Texture Cache is introduced, making load times a little quicker (Dec. 13)
- Windows 95 no longer functions with EverQuest (Dec. 18)
- Soulbinders are introduced (Dec. 20)


Patches from January 2001 - June 2001

Stand Out Occurrences:
- /lootnodrop command added (Jan. 9)
- Root and Snare are now seperate effects (Jan. 9)
- NPC Aggro is significantly retuned (Feb. 21)
- Rangers can now sort and filter tracking system (Feb. 21)
- Taunt now affects NPCs above the player's level (Mar. 6)
- EQGems is introduced (Mar. 6)
- E'ci and The Rathe servers split to Zebuxoruk (March)
- The Warrens is introduced (Mar. 14)
- Hate and Fear planes receive revamps: New minibosses, better god loot (Mar. 14)
- Food items get durations (Apr. 17)
- Characters now say "Hail Playername" instead of just "Hail" (Apr. 17)
- /charinfo command introduced (Apr. 17)
- NO RENT items adopt the 30-minute rule (Apr. 17)
- Shadows of Luclin expansion announced (Apr. 18)
- Players no longer get stunned while invulnerable (May 8)
- Items can be moved inside containers while in bank (May 8)
- "Regards you as an ally" is added as a new /consider (May 8)


Patches from July 2000 - December 2000

Stand Out Occurrences:
- Karana splits into two servers, the other being Terris Thule (June & July)
- NPCs stop saying "hit by non-melee for XX points" (July 19)
- /hidecorpse and /fastdrop commands introduced (July 19 & Aug. 1)
- Wurmslayer becomes a one-hand slasher (Aug. 9)
- NO RENT tags are added to NO RENT items (Aug. 9)
- Epic quests are introduced (Sept. 19)
- Players are now able to exceed 200 in one tradeskill (Sept. 19)
- Corpses of NPCs 55th level or higher get 30-minute decay timers (Sept. 28)
- Tholuxe Paells introduced as a new server (Sept. 28)
- Mithaniel Marr and Tunare servers split to Drinal (Sept. 28)
- Pauses are added to socials, /camp command added (Sept. 28)
- DirectX 7 becomes required to play EverQuest (Nov. 15)
- Povar and Tarew Marr servers split to Xev (Nov. 21)
- Velious goes live (Dec. 6)
- NPCs gain RAMPAGE and FLURRY abilities (Velious Release)
- Solusek Ro, Karana, and Cazic-Thule servers split to Ayonae Ro (December)


Patches from January 2000 - June 2000

Stand Out Occurrences:
- Plane of Sky is introduced (Jan.)
- Casters respawn with no mana after being killed by a player (Feb. 3)
- City of Paineel is introduced (Feb. 17)
- Erudites can now be Shadowknights (Feb. 17)
- Rogues get the Evade ability (Feb. 17)
- Deity-specific items are introduced (Apr. 10)
- Kerra Ridge and Splitpaw are revamped to higher level (Apr. 10)
- Kunark goes live with a new level cap of 60 (Apr. 21)
- Newbie guards get buffed to their current levels (May)
- The Hole is introduced (June 22)
- Lady Vox and Lord Nagafen are no longer attackable by players over 52nd level


Patches from April 1999 - December 1999

Stand Out Occurrences:
- Original patch information (April)
- PvP Melee/Caster balance (Sept. 13)
- Rez timers set (Sept. 28)
- Temple of Solusek Ro added as an optional zone (Oct. 13)
- Journeyman Boots become quested (Oct. 13)
- Press release details upcoming Kunark expansion (Nov. 1)