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Saga Skin Translations Vol. 2  

Lore Item No Trade Quest Item
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Item Lore:An interpretation of the markings on the skin
Language:Common Tongue
Item Type:Book
Submitted By:Lias Roxx, Defiant, Zek
Lucy Entry By:Mallatik - Talisman
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2022-01-14 17:45:25
Page Updated:Sat Sep 7th, 2019

Expansion: Prophecy of Ro Prophecy of Ro

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 1

[Book Text | Quests | Comments ]

Crafted: This item is crafted by players.


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

The Devastation
Quest Name
Saga Skins

Item Lore: An interpretation of the markings on the skin
Book Text:

Compilation of Notes
Regarding the Phenomena of
Saga Skins
- compiled from notes by
Maelin of Knowledge
Vol. 2

Once they have achieved
control of the Stronghold
of Rage they can then begin
their rituals in an attempt
to earn Her favor. The
tribe or army chooses a
member to be their
Subjucant of Rage. It
should be noted that the
title 'Subjucant' is an
interpretation of several
titles created in a dozen
languages to represent this
one position. It is
representative of the feel
of the title and is not
intended to be a true word.

This candidate is chosen
with great care, as there
can be only one Subjucant
at a time. The method for
choosing the Subjucant
varies greatly depending on
the race and cultural
history of the group doing
the choosing, but in all
cases fighting ability and
a deep seated anger are
always the most favored

Once chosen, the Subjucant
is marked with important
symbols; their body cut,
burned or inked in painful
ways. The symbols are
simplistic representations
of anger, power, war and
strength. Of the myriad of
markings on the skins I
have examined, these

symbols are always the
same. They are the only
markings that are the same
among all those imbedded on
the skins of the variety of
species that exist in the
Plane of Rage. This
indicates that these
symbols, and perhaps the
ritual in its entirety,
were acquired from a single
source. Logic presumes
that this source was the
goddess Sullon Zek or one
of her avatars or servants.

Once the painful marking
process is complete, the
Subjucant of Rage is
required to sit at the foot
of Sullon Zek's tower and
focus his rage. His anger
is to allow it to build and
grow until it can no longer

be controlled. If this
rage is sufficient then
they believe that the
goddess will possess the
Subjucant and he or she
will become a Vessel of
Rage. Once possessed (or
claiming to be possessed)
by the spirit of rage the
Vessel of Rage is to go out
and destroy until his rage
is spent.

Here, however, there is a
difference in the lore and
observance of the lore.
The older tales imprinted
on the eldest of the skins
says that the Vessel is to
stride out onto the field
and destroy his foes until
there is no rage left
within, until the amount of
the spirit of rage he could

contain has been exhausted.
On the newest of the skins
the tale is slightly
different, though in a
dramatic way. They say
that the Vessel is to show
his true rage by killing as
many of his allies as he
can before his rage is
expended. Why this change
in ritual has happened I
can't know, nor can I

If the Vessel then returns
to the foot of the tower
for judgment by Sullon Zek.
If he is worthy then the
door to the tower will
allow him to pass. If not
then he will often be
destroyed by his own tribe.
As it is, many of these
Vessels probably die in

battle while expending
their rage. How many of
these are allowed to enter
the tower is impossible to
know. They claim that
their reward is to fight
alongside Sullon Zek and to
learn the ultimate power
that rage can provide. I
have no information about
this and will not speculate
about the truth of this bit
of lore. Whatever happens
inside that tower, if
anything, is a mystery to
us right now.


Uploaded November 27th, 2008
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