Last updated: Thu May 9 05:00:37 2024

Quests for Jaggedpine Forest

Crown of the Tempest Guard (Normal): You say, 'Hail, Lady Deira'

Lady Deira closes her eyes and gives a formal, polite bow to you, 'I am Lady Deira, Veteran of Thunder and one of several ambassadors to the Jaggedpine from Qeynos. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, although I fear that I am not one for words or company at the moment. I have [duties] to uphold and must give the fullest of my attentions to the fort.'

You say, 'What duties?'

Lady Deira says 'When his majesty, Antonious IV, ordered the removal of the barricades that had separated the Jaggedpine forest from the rest of the Qeynos lands, the council of Qeynos hand-picked several ambassadors to venture to the forest and provide the proper support of both military needs and social reconstruction purposes. I was sent to aid in fortifying the military front to ward off the attacks of the gnolls and any other intruders that might climb through the gnolls' burrow. It has proven to be a very trying task as the gnolls are quite persistent in their attacks of Fort Jaggedpine and the fort's residents are rather. . . [lost] in the ways of modern warfare.''

You say, 'Lost how?'

Lady Deira says 'I do not mean to insult either their integrity nor their abilities, it is merely that they have been cut off from us for so long and have never had the chance to benefit from the experiences of the passing times. Granted, much unfortunate turmoil and darkness has enshrouded our world and they were sparred the suffering of Norrath for some time, but the lessons learned have been denied to them. They are capable scouts and unrivaled artisans who hold tradition in a sense of honor that is to be commended and respected, but they know little about war or defense. Their existence has been peaceful -- nearly tranquil in comparison and they struggle now. However, this does not mean that there is no hope to maintain the precious balance they have established and upheld since before the construction of the great cities of Norrath, nor does it mean that they are incapable; merely [undisciplined].''

You say, 'How are they undisciplined?'

Lady Deira says 'Again, I do not speak out against the abilities that they do have -- they are able warders of nature and I do not underestimate the cunning of their scouts. It is when the obstacle is unknown that they find themselves without the knowledge to appropriately defend, nor are they trained to handle an onslaught of attacks that has been so generously afforded in the recent days. My duties are not only to aid in the protection of the fort and the people of the Jaggedpine, but I am also here to train their citizens in the manner of defense and offense of battle. They have been most receptive to my coming and have shown much interest in what lessons I have been able to offer thus far and in return, they have been most gracious in their hospitality and shared [secrets] of our mutual faith.''

You say, 'Ahhh. What secrets are those?'

Lady Deira says 'The people of Fort Jaggedpine are master artisans and their faith to The Rainkeeper is pure -- having been spared the change of the modern eras. Their ancient ways are some of the very precious and priceless jewels that we strive to protect in our presence here; but shields and steel can do only so much to protect and assure that this ancient culture survives. It must be passed on from generation to generation and faithful to faithful. I, like all of my fellow ambassadors from Qeynos, am devoted in spirituality to The Rainkeeper and thus the keepers of the ancient ways have been well received to our presence and inquiries. I recently have been taught the ancient secrets of their blacksmiths -- secrets that until recently held little to [no place] in the recent culture of the Jaggedpine.''

You say, 'Why would they hold no place in this culture?'

Lady Deira says 'When the Jaggedpine forest was ordered to be sealed, only those who were directly connected with the natural world in their profession were allowed to remain in the forest's confines. This was a decision made not out of prejudice, but out of a fundamental necessity to maintain the bare minimum that was thought needed to preserve that which they sought to spare from the approaching corruption of the time. The warriors, knights, rogues, and the minority of the arcane scientists loyal to The Rainkeeper and the philosophy guarded by his faithful were warmly and hospitably accepted into the already existing guildhalls of the Qeynos city proper. However, the traditions of these minority professions dedicated to the philosophies and culture of The Rainkeeper did not die -- they merely faded for a while. But they are very much [alive once again].''

You say, 'But how are they alive once again?'

Lady Deira says 'With the reunion of the Jaggedpine forest with its sister, the Surefall Glade and reinstatement into the kingdom of Qeynos, the old ways of the minority followers have resurfaced. As I am a warrior whom has been dedicated to The Rainkeeper since I first took up the blade, I have been given the honor of being introduced and tutored in the [ways of my ancestors].''

You say, 'What ways of your ancestors?'

Lady Deira says 'There are several rites that the Veterans of the Storm, the title bestowed to the warriors and knights loyal to The Rainkeeper, perform to place themselves among the ranks of The Rainkeeper's faithful. Unfortunately, this time of turmoil has kept much of these rites from being properly resurrected and performed, although they are not forgotten and the intentions to introduce them once again to the faithful remain strong still. However, there is one practice that the artisans and elders of Fort Jaggedpine have been able to relay to me. They are very traditional by nature and wished to reunite their distant brethren not only with the forest but also with the ways of their ancestors before them, so they invited me to learn the rites of the [Tempest Guard] and wield our ancient symbol.''

You say, 'Who is the Tempest Guard? I have never heard of them.'

Lady Deira says 'The Tempest Guard is a title bestowed among the most devout and capable of the Storm's Veterans. I do not say this in boast or overconfidence, mind you. I walked the tremulous path and strove to earn this ancient and sacred place among my kin. Now, I am one of few to hold the title, for true warriors and knights dedicated to The Rainkeeper are rare and finding those whose hearts are truly set upon the path of storms are rarer yet. As I exist as a bearer of this rank, I am also one of the mentors that guide it. If a veteran of the storm views themselves as [worthy to bear the Tempest Guard symbol], then I shall be the one that tests the validity of their views.''

You say, 'I am a follower of the Rainkeeper. I think I am worthy to bear the Tempest Guard symbol.'

Lady Deira says 'Very well and it is now that we shall begin. As with all things of the Jaggedpine and the ancient ways, you must endeavor on your own accord and initiative to achieve recognition among the ranks of this society. I shall give you the guidance toward the path, but you must willingly walk it -- and you must do so in facing many great dangers. The first steps that you must take are ones of material acquisition, or on a more fine of point, you must obtain the [items] that will be constructed into your symbol, should you prove worthy of it in the end.''

You say, 'What items must I obtain?'

Lady Deira says 'You will be sent, as your first task, to retrieve two items that will be critical to the fulfillment and possible success of your trial. The Earthen Crown of the Underfoot, the first of the two items you must obtain, resides in the depths of The Hole. One named Tzitzi the Crazed holds the crown. Beware him, for although his madness is consuming, his cunning and wile are not to be underestimated. The second item that you must return to me with the crown is [Nyrein's Tome], which is rumored to exist in the depths of Kedge Keep.''

Kill Tzitzi the Crazed in The Hole and loot Earthen Crown of the Underfoot.

Kill Nyrein the Beguiled in Kedge Keep and loot Nyrein's Tome.

Hand Lady Deira the Crown and the Tome.

Lady Deira says 'You have done well thus far and I commend your actions and success. Now, the trials shall continue and this shall be the walk that tests your faith -- judging its suitability to bear the symbol. Take this, Nyrein's Prayer, to one known as Lord Mrallon in the city of Qeynos. He is aware of the rites of the Tempest Guard and will know full well of the path that has been set before you. With the prayer, he will expect the [Tempest Rune] that you must obtain before seeking him. Once you have the rune, you shall return it and the prayer to Lord Mrallon and should you prove successful in this task and thus worthy of the final trial, he shall guide you further.''

Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 10.
Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 5.
Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 5.
Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.
You gain experience!!

Receive Nyrein's Prayer from Lady Deira.

You say, 'what tempest rune?'

Lady Deira says, 'Long before the order of the Veterans of the Storm had been established; long before the Jaggedpine had been fully settled by our nomadic ancestors, a brave young scout came upon a most powerful item by the grace of an unlikely chance. This item was a simple white stone, yet engraved upon it was a beautiful, complex rune. The young warrior found the item to be more beautiful than anything he had seen before -- more beautiful than the lush forest; more beautiful than even the great tempest that had recently scorched the earth of his people's land. The young warrior thought the rune to be a gift from the storm -- from Karana himself. He returned it to the elders of his tribe, who also found the great beauty of this simple white stone to be divine. The young warrior was [entrusted with the stone] while the elders and early artisans introduced the design into their cultural and spiritual works.'

You say, 'entrusted with the stone'

Lady Deira says, 'Our ancestors were not selfish people and although the stone's beauty overwhelmed them with an unspeakable spiritual purity, they knew that it had not fallen into this warrior's hand by simple chance. They felt that the great god of the storms had wished for the stone to fall into this young man's possession, and so they respectfully obliged what they interpreted to be their deity's will. As time passed and the completion of Karana's Shrine was near, the elders called upon the then able warrior to attend the final ceremony of the shrine's completion. It was then that the warrior knew the stone's purpose and as the storm was captured into the very rock of the shrine, he placed the stone upon one of the branches of the sacred tree that the shrine was built around. The lightning from the final moments of the storm was absorbed into the rune. Eventually, this rune would become a sacred symbol for all who pledge their blades to The Rainkeeper. However, [history] would weave a new turn to that tale.'

You say, 'history'

Lady Deira says, 'When Antonious III ordered the sealing of the Jaggedpine Forest, Anumnan Dathry, then a Tempest Guard, was one of many who understood the need and supported the decision. The years passed and Anumnan grew old, putting aside his sword for the life of a priest. He would see his only heir would rise to hold the honor of Tempest Guard, however, his son would betray the Knights of Thunder. In this knight's eyes, the betrayal was not one performed out of malice; on the contrary, he felt that his slaying of the order's then senior knight was an act of pure devotion, for it was his thought that his superior had fallen into the clutches of a venomous shadow that lurks even now in the depths of Qeynos. It was thought that Anumnan's son had been manipulated by this evil and the slaughter of the knight was one orchestrated by the shadow he sought to purge. Anumnan then faced the gravest [decision] that any father and devoted priest fears.'

You say, 'decision'

Lady Deira says, 'Anumnan, a high priest of The Rainkeeper and confidant of the Veteran order, was asked to aid in the judgment to be passed onto his only living heir, as it was his duty to his order and deity. As a priest, he knew what he had to do -- as a father, he fell into the clutches of a silent suffering that viscously wove anger, regret, pity, and undying love. It was his duty to aid the Council of the Storm in this decision and in the end, he agreed with the council to execute the fallen knight. The night his son's body was respectfully laid to final rest within the sacred temple of The Rainkeeper, Anumnan was confronted with a [truth] that would change him forever and set him on a pitiable path of insanity.'

You say, 'truth'

Lady Deira says, 'As Anumnan paid his respects to his lost child in solitude and peace, a cloaked woman approached him. Callously, she held the aged priest to the envenomed point of her dagger and forced him to imbibe her tale. It was then that she revealed to Anumnan the truth -- the truth that his son's accusations and actions were not only correct and justified, but they had saved the entire order from complete corruption within the infectious shadow. She would reveal to Anumnan the name of the one who had betrayed his son and the order; the name of the one who had worked beside the corrupted knight and originally painted his son as their scapegoat. Before Anumnan could question the woman, she disappeared back into the darkness that had delivered her and this fateful news, leaving him alone in his consuming [doubt].'

You say, 'doubt'

Lady Deira says, 'Anumnan carried with him the entirety of doubt -- for he doubted everything now. He doubted the woman and her tale, he doubted her motives that in his mind were countless, he doubted himself, and he doubted his sacred order and faith. This doubt would eventually drive Anumnan mad and two years later, lead his hand to slay the one who bore the name the woman had uttered to him upon his son's grave. Out of respect for Anumnan, his son, and the order, we speak neither the name of our martyred brother nor that of the villain who had come so close to the Knights of Thunder's ruin. It is said that the crazed Anumnan hired several rogues to execute every ranking member of the Veterans of the Storm and return to him as proof of their demise the single, sacred rune that they wore about their necks. You see, ____, Anumnan originally sought council with his closest of allies within the order when he began to doubt, but their ears [would not have his tale].'

Kill Anumnan Dathry in South Ro and loot Tempest Rune.

Head to South Qeynos and give Lord Mrallon the Prayer (from Lady Deira) and the Rune.

Lord Mrallon says ''Aaaah, yet another warrior brave enough to face their own faults and honorable enough to strive for a proof of their worth and devotion to The Rainkeeper. Your kind is too few and far too rare, but do not think that your trials are at their end. I have forged the necessary Hollowed Tempest Stone -- yes, young warrior, I am indeed one well versed in the ways of the Tempest Guard for at one time I myself held such a rank in a time before the closing of the Jaggedpine. Aaaah, but enough reminiscing for one day -- your trial is the matter at hand. Within the Hollowed Tempest Stone you must combine the Essence of the Tempest Guard, which you will find only through great peril. The Tempest Reaver, who resides in the realm of Cazic-Thule himself, holds the essence. The [tale] regarding its presence there is indeed one to be heard if you wish to fully understand your task.'''

Your faction standing with Knights of Thunder has been adjusted by 10.
Your faction standing with Bloodsabers has been adjusted by -10.
Your faction standing with Priests of Life has been adjusted by 7.
Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 7.
You gain experience!!

Receive Hollow Tempest Stone from Lord Mrallon.

You say, 'What tale?'

Lord Mrallon says 'Nyrein Shadowstorm spent much of her life defending the Jaggedpine from within its confines. However, duty would sometimes deem that she trek beyond the forest to assure its protection. In the peek years of her life, she spent much time wandering the whole of Norrath in pursuit of one villain that had betrayed the entire order. We are not certain why or how this one, who at one time was Nyrein's most trusted of companions and second to only her within the order, fell to the temptations and corruption of The Faceless -- but we do know that Nyrein defeated him on the battlefield. He fled to the Plane of Fear and with him went the very essence of the Tempest Guard that remains caged within his corrupted, violent spirit. Find the Tempest Reaver and retrieve the Essence of the Tempest Guard, which you must then seal within the Hollowed Tempest Stone to create the Tempest Guard's Stone. Once you have this sacred stone, return it to Lady Deira.''

Kill The Tempest Reaver in Plane of Fear and loot Essence of the Tempest Guard.

Combine the Essence of the Tempest Guard inside the Hollow Tempest Stone to create Tempest Guard Stone.

Give Lady Diera the Tempest Guard Stone.

Lady Deira gives a warm, gentle smile and a deep bow of respect to you as she extends a white steel crown ornamented with a single blue gem, 'Welcome to the Veterans of the Storm, and we honor you as Tempest Guard Aragir. Bear this symbol in humility and as a sign of your eternal pledge in service and protection of all that The Rainkeeper holds dear and sacred.'

Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 15.
Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 7.
Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 7.
Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.
You gain experience!

You receive the Crown of the Tempest Guard.
Reward: Crown of the Tempest Guard

Gnoll Canines (Incomplete): Sergeant Caelin can be found outside the bank building at 1084.87, 1987.22, -10.00.

You say, 'Hail, Sergeant Caelin'

Sergeant Caelin says 'Hail, ______. You have nothing to fear from the gnolls. My men and I have been sent from Qeynos to help defend Fort Jaggedpine should those worthless curs make the mistake of assuming this will be a place of easy plunder. I've fought and slain scores of gnolls in my time. Were I not bound to my post here I would go forth and drive them from their dark cave to the north myself. However, I can offer you a [bounty], should you choose to take such a mission upon yourself.'

You say, 'What bounty?'

Sergeant Caelin says 'lf you choose to go and fight against the gnolls, I shall offer a bounty for every gnoll canine that you return to me. You look a bit more adventurous then many of those that live in this settlement. They seem a bit [docile].'

You say, 'How docile?'

Sergeant Caelin says 'Perhaps it comes from living in harmony with nature for an extended period of time but they are more concerned with trading food recipes and doing arts and crafts. I have offered to give them some basic training in the arts of war but they seem to have no interest. This is a dangerous world in which we live and failure to acknowledge that has meant the downfall of many a society. I won't let this happen on my watch, provided my [men] are on their toes.'

You say, 'What men?'

Sergeant Caelin says 'Guard Bossamir is a model soldier and a good man. I'm happy to have him watching my back. That Finewine character however, he is not worth the cost of the sword he wields. All he does is whine and complain. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and his family enrolled him in the guard to teach him some discipline but I've had no luck with him. He hasn‘t even turned in a [shift report] for weeks. Captain Tillin will bust me down to private if I don't deliver those soon.'

You say, 'What shift report?'

Sergeant Caelin says 'You have been helpful in our defense efforts. However, I can not be too careful about whom I trust with carrying this information. If you truly consider yourself an ally to Qeynos then no doubt you have assisted the city in its defense before. Show me your Qeynos Badge of Honor and I'll know I can trust you fully. I'll place my mark upon it should anyone question your authority to do this service for me.'

Gnolls that drop the canines are in the cave northeast of the village.

Upon turning in a Gnoll Canine:

Sergeant Caelin says 'Good work, that is one less gnoll we need to worry about!'
Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine got better.
Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk got better.
Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine got better.
Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos got better.
You gain experience!!
Jaggedpine Druid Boots (Normal): You need warmly faction with Residents of the Pine for Cheyloh to offer you the quest.

You say, 'Hail, Cheyloh Greenwood'

Cheyloh Greenwood smiles warmly, 'Greetings, traveler. Welcome to Fort Jaggedpine, our humble though suitable home. If you need my [tailoring talents], then please don't hesitate to ask. I'm more than willing to share our ancient knowledge with our kin from the outside world.'

You say, 'I'm in need of your talents.'

Cheyloh Greenwood says, 'I serve the Jaggedpine as a seamstress and my specialty is weaving. Oftentimes my father and his students will seek my skills to weave garments of an [ancient suit of leather] worn by our most adept and dedicated druids.'

You say, 'Tell me more of this ancient suit of leather'

Cheyloh Greenwood says, 'When our ancestors were new to the Jaggedpine and had only recently discovered the Throne of Karana's Thunder, a young seamstress, the druid Hymara Cloudweaver, learned how to accept nature's gifts in return for our services in protecting her. Hymara used these gifts to sew a complex suit of armor and then she wove energies of the wilderness into it. The armor was then worn by those who were devoted to the protection of the pine. We uphold her legacy to this day. Our most devoted druids follow a [path of devotion] in order to earn this armor.'

You say, 'Tell me more of this path of devotion.'

Cheyloh Greenwood says, 'One must protect nature with both faith and conviction to walk this path. The world they ward will then provide sacred gifts that they can use to weave the armor. Once that druid has [proven themselves worthy] of these gifts, one such as I would aid in the final steps to create the armor.'

You say, 'How would one prove themselves worthy?'

Cheyloh Greenwood raises her eyebrows and smiles warmly, 'Glad to hear it, my friend. If you wish to prove your devotion to nature, I'll lend my talents to your cause. There are several [pieces] of this suit of armor. Each piece requires a test of your faith and dedication.'

You say, 'Which pieces?'

Cheyloh Greenwood says, 'I can assist in creating the [leggings:I'd like to know more about the leggings.], [sleeves], [bracer], [boots], [gloves], and [circlet] of the Armor of the Pine. There are several components needed to complete a piece of armor and they vary between each piece. My father, Nolan Greenwood, is the only one with the skills to craft the most sacred piece -- the Tunic of the Pine.'

You say, 'I'd like to know more about the boots.'

Cheyloh Greenwood says, 'I will guide you, but ultimately you must prove yourself worthy of this item as a guardian of nature. Bring me two Polished Jade Plates from the potamide guardians of the Hatchling River. Our rangers reports indicate that our recently stolen jade ornaments to be in the possession of the potamides -- the jade items likely came into their grasp after they killed the poachers who raid our fort. Lerian Wyndrunner, found in the Surefall Glade, will guide you through acquiring the second item -- the Mithril Fern Boots.'

Lerian Wyndrunner is in Surefall Glade, off to the right after leaving the bear caves via the false wall behind the druid guild.

You say, 'What are the Mithril Fern Boots?'

Lerian Wyndrunner says, 'Cheyloh has caught the attentions of yet another druid seeking to prove themselves worthy of nature's gifts. If she has placed her trust and faith in you with this, one of our most sacred of tests and equipment, then I shall guide and aid you in parallel to her faith, my friend. I will need you to seek out two Shadowjade Fern Leaves, which you can forage from the Jaggedpine Forest, and a Jaggedpine Panther Hide. To obtain this hide, you will seek out one known as Fitorrin Bladespur. The citizens of Qeynos have reported that he has taken a ship to Odus. As he is a criminal, Erudin may have already disposed of him, but that is unlikely for Fitorrin is well informed and education on the ways of the world for one of such a debased profession as he. It would be wise to search the forest of Toxxulia for his whereabouts.'

Fittorin Bladespur may be found in Toxxulia Forest on the Paineel side of the zone. He is immune to root and snare, has around 2k hps, and is green to lvl 60.

Once you have all the pieces, hand Lerian the Jaggedpine Panther Hide and 2 Shadowjade Fern Leaves. This results in a NO TRADE Shadowjade Hidel.

Lerian Wyndrunner studies the hide carefully -- using his eyes, fingertips, and sense of smell to be sure that it is from a panther native to the Jaggedpine Forest. Having identified the hide, Lerian removes a small vial of clear oil and smears it across the flawless midnight fur. He then pulls a pinch of seeds from a small pouch at his waist, and begins to chant softly in his ancient druidic tongue. The seeds begin to sprout, growing at an unnatural pace from the nourishing oil. The fern embeds itself in a beautiful design upon the hide as they grow -- their roots and the thin, delicate vines rendering the flora secure in its place. Lerian then offers you the hide, 'You will need to seek out one other item -- the Blackened Mithril Boots from the kobold priest in Solusek's eye. Once you have the boots, you will need a master's knowledge of tailoring to carefully fit this hide over the boots before returning them to Cheyloh.'

Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 5.
Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 2.
Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos could not possibly get any better.
You gain experience!

You must now go to Solusek B to get Blackened Mithril Boots. When you have the boots, combine them with the Shadowjade in a Large Sewing Kit (it doesn't combine in a loom or a Small Sewing Kit) to craft Mithril Fern Boots, trivial 102.

Polished Jade Plates drop from "a potamide guardian."

Handing Cheyloh the Mithril Fern Boots and the Polished Jade Plates gives you Boots of the Pine.

Cheyloh Greenwood says, 'Ah... these will do nicely. Lerian's skill at tanning hide and your fine craftsmanship have allowed me to perfectly fit the plates onto the toes and sides of the boots. You've earned this reward with selflessness and an unwavering dedication to nature. May these boots serve you as you have served the world.'

Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 10.
Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk could not possibly get any better.
Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 5.
Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos could not possibly get any better.
You gain experience!
Reward: Boots of the Pine
Reward: Mithril Fern Boots

Jaggedpine Druid Bracer (Normal): You say, 'Hail, Cheyloh Greenwood'

Cheyloh Greenwood gives a warm smile, 'Greetings traveler and welcome to Fort Jaggedpine, our humble, though suitable home. If you have need of my [wares or talents], then please do not hesitate to inquire. I am always more than willing to share our ancient knowledge with our kin of the outside world.'

You say, 'what wares or talents'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'Here in the Jaggedpine, I serve as a seamstress and one of many protectors of our precious home. Our people will often come to me in search of my talents in the ways of weaving. Often times my father and his students will seek to borrow my knowledge of the natural world and The Rainkeeper to weave specific pieces of an [ancient suit of leather] worn by our most adept and dedicated of druids.''

You say, 'what is the ancient suit of leather'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'When our ancestors were young to the Jaggedpine and the Throne of Karana's Thunder was in the fledgling years of its establishment, a young seamstress and druid by the name of Hymara Cloudweaver discovered the laws of accepting nature's gifts in return for our services in protecting her. Hymara used these gifts of the wilderness to sew a complex suit of armor, which she then wove energies of the wilderness into. These gifts were used solely for the purpose of the protection of the pine, and we uphold her legacy to t his day. The armor is acquired upon a [path of devotion] successfully walked by our most devoted of druids.''

You say, 'i will prove myself worthy of these gifts'

Cheyloh Greenwood raises a brow and gives another gentle smile toward Solkinx, 'Very well, my friend. If you wish to take upon yourself the task to prove your devotion to nature, I will be more than willing to lend my talents justly to your cause. There are several individual [pieces] to this mystic suit of armor, and each piece requires a test of your faith and dedication to that which you have declared your life to protect.

You say, 'what are these pieces'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'My skills and knowledge of history extends my talents to the creation of the [leggings], [sleeves], [bracer], [boots], [gloves], and [circlet] of the Armor of the Pine. My father, Nolan Greenwood, is the only who holds the necessary faith and mastery in the knowledge of history that is needed to make the most sacred and powerful piece of this set -- the Tunic of the Pine. There are several components needed to complete each piece of armor that I specifically am able to create. Those components vary between each individual piece. You will need to endeavor through several tasks to complete the set, but as with nature, there is no true order to the tasks that you must complete. Tell me which piece you wish to [acquire], and I shall guide you as necessary.'

You say, 'I wish to acquire a bracer'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'Then you shall work to obtain that which you desire, my friend. Nature's gifts are not given without justification and you must prove yourself worthy of this most sacred of our items. I will ask that you venture out into the wilds and procure the Polished Jade Blossoms and the Bracer of Braided Pine and return them to me. The Jade Blossoms are not traditional flora -- they are of the jade stones carved by our artisans and blessed by our elders. You will likely find them in the Potameid Caves, where many of our recently lost charms have turned up as of late. The Potameid Temptresses use the blossoms as charms around their necks, from what the scouts have gathered. To acquire the bracer, you must seek out Lerian Wyndrunner, who currently resides in the Surefall Glade, and seek his guidance.''

You say, 'what is the bracer of braided pine?'

Lerian Wyndrunner says 'This is an item that you will need to work hard to obtain, my friend, but I shall guide you through this task -- if you can appeal to the world that you have dedicated your life to and receive her acceptance and gifts. I will need two specific items from you to create that which Cheyloh has requested of you. Those items are the Black Rawhide Bracer and the [Braids of Pine]. The rangers of the Jaggedpine Treefolk have informed me that Ryleen Bladespur, one of the poachers to have recently infested our forest, has made her way to South Karana to sell much of her stolen wears within the underground market of Norrath. Seek her out and you will find the bracer.''

You say, 'what are braids of pine?'

Lerian Wyndrunner says 'This item you will need to make on your own by carefully weaving strands of Shadowjade Moss, Jaggedpine Needles, and Potameid Braids into one delicate strand. The forest will offer the Shadowjade Moss and Jaggedpine Needles to you if she deems you worthy of her gifts. The braids, however, you must take from the Potameid Wildlings of the Hatchling River. Be sure that your mastery in the ways of tailoring are in the forefront of your mind when you attempt this feat, for anything less will result in the destruction of these delicate materials.''

Ryleen Bladespur is roughly the same as the two previous Bladespurs, and can be found in South Karana, south-west of the aviak village. Potameid wildlings are light blue at 60, immune to snare/root/slow/stun, and if the braids are on their loot table then they're realy realy rare.
Reward: Bracer of Braided Pine
Reward: Bracer of the Pine

Jaggedpine Druid Circlet (Normal): You say, 'Hail, Cheyloh Greenwood'

Cheyloh Greenwood gives a warm smile, 'Greetings traveler and welcome to Fort Jaggedpine, our humble, though suitable home. If you have need of my [wares or talents], then please do not hesitate to inquire. I am always more than willing to share our ancient knowledge with our kin of the outside world.'

You say, 'what wares or talents'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'Here in the Jaggedpine, I serve as a seamstress and one of many protectors of our precious home. Our people will often come to me in search of my talents in the ways of weaving. Often times my father and his students will seek to borrow my knowledge of the natural world and The Rainkeeper to weave specific pieces of an [ancient suit of leather] worn by our most adept and dedicated of druids.''

You say, 'what is the ancient suit of leather'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'When our ancestors were young to the Jaggedpine and the Throne of Karana's Thunder was in the fledgling years of its establishment, a young seamstress and druid by the name of Hymara Cloudweaver discovered the laws of accepting nature's gifts in return for our services in protecting her. Hymara used these gifts of the wilderness to sew a complex suit of armor, which she then wove energies of the wilderness into. These gifts were used solely for the purpose of the protection of the pine, and we uphold her legacy to t his day. The armor is acquired upon a [path of devotion] successfully walked by our most devoted of druids.''

You say, 'i will prove myself worthy of these gifts'

Cheyloh Greenwood raises a brow and gives another gentle smile toward Solkinx, 'Very well, my friend. If you wish to take upon yourself the task to prove your devotion to nature, I will be more than willing to lend my talents justly to your cause. There are several individual [pieces] to this mystic suit of armor, and each piece requires a test of your faith and dedication to that which you have declared your life to protect.

You say, 'what are these pieces'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'My skills and knowledge of history extends my talents to the creation of the [leggings], [sleeves], [bracer], [boots], [gloves], and [circlet] of the Armor of the Pine. My father, Nolan Greenwood, is the only who holds the necessary faith and mastery in the knowledge of history that is needed to make the most sacred and powerful piece of this set -- the Tunic of the Pine. There are several components needed to complete each piece of armor that I specifically am able to create. Those components vary between each individual piece. You will need to endeavor through several tasks to complete the set, but as with nature, there is no true order to the tasks that you must complete. Tell me which piece you wish to [acquire], and I shall guide you as necessary.'

You say, 'I wish to acquire a circlet'

Cheyloh Greenwood nods softly, 'Then you shall endeavor to earn them, my friend. Nature will provide to you what it is you provide to her -- if you protect her, she shall in-turn offer shelter and provide to you. I shall aid you, as is my duty here, but you must set out on your own before my aid can be granted. There are two items you must seek; a Polished Jade Tear that resides in the clutches of Lameriae the Alluring, a powerful Potameid Temptress who seduced and killed on of the Blackguard's most cunning of thieves and hunters. It is said that she holds the tear, which was given to her by the entranced Blackguard before he drowned to death. The second item you must retrieve for me is a Shadowjade Circlet that Jhaya Wyndrunner in Surefall Glade will aid you to acquire -- all you need to do approach and ask her.'

Jhaya Wyndrunner is on the the side of the druid's guild opposite to her brother Lerian in surefall glade.

You say, 'what shadowjade circlet?'

Jhaya Wyndrunner says 'I see that Cheyloh has been keeping herself quite busy with the recent opening of our lands to Qeynos, and I am pleased to know that our brethren of the world beyond the Jaggedpine have an interest in our ways. I will aid you to create the circlet, but I must ask that you brave the wilds and turmoil of this world to retrieve two items that I will then weave into the circlet for you. The items I need are a Shadowjade Weave, which you will make with your own hands by weaving two Shadowjade Vines and two strands of Shadowjade Moss together -- both components you may find by foraging through the Jaggedpine forest. Be sure that your mastery of tailoring is up to par when attempting this feat, for the components are delicate and will be destroyed in the hands of the inexperienced. The second item I am in need of is a [Blackened Mithril Chain].''

You say, 'what blackened mithril chain?'

Jhaya Wyndrunner says 'The artisans of Qeynos have provided a wonderful counterpart to our natural, although nearly depleted resource that was once used when making this line of our sacred armor. Unfortunately, the one who last attempted to retrieve the chain was killed in Lavastorm by one of the poachers, who seek the Blackened Mithril for their own reasons -- likely to steal our recipe and sell the corrupted versions of these treasured items on the underground market of Norrath. In any case, we have heard that the chain was sold to one appropriately named Nyuae the Cruel -- a Teir'Dal enchantress. What her motives are, I am unsure of, but we do know that she has taken refuge in the Ocean of Tears. Retrieve the Blackened Mithril Chain and return it to me with the Shadowjade Weave.''

1. Forage 2 Shadowjade Moss and 2 Shadowjade Fern Leaves.
2. Combine 2 Shadowjade Moss and 2 Shadowjade Fern Leaves in a large sewing kit to make Shadowjade Weave (triv 68).
3. Kill Nyuae the Cruel in OOT and loot Blackened Mithril Chain.
4. Give Shadowjade Weave and Blackened Mithril Chain to Jhaya Wyndrunner in SFG. She will return to you Shadowjade Circlet (5ac, 10hp, 10 mana).
5. Kill Lamerie the Alluring, a Potameid Temptress in JPF and loot Polished Jade Tear.
6. Give Polished Jade Tear and Shadowjade Circlet to Cheyloh Greenwood in JPF for Circlet of the Pine.

Nyuae the Cruel is in the ocean of tears on the dinosaur island. She's also light blue to 60 and is a necromancer. The shadowjade weave requires 2 shadowjade moss and 2 shadowjade fern leaves combined in a large sewing kit, not trivial at 165 skill. Handing the shadowjade weave and blackened mithril chain to Jhaya results in a shadowjade circlet (5ac, 10hp, 10mana). Reward: Shadowjade Circlet
Reward: Circlet of the Pine

Jaggedpine Druid Gloves (Normal): You say, 'Hail, Cheyloh Greenwood'

Cheyloh Greenwood gives a warm smile, 'Greetings traveler and welcome to Fort Jaggedpine, our humble, though suitable home. If you have need of my [wares or talents], then please do not hesitate to inquire. I am always more than willing to share our ancient knowledge with our kin of the outside world.'

You say, 'what wares or talents'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'Here in the Jaggedpine, I serve as a seamstress and one of many protectors of our precious home. Our people will often come to me in search of my talents in the ways of weaving. Often times my father and his students will seek to borrow my knowledge of the natural world and The Rainkeeper to weave specific pieces of an [ancient suit of leather] worn by our most adept and dedicated of druids.''

You say, 'what is the ancient suit of leather'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'When our ancestors were young to the Jaggedpine and the Throne of Karana's Thunder was in the fledgling years of its establishment, a young seamstress and druid by the name of Hymara Cloudweaver discovered the laws of accepting nature's gifts in return for our services in protecting her. Hymara used these gifts of the wilderness to sew a complex suit of armor, which she then wove energies of the wilderness into. These gifts were used solely for the purpose of the protection of the pine, and we uphold her legacy to t his day. The armor is acquired upon a [path of devotion] successfully walked by our most devoted of druids.''

You say, 'i will prove myself worthy of these gifts'

Cheyloh Greenwood raises a brow and gives another gentle smile toward Solkinx, 'Very well, my friend. If you wish to take upon yourself the task to prove your devotion to nature, I will be more than willing to lend my talents justly to your cause. There are several individual [pieces] to this mystic suit of armor, and each piece requires a test of your faith and dedication to that which you have declared your life to protect.

You say, 'what are these pieces'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'My skills and knowledge of history extends my talents to the creation of the [leggings], [sleeves], [bracer], [boots], [gloves], and [circlet] of the Armor of the Pine. My father, Nolan Greenwood, is the only who holds the necessary faith and mastery in the knowledge of history that is needed to make the most sacred and powerful piece of this set -- the Tunic of the Pine. There are several components needed to complete each piece of armor that I specifically am able to create. Those components vary between each individual piece. You will need to endeavor through several tasks to complete the set, but as with nature, there is no true order to the tasks that you must complete. Tell me which piece you wish to [acquire], and I shall guide you as necessary.'

You say, 'I wish to acquire gloves'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'A most wise choice, friend. You must continue to uphold the sacred duties that you have pledged your existence to and thus gain nature's recognition and full acceptance to fulfill this task. The items I am in need of so that I might properly weave the gloves are Polished Jade Studs and Forest Woven Gloves. The Polished Jade Studs you will find in the Potameid Caves, where much of our sacred jade ornaments have found their way by the fates of the thieves and poachers who infest this land and frequently raid our homes. Our scouts believe the Potameid Matriarchs to hold the jade studs, and I would heed their advice to discourage any unnecessary danger to you. The Forest Woven Gloves will require further aid from a member of the Jaggedpine to obtain. Seek out my beloved, Lerian in the Surefall Glade and inquire to him about the gloves. He will know who has sent you and the full details of the task before you.'

You say, 'what are forest woven gloves?'

Lerian Wyndrunner says 'The gloves you seek to acquire will take much patience and perseverance on your behalf to be successful in obtaining. I can guide you as to who and what you must seek and give you the proper instructions to fulfill your part before I can give the final touch to creating the Forest Woven Gloves. The task you must fulfill before returning to me to complete the final process in the item's creation is to use your own mastery in the ways of tailoring to create the Blackened Mithril Netted Gloves. There are two components for this item -- one is the Tattered Panther Hide Gloves, which you will likely find upon a renegade poacher known as Theoris Bladespur, who the scouts of the Glade have informed me currently resides in East Karana. The second item is the [Blackened Mithril Netting].'

You say, 'what is blackened mithril netting?'

Lerian Wyndrunner says 'This material is new to the creation of the gloves, as the resource we had once used grows dangerously scarce. I have spoken with the craftsman of Qeynos and they have given me the knowledge of the Blackened Mithril, which can be found in the clutches of the kobold king's guard who resides in Solusek's Eye. The artisans of Qeynos say that the Blackened Mithril is light and its ability to hold an enchantment is unsurpassed by anything they have yet to find on Antonica, making it suitable for our intentions of creating this item. Once you have successfully made the Blackened Mithril Netted Gloves, you will need to return them to me with the Shadowjade Moss and Shadowjade Fern Leaves, both of which you can safely procure in the Jaggedpine, if the forest will allow you take of it.'

The blackened mithril netting drops off a kobold advisor, also in the king area of solb. the advisor is a light blue to 60 shaman. He's either immune to changes in run speed or so resistant as to make little difference. Theoris Bladespur is roughly the same lvl/difficulty as Fitorrin, and spawns in east karana at the bandit camp by the druid ring. Combining the blackened mithril netting and tattered panther hide gloves in a large sewing kit results in Blackened mithril netted gloves, and isn't trivial at 165. Handing the blackened mithril netted gloves, 1 shadow jade fern leaf, and 1 shadowjade moss to Lerian results in Forest Woven Gloves (5ac, 10hp, 10mana).
Reward: Forest Woven Gloves
Reward: Gloves of the Pine

Jaggedpine Druid Leggings (Incomplete): You say, 'Hail, Cheyloh Greenwood'

Cheyloh Greenwood gives a warm smile, 'Greetings traveler and welcome to Fort Jaggedpine, our humble, though suitable home. If you have need of my [wares or talents], then please do not hesitate to inquire. I am always more than willing to share our ancient knowledge with our kin of the outside world.'

You say, 'what wares or talents'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'Here in the Jaggedpine, I serve as a seamstress and one of many protectors of our precious home. Our people will often come to me in search of my talents in the ways of weaving. Often times my father and his students will seek to borrow my knowledge of the natural world and The Rainkeeper to weave specific pieces of an [ancient suit of leather] worn by our most adept and dedicated of druids.''

You say, 'what is the ancient suit of leather'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'When our ancestors were young to the Jaggedpine and the Throne of Karana's Thunder was in the fledgling years of its establishment, a young seamstress and druid by the name of Hymara Cloudweaver discovered the laws of accepting nature's gifts in return for our services in protecting her. Hymara used these gifts of the wilderness to sew a complex suit of armor, which she then wove energies of the wilderness into. These gifts were used solely for the purpose of the protection of the pine, and we uphold her legacy to t his day. The armor is acquired upon a [path of devotion] successfully walked by our most devoted of druids.''

You say, 'i will prove myself worthy of these gifts'

Cheyloh Greenwood raises a brow and gives another gentle smile toward Solkinx, 'Very well, my friend. If you wish to take upon yourself the task to prove your devotion to nature, I will be more than willing to lend my talents justly to your cause. There are several individual [pieces] to this mystic suit of armor, and each piece requires a test of your faith and dedication to that which you have declared your life to protect.

You say, 'what are these pieces'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'My skills and knowledge of history extends my talents to the creation of the [leggings], [sleeves], [bracer], [boots], [gloves], and [circlet] of the Armor of the Pine. My father, Nolan Greenwood, is the only who holds the necessary faith and mastery in the knowledge of history that is needed to make the most sacred and powerful piece of this set -- the Tunic of the Pine. There are several components needed to complete each piece of armor that I specifically am able to create. Those components vary between each individual piece. You will need to endeavor through several tasks to complete the set, but as with nature, there is no true order to the tasks that you must complete. Tell me which piece you wish to [acquire], and I shall guide you as necessary.'

You say, 'I wish to acquire leggings'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'Very well, Aldreaath. There are two components that you will need to return to me; [Polished Jade Acorns] and [Moss-Threaded Rawhide Leggings]. But procuring those items will not be easy, and I can guarantee that you will plunge yourself into danger. However, you should not fear this for we must often selflessly endanger ourselves to fulfill our ultimate goals -- the protection of the natural world. Through these endeavors, your success will be rewarded by nature�s recognition and she shall grant to you the gifts you will need to complete this task before you.'

You say, 'what polished jade acorns?'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'Every piece of the Armor of the Pine requires a special stone. These stones have been carved into different shapes by our artisans, and each one blessed by our elder warders of the pine. Unfortunately, the introduction of the poachers with the creation of the passageway between the forest and the den of Blackburrow has brought us to a loss for these sacred items. The Blackguard family and their henchmen have raided our fort several times, stealing our materials to be sold illegally within the underground market of Norrath. However, the poachers are very limited in their knowledge of this area and our ranger scouts have informed us that [Myraephe the Pure] killed the one who stole the specific stones we need.'

You say, 'who is Myraephe the pure?'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'The Hatchling River -- a beautiful waterway jealously protected by the nymph spirits known as Potameides, fuels the lifeblood of this forest. These naiads are beautiful creatures, who at one time were benevolent to us until the development of great cultures and the construction of great cities destroyed much of the nymph kind. The Potameides felt the loss of their sisters and became hostile to all mortals alike, viewing our presence as a threat to their very existence. Myraephe is one of the ancient Potameides and our scouts have said that recently, she wears a necklace made of Polished Stone Acorns. Seek Myraede and retrieve the acorns as you will, my friend -- and know neither regret nor sorrow for your actions as their intentions have been influenced by the threat of the Unkempt Wood to the east. The Potameid spirit will return to protect the river its spirit is bound to, so long as the river itself does not become corrupt.'

You say, 'what are moss threaded rawhide leggings?'

Lerian Wyndrunner says 'Aaaahh. . . I see that you have chosen to embark on the sacred path of the Jaggedpine. No doubt my dearest Cheyloh has sent you, and if she has placed her trust in you and given you the sacred knowledge to embark on this ancient quest, then my services are at your disposal in this cause, my friend. To create the Moss Threaded Rawhide Leggings, you will need to obtain the [needed components] that I will work with to make the leggings.'

You say, 'what are the needed components?'

Lerian Wyndrunner says 'The recipe for the Moss Threaded Rawhide Leggings is very specific, and the materials that I am about to describe to you must be exact for the creation of the Leggings of the Pine to be properly completed. From you, I will need a pair of Ruined Rawhide Leggings and a [Spool of Moss Thread]. The ruined leggings you will likely find in the Shrine of Brell Serilis, located beneath our forest. When the gnolls first arrived in the Jaggedpine, they raided our fort several times and although no lives have yet to be lost specifically to their talons, something of which I give praise and thanks to The Rainkeeper for daily, the gnolls have stolen our supplies from time to time.'

You say, 'what is a spool of moss thread?'

Lerian Wyndrunner says 'This item you will need to use your own hands, patience, and devotion to the natural world to create. A mastery of the skill of weaving -- tailoring -- is very important when attmpting to handle such a feat. The items that you must weave to make this enchanted thread are the Shadowjade Moss and Threads of the Hatchling. The Shadowjade Moss you will find as a gift from the Jaggedpine for your services to her. If you search carefully and with selfless patience, she will grant you a perfect specimen suitable for the creation of this item. The Threads of the Hatchling you must acquire from the Potameid Bewilders in the caves located off the Hatchling River. May The Rainkeeper guide you in your quest, my friend, and I look forward to your return.'

Myraephe the Pure I found in the river near the poacher camp, she was light blue to 60, and immune to root/snare. The ruined rawhide leggings I looted off of a darkpaw mystic in the darkpaw cave in jaggedpine.
Reward: Leggings of the Pine

Jaggedpine Druid Sleeves (Normal): Cheyloh Greenwood is in the first house next to the Gate Stone, at 1265, 1965.

You say, 'Hail, Cheyloh Greenwood'

Cheyloh Greenwood gives a warm smile, 'Greetings traveler and welcome to Fort Jaggedpine, our humble, though suitable home. If you have need of my [wares or talents], then please do not hesitate to inquire. I am always more than willing to share our ancient knowledge with our kin of the outside world.'

You say, 'What wares or talents?'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'Here in the Jaggedpine, I serve as a seamstress and one of many protectors of our precious home. Our people will often come to me in search of my talents in the ways of weaving. Often times my father and his students will seek to borrow my knowledge of the natural world and The Rainkeeper to weave specific pieces of an [ancient suit of leather] worn by our most adept and dedicated of druids.''

You say, 'What is the ancient suit of leather?'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'When our ancestors were young to the Jaggedpine and the Throne of Karana's Thunder was in the fledgling years of its establishment, a young seamstress and druid by the name of Hymara Cloudweaver discovered the laws of accepting nature's gifts in return for our services in protecting her. Hymara used these gifts of the wilderness to sew a complex suit of armor, which she then wove energies of the wilderness into. These gifts were used solely for the purpose of the protection of the pine, and we uphold her legacy to this day. The armor is acquired upon a [path of devotion] successfully walked by our most devoted of druids.'

You say, 'What is the path of devotion?'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'One must protect nature to the fullest of their abilities in both faith and conviction to walk this path. The world they ward will in-turn present her sacred gifts unto those who walk this path with the true desire, intent, and fulfillment of their duties. To weave specific components of the armor, the druid uses these gifts of the nature and once that druid has [proven themselves worthy] of these gifts, one such as I would aid in the final steps to create the armor.'

You say, 'I will prove myself worthy of these gifts.'

Cheyloh Greenwood raises a brow and gives another gentle smile toward ______, 'Very well, my friend. If you wish to take upon yourself the task to prove your devotion to nature, I will be more than willing to lend my talents justly to your cause. There are several individual [pieces] to this mystic suit of armor, and each piece requires a test of your faith and dedication to that which you have declared your life to protect.

You say, 'What are these pieces?'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'My skills and knowledge of history extends my talents to the creation of the [leggings], [sleeves], [bracer], [boots], [gloves], and [circlet] of the Armor of the Pine. My father, Nolan Greenwood, is the only who holds the necessary faith and mastery in the knowledge of history that is needed to make the most sacred and powerful piece of this set -- the Tunic of the Pine. There are several components needed to complete each piece of armor that I specifically am able to create. Those components vary between each individual piece. You will need to endeavor through several tasks to complete the set, but as with nature, there is no true order to the tasks that you must complete. Tell me which piece you wish to [acquire], and I shall guide you as necessary.'

You say, 'I wish to acquire sleeves.'

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'If that is your wish, my friend. You will need to seek out two items and return them to me. In the depths of the Potameid caves located off of the Hatchling River, you will find the Potameid Protectors. Our ranger scouts have found many of our sacred jade ornaments scattered throughout the possession of the Potameides. Reports stating that the protectors to hold the Polished Jade Leaves, which you must acquire for the sleeves, have been delivered by our scouts. The second item that you must return to me are the Shark Tooth Sleeves. Seek out Lerian Wyndrunner in Surefall Glade and he will guide you in that task.'

Find Lerian Wyndrunner (/loc?).

You say, 'What are shark tooth sleeves?'

Lerian Wyndrunner says 'You seek to prove yourself upon the ancient and sacred path of the Jaggedpine, I see. You will need to procure two specific items for me so that I might make one of the components that you will need to produce the sleeves. Yes, my, friend, you will be making the final product with your own hands and patience, as is the ultimate test of this path -- to prove that you are willing and able to earn these items on your own accord. The items I need to make the Reinforced Rawhide Sleeves are a Shark Rib from one of the great behemoths of Kedge, and a Flayed Panther Hide. The hide you will find upon one of the poachers that have taken it upon themselves to establish an outpost in our forest. The one you will find to have such hide within their possession is Yranik Blackguard.'

Hand in the items:

Lerian Wyndrunner inspects the rib and the hide, checking for imperfections that might disable him from completing his work. Satisfied with the quality of the components, Lerian places the rib in the center of the hide, which is draped over his arm. He then begins to speak softly in an ancient, druidic tongue that is foreign to your ears and knowledge. As he speaks, the black fur of the hide seems to pierce the cartilage shark rib, binding it in-place. The rest of the hide folds back, wrapping itself around the druid's arm. Lerian then completes his chant and removes the Reinforced Rawhide Sleeves from his arm and offers it to Silverfur, 'There is [more that you must do], my friend, before this task is complete.'

Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine got better.
Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk got better.
Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine got better.
Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos got better.
You gain experience!!

You receive Reinforced Rawhide Sleeves.

You say, 'What more must I do?'

Lerian Wyndrunner says 'Return to Kedge and find two Discarded Shark Teeth. These teeth you will likely find at the bottom of the oceanic ruins and need not interfere with the corrupted, coerced slaves of Phinagel to acquire the teeth. Yes, we know of Phinagel and the gruesome legend that surrounds him -- remember, he is indeed very old and his 'accomplishments' with the Kedge race happened long before the Jaggedpine borders were sealed off. We are not entirely ignorant to the outside world -- it is just the modern times that have become a bit of a mystery. Once you have acquired the teeth, you will need to sew them onto the reinforced sleeves that I have just given you. Be sure you hold a master's eye in the art of tailoring when attempting this feat, for the thread is very thin and will break at the touch of an armature's attempt.'

Combine the Reinforced Rawhide Sleeves and 2 x Discarded Shark Tooth via tailoring to craft Shark Tooth Sleeves (trivial unknown). Acquire Polished Jade Leaves from potameids. Hand in the items to Cheyloh:

Cheyloh Greenwood says 'Marvelously done, my friend. I cam pleased to know that the natural world has embraced and recognized you so. I have bound the moss thread to the Polished Jade Leaves and your sleeves are complete. Take them and wear them with the selfless knowledge that you are equal to all of nature's most devoted warders.'

Any faction hits/experience at the end? Reward: Sleeves of the Pine
Reward: Reinforced Rawhide Sleeves

Jaggedpine Poacher Heads (Normal): You say, 'Hail, Randel Stormwind'

Randel Stormwind says 'Well met, ______. This has been a very stressful time for many of us and some of us have been kind of edgy lately. We've lived here for generations and in relative seclusion and we enjoyed a simple life for the most part. Unfortunately, this was not to last and the sudden [change] has left many on edge.'

You say, 'what change'

Randel Stormwind says 'There are a lot of people that resent the outsiders and view their presence as corrupting our way of life. It's more then just the new guards and the sudden influx of people though. This is sort of a long story that begins when my grandfather was just a lad. It was during the rule of Antonius III that public [access] to the Jaggedpine Forest [was restricted].'

You say, 'why was access restricted' (Player Note: You cannot click on "access" or "was restricted" you must type the combo out.)

Randel Stormwind says 'The Protectors of the Pine became concerned when adventurers began wandering through Jaggedpine Forest and into the Unkempt Wood. Most that did were never heard from ever again. The residents of Surefall feared retaliation from the Unkempt for those trespassing into their territory and Antonius smartly reasoned that if Surefall Glade were to be taken, Qeynos would surely be next. So he declared Jaggedpine Forest and all points eastward off limits. So it was just our ancestors that dwelled on the [Throne of Karana's Fury].'

You say, 'what throne of karanas fury'

(Player Note: [poacher] skips most of the quest dialog and moves to the "poaching" step below.)

Randel Stormwind says 'Yes, that was what this place was called until recently but I'll get to that part in a minute. We who acted as stewards were allowed to come and go as we pleased through Surefall Glade. For the longest time things were peaceful. Sure, we had problems with the odd [poacher] here or there but for the most part it was peaceful. However, trouble began when an [outsider] snuck through Surefall Glade and entered the Unkempt Wood.'

You say, 'outsider'

Randel Stormwind says, 'She was a Koada`Dal Enchantress that frequently visited the libraries of Erudin. She heard about the strange Tunare worshipers and sought to investigate them. She barely escaped with her life and was found half dead by a kind ranger by the name of Jorgan Leafrunner. He took her back here and nursed her back to health. As a matter of course, they fell in love with each other. [Love is blind] they say.'

You say, 'Love is blind'

Randel Stormwind says, 'She was a woman of the world, very agnostic in her beliefs and much different at the core from Jorgan who was a devout follower of Tunare. She began to corrupt him with her worldly beliefs and to turn him away from Tunare. She thought our name for what we call home was silly and began a campaign to convince other to change the name to [Fort Jaggedpine]. Whether it was by magic or diplomacy, she was successful in her campaign and the name was changed.'

You say, 'Fort Jaggedpine'

Randel Stormwind says, 'Well, as you can well see, this is not much of a fortress. It is more of a collection of cabins really. Many were angry with the change and feared that Karana would punish them for changing the name and failing to honor the [gift] he had bestowed upon us.'

You say, 'gift'

Randel Stormwind says, 'Ages ago, around the time that Qeynos was first being built, a terrifying storm swept the land. A massive lightning strike caused a fire and then a tempest descended from the sky and all but cleared this land we stand upon today. A group looking for a place to settle took this as a sign from Karana and built their homes here and named this place the Throne of Karana's Fury. This is a story we've all heard as children. Many are starting to become [superstitious] and feel that the gnolls moving in is our punishment for removing Karana's name from our settlement.'

You say, 'superstitious'

Randel Stormwind says, 'Well it was quite a while ago that this happened. And Jorgan Leafrunner passed away a long time ago. However, his grandson Jeremy Leafrunner still lives, as does his grandmother Elishia who moved back to Felwithe after her husband's death. Many blame them for the trouble we are having now and for the sudden changes to our way of life. Already I have noticed an increase in [poaching].'

You say, 'what poaching'

Randel Stormwind says 'Yes poachers often sneak in and mindlessly kill our sacred bears for their skins. Often they'll kill a mother bear and leave their cubs for dead. If I am able, I'll take the cub and raise it. If I do my job well, I'm able to release the bear back into the wild once it is old enough to fend for itself. There is one [group] of poachers I'm particularly worried about though.'

You say, 'what group'

Randel Stormwind says 'They are a pair of ne'er-do-well couples that have been terrorizing the animals recently, killing and maiming every creature they happen across. It's their sick idea of sport. They need to be stopped. They call themselves the [Pirates of the Pine].'

You say, 'what pirates of the pine'

Randel Stormwind says 'They are a bunch of good for nothing lowlives! I would stop them myself but sadly, I lack skill with a weapon. You on the other hand, look like you can handle yourself pretty well. If you are able to bring these four to justice, return to me with proof. You will be justly compensated for your efforts.'

  • Hand him 4 heads from Poacher camp at -700 -1300... they drop off rare spawned named respectively.

    Head of Elishia Blackguard
    Head of Reynold Blackguard
    Head of Vaurien Sticklebush
    Head of Zed Sticklebush

    Randel Stormwind says 'Great Karana's blessing!! I see justice by your hand is both swift and eternal. I would never have had the skill nor the heart to carry out these miscreant's punishment the way you have. I'm glad to call you a friend and not an enemy. Well, I did promise just compensation for your efforts and I'm true to my word. Please take this ring as a token of my gratitude.'

    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 50
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 25
    Your faction standing with Protectors of the Pine has been adjusted by 25
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 5 Reward: Sigil Ring of Jaggedpine

    Jeremy's Letter (Normal): Jeremy Leafrunner is located by the camp fire and asks you to deliver a letter to his grandmother.

    NOTE: this quest can only be completed once Planes of Power have been unlocked, snce Elishia Leafrunner won't spawn before that.

    You say, 'Hail, Jeremy Leafrunner'

    Jeremy Leafrunner says 'Hello there _____. Nice day today isn't it? We really appreciate the help that the city of Qeynos has offered us in defense of [Fort Jaggedpine].'

    You say, 'Fort Jaggedpine?'

    Jeremy Leafrunner says 'That's the name my grandfather and grandmother gave to this place a while ago. Great name don't you think? Well at least I think it is anyway. My grandmother moved away after my grandfather passed away a long time ago. Are you [planning a trip to Felwithe] any time soon?'

    You say, 'I am planning a trip to Felwithe'

    Jeremy Leafrunner says 'Hey that's great. I don't see much of my grandmother these days, would you be [willing to deliver a letter] to her?'

    You say, 'I am willing to deliver a letter'

    Jeremy Leafrunner says 'Thanks a bunch, I really appreciate it! Here take this to her. Her name is Elishia.'

    You receive Letter to Elishia.

    Elishia Leafrunner can be found in Southern Felwithe at +367 -867. Give her the letter.

    Elishia Leafrunner says 'Oh, a letter from my grandson? Thank you very much. I haven't been able to talk to him recently. Would you mind taking a [letter back to him] for me?'

    Your faction standing with Keepers of the Art has been adjusted by 10.
    Your faction standing with King Tearis Thex has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Faydarks Champions has been adjusted by 1.
    Your faction standing with The Dead has been adjusted by -2.

    Continuing to talk to Elishia gets you another letter to take back to Jeremy.

    NOTE: Elishia's text is currently broken, she doesn't say anything when you give her the letter. Tell her 'I will take a letter back to him' and she will give you Letter to Jeremy.

    Delivering this letter to Jeremy gets you more faction.

    Jeremy Leafrunner says 'Thank you very much!'

    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 10.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.

    Order of the Storm Caller (Normal): You must be Ally (with what?) to get this quest.

    You say, 'Hail, Shayna Thunderhand'

    Shayna Thunderhand gives a soft smile and delicate motion with her hand and bow of her head, 'Greetings, Fastasia. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Shayna Thunderhand -- sorceress of The Rainkeeper and one of many ambassadors to the Jaggedpine. The recent events have yielded quite an interesting turn in our [organization's] duties -- and we are very excited to once again be reunited with our brethren and homeland.'

    You say, 'What is your organization's duties?'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'The Order of the Storm Caller is one whose roots are tied with the foundation of Qeynos and it's establishments dedicated to the arcane sciences. When the Jaggedpine forest and it's culture and people were still a part of the Qeynos kingdom, the wizards, magicians, and enchanters of Qeynos invited those from the Jaggedpine to partake in their fledgling studies. Gladly, our ancestors did so and returned to the forest with their newfound knowledge and passion in the art of the arcane. It was then that our elders felt that a new order must be established -- the Order of the Storm Callers. As with all existing orders of The Rainkeeper, we had a [founding member] -- one who made it possible for us to maintain our studies and interweave it into our everlasting faith in Karana.'

    You say, 'Who was your founding member?'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'A wise and stoic woman by the name of Toliara Stormcaller was the first of our ancestors to master the art of wizardry. When she returned to the Jaggedpine with her newfound knowledge, the elders were very intrigued. She was asked to coordinate the efforts of all the Jaggedpine natives that had taken an interest and shown their adept talents in the ways of the arcane and form an opening ceremony to take place during the winter solstice celebration. Gladly and excitedly, she did so. The magicians, wizards, and enchanters loyal to The Rainkeeper met for several months, formulating [plans] and establishing [rituals] that would usher their order into the collective goal and cause of Karana's faithful.'

    You say, 'What plans and rituals?'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'The night before the sacred annual ritual and festival, the hierophant of Karana passed into the great Eye of Karana's Storm. A new hierophant was to be named at the ceremony sited at the Throne of Karana's Thunder. It is tradition that when a new hierophant is recognized, that the elders of each artisan, spiritual, and military order present the sacred item of their order that would then be wielded in the sacred ceremony -- in this case, it was the winter solstice. Toliara called upon her brothers and sisters of the arcane sciences and together they forged an [item] of considerable power significant to that which The Rainkeeper sacredly represents.'

    You say, 'What item?'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'The enchanters, who were also artisans highly skilled in the ways of jewel craft and even blacksmithing, were asked to forge a golden scepter with a hollow cradle at its peak. The magicians then conjured the elemental essences of the storm -- water and air and sealed them in an azure sphere that was created from pure, enchanted elemental water. Toliara and her fellow wizards would spend days researching and creating a spell and rune of their own with which they would fulfill the purpose of the item. She etched the sacred runes upon the base of the scepter and sealed the separate items into one whole. Upon the dawn of the winter solstice, the fledgling order met at the Shrine of Karana where they would then [firmly establish themselves] among Karana's most faithful.'

    You say, 'How did they establish themselves?'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'The new hierophant was named and it was he that would lead the opening ceremonies of the solstice dawn. Tradition dictates that the head of each of The Rainkeeper's order would come forward, bearing their sacred item to the hierophant and each in their own way, respectfully representing their order and its foundation, aid the hierophant in the ceremony. Toliara, representing the fledgling arcane order, was last to present her order's item to the new hierophant -- whose curiosity was piqued by the beautiful and most apparently powerful item. The ceremony began and each item was used in the [conjuration of a great storm].'

    You say, 'How did they conjure a great storm?'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'The druids chanted around their hierophant, who held their order's sacred item. As they chanted, they brought forth the great blanket of silver clouds upon the horizon. The rangers, rogues, and bards in their musical chant ushered in the raging winds that guided the druids' clouds over the forest. It was the duty of the veterans, the warriors and knights, to call forth the thunder and begin the broiling of the storm. Toliara and her order then began an arcane chant. She raised the scepter upwards to the sky and collectively, the small order wove a single spell that arched from the scepter and struck the center of the tempest that responded in a great display of lightening and rain. Until the rise of the next dawn, the ceremonies continued -- each order respectively praising Karana. By the rise of second dawn and the end of the solstice celebrations, the [Order of the Storm Caller] was inducted into the ranks of Karana's faithful.'

    You say, 'What is the Order of the Storm Caller?'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'That is the name that was bestowed to the arcane order of Karana's faithful, led by Toliara. For several generations the order would thrive and become the primary ambassadors between the city proper of Qeynos and the forest. Eventually, when corruption threatened the land, it would be the Order of the Storm Caller that would act as the messengers and mediators between the political and spiritual interests of the Jaggedpine and ultimately, it would be their direct ties to the city that would influence the [decision] of Antonious III.'

    You say, 'What decision?'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'All wished to spare the Jaggedpine from corruption for it was the sacred homeland of one of the city's largest and most prosperous religious and cultural foundations. The Order of the Storm Caller knew that separation was the only way to assure the forest's safety, for Qeynos would need all of its resources to defend against the approaching venomous shadow. However, not all were in favor of this decision. One known as Urwenae, an enchantress and at the time second to only the order's arch mage in power and influence, held strong opposition to removing themselves indefinitely from their sacred lands. However, she was overruled by the decision of her superiors and the majority of the Jaggedpine Orders, thus the forest was sealed. The Order of the Storm Caller, along with the Veterans of the Storm, would [retreat] fully from the forest to aid the inevitable battles in defending Qeynos and its kingdom from threat.'

    You say, 'Why did they retreat?'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'Collectively, the council at Qeynos and the orders of Karana's faithful knew that it was best for the forest to have only the bare minimum of necessary inhabitants needed to preserve the culture and ancient ways remain behind. The shadow of corruption and turmoil was inevitable and Qeynos could not afford to spare these resources in such great quantity and the Orders agreed. The Veterans of the Storm, the knights and warriors of the Jaggedpine, and the Order of the Storm Caller were asked to relocate fully to Qeynos. There was little opposition to this decision, although the fanatical Urwenae [would never forgive her superiors and brethren] for allowing them to become separated from their homeland.'

    You say, 'Why would she would never forgive her superiors and brethren?'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'She felt that all of Karana's Orders should remain in the forest -- that Qeynos' resources were plenty and that the threat of the shadow would surely call the aid of nearby Erudin and perhaps even Rivervale if Qeynos were to fall into such dire jeopardy. Despite her zealous and near-fanatical opposition to the ruling, she was a well-respected member of the Order and was in-line to inherent the position of arch-mage when her mentor and the current ranking member of the Order passed into the great Eye of Karana's Storm. For nearly a decade she waited in silence -- her disapproval of the decision a constant, although she cooperated with her Order, she rarely left the Orders' library. Eventually, she ascended to the roll of arch-mage over the Order of the Storm Caller and it was then that she had the opportunity to exact her vengeance against [those whom she thought as traitorous] heretics against Karana and their ancient, sacred path.'

    You say, 'Who did she think was traitorous?'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'Ultimately, she blamed everyone who had voluntarily and without opposition agreed to the ruling made ten years prior with the sealing of the Jaggedpine forest. Urwenae despised both her fellow members of the Order of the Storm Caller as well as the Veterans of the Storm -- viewing both groups as traitors. Ten years of reclusive behavior had given the necessary time for her planning to blossom and the death of her mentor and her ascension granted the perfect opportunity to execute her [revenge]. Upon the tenth anniversary of the Jaggedpine being sealed, a mere fortnight into her reign as arch-mage, Urwenae disbanded the Order in a violent display. A massacre was committed in the sacred halls of Qeynos' arcane studies -- an incident that was cleverly covered-up by the political council of Qeynos to keep the citizens from unnecessary worry regarding an external threat.'

    You say, 'What was her revenge?'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'She had gathered a small group of like-minded followers -- mainly, her most adept pupils that trusted her explicitly and were thus easily manipulated by her. The Order met in the cellar level of the arcane hall in Qeynos and there, Urwenae and her pupils destroyed all but a select few members of the arcane order. Many of the elders survived -- escaping through portals of their own creation, although we lost many brave souls who attempted to remain behind and see their would-be executioners rightfully abolished. Urwenae and the two pupils, one being a powerful wizard that survived the encounter escaped through a portal when all that remained in the hall were dead. It is said that Urwenae then destroyed the sacred item that Toliara had forged all those centuries before, splitting the item into several pieces. As they are indestructible by design, Urwenae instructed her pupils to scatter the [pieces] throughout Norrath, while she herself would hide the scepter deep in the bowels of the Hole.'

    You say, 'What pieces?'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'I cannot say for certain how Urwenae divided the scepter for the only documentation we possess was written in an ancient dialect that until recently, none could translate. The dialect is one of an ancient human tongue that dates centuries before the foundation of Qeynos -- even before the foundation of the Throne of Karana's Thunder. Of course this particular incident occurred in a more recent time, but Urwenae was well-versed in the ancient tongues of Norrath and knew well that her journal would be legible only by the most learned of Qeynos' scholars or the forest's elders, and even then her words would seem the fanciful tale of a madwoman -- for there never was a massacre in the arcane hall in Qeynos, or so was the common belief until now. Those of us who are descendants of the few survivors that preserved the order knew of the truth and until recently, we had in our possession [Urwenae's Tome].'

    You say, 'What is Urwenae's tome?'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'Urwenae's tome, an Ancient Ashwood Tome granted to her by her late mentor, detailed Urwenae's plans and what exactly she had done with the pieces of the scepter. You must understand, Urwenae was an arcane scientist -- and a brilliant one at that. However, she was fanatically organized and required documentation of everything -- a trait that was considered a merit before her madness had been discovered. The tome will likely detail where the missing pieces of the scepter lies and it may also copies of the lost, ancient scrolls scribed by Toliara and the first members of the order -- scrolls that detail the exact runes and arcane chants to re-create the enchantment of the scepter, which was likely broken when Urwenae dismantled it. Unfortunately, the tome was [stolen] by one of the bandits that have recently inhabited our forest.'

    You say, 'Why was it stolen?'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'I'm not entirely certain, although I doubt it was done for any purpose regarding the Order, our history, or any of the specific arcane knowledge contained within. Likely, the thief thought that it might fetch a price on the underground market of Norrath. The scouts have been able to identify the individual as Vranol Blackguard, the second eldest of the Blackguard family and one of its most dangerous members. We believe him to already be in High Pass. If [you can retrieve the Ancient Ashwood Tome] from him, if he still has it within his possession of course, then I would be more than willing to impart unto you our ancient arcane lore. However, this reward can only be wielded by one whose heart and faith belongs fervently to The Rainkeeper and their profession is of one of the three acceptable schools of magic. If you are unable to wield what reward I can provide, then I shall not bear ill will if you turn away, my friend.'

    You say, 'I will retrieve the Ancient Ashwood Tome.'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'Marvelous! However, for me to reward you properly, you must seek our the tormented spirit of Urwenae. It is rumored that when she went into the depths of the erudite hereitcs' former home, that she was cursed by one of the ancient spirits there -- her mind and spirit forever trapped within the boundaries of the ruins. As the magic of the scepter was tied to its bearer, it is likely that the essence of the Gleaming Crystal Scepter remains with her, so long as her essence resides on the prime plane of Norrath. If you can find her, retrieve the scepter, and return it to me with the recovered tome, I shall be better able to properly reward you for your services to us.'


    Vranol Blackguard is a necromancer in Highpass Hold, found on the top floor of The Golden Rooster behind the last door. He has 13,000 hp.

    You have slain Vranol Blackguard!
    Your faction standing with Pirates of the Pine got worse.
    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine got better.

    --You have looted an Ancient Ashwood Tome.--

    Take a full group of 60 and kill Urwenae the Cold, level 55+, unmezzable (message, this mob cannot be mezzed), She spawns in the room behind High Scale Kirn in the Rev tower. She has about a 2 hour respawn and always drops:

    Gleaming Crystal Sceptre
    Slot: Primary Secondary[/quote]

    Hand in Ancient Ashwood Tome and Gleaming Crystal Sceptre to Shayna and she returns the Scepter of Storms, Lore / No Trade Primary, Secondary, AC 1 Mana 10, Cold +5, Magic 5, wiz/enc/mag Karana deity.

    Shayna Thunderhand says ''Aaah. . . yes. Well done. Well done, indeed, my friend. The tome still contains the Toliara's ancient notes and we shall be able to restore the lost magic to the scepter.'' Shayna holds the scepter firmly in one hand and the opened tome in the other. In a powerful voice, she recites several arcane words. As she speaks in the magical rhythm of the spell, the scepter in her hand begins to faintly glow and seems almost to haze as if enshrouded in a blanket of dense fog for but a moment. Shayna reaches the last word of her spell and extends the misted scepter to you, ''This is the Scepter of Storms. It is not yet complete and requires its original pieces to be whole once again. If you wish to continue to [aid the Order of the Storm Caller], I shall be more than willing to complete the scepter for you -- as your worth to us shall be proven in the task.'

    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.

    PART 2

    You say, 'I will aid the Order of the Storm Caller.'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'Very well, my friend, and may Karana guide you through this path. There is one known as D'mitrious Irska, a powerful magician who can be found at the arcane hall in Qeynos. He is currently the senior member of our order and will be able to further aid you than I, for most unfortunately, many pages of the tome have been damaged by Vranol when he stole it. D'mitrious is more wise in this matter than myself and his willingness to aid you should be more than overwhelming once the scepter has been presented to him. However, he will require one [further component] with the scepter to secure his aid.'

    You say, 'What further components?'

    Shayna Thunderhand says 'The Scroll of the Tempest Eye, one scribed by Toliara herself as she completed her portion of the item, has been lost to us for some time. Urwenae tore the scroll from the pages of the tome and gave it to her pupil, Lazara, and instructed her to take them into Permafrost with the hopes that the threat of the great ice dragon that dwells there to ward any would-be heroes away. Like Urwenae, Lazara fell to an unknown, although dark fate and it is likely that the twisted impression of her former existence remains -- guarding the scroll with its unlife.'


    Go Kill The Ice Witch that hangs out in the Bear caves in Permafrost Keep. She is at loc 1000 by -100 in the pits. just drop down around the vox area. She cons blue to a 60 and is a wizard. She nuked me for 909 (ice comet) and 700 (rend) and I had over 140 resist in each. Need less ot say, bring a friend. 60 Necro and I dispatched her fairly easy. She drops:

    Scroll of the Tempest Eye.
    int/karana only item.

    The Ice Witch has been slain by Taynt!
    Your faction standing with Vox got worse.
    Your faction standing with Nagafen got worse.

    --You have looted a Scroll of the Tempest Eye.--

    Go See Dimitrious Irska in the Qeynos Caster guild (loc 300 by -600). Hand him Scroll of the Tempest and Scepter of the storm and get back Scepter of Storms, a 2-slot combine container.

    D`mitrious Irska says 'The Scepter of Storms. . . but how could this be? You have spoken with Shayna, yes? I see that she has found one to retrieve the stolen tome. But what is even more intriguing is the acquisition of the scepter itself. I am impressed and these items represent your deeds better than any arrogant boasting that I hear day in and day out from the other youths of the order. Aaaah and yes, you have the scroll! Well then, we cannot let an opportunity like this slip through our fingers, now can we?'' The mage quickly eyes the scroll before closing his eyes and beginning an arcane chant. The scroll in his hand begins to smolder, although the page is not damaged. A glowing silver image of a swirling storm seems to reflect off the surface of the parchment. Then, the scepter begins to slightly chime and runes begin to magically imbed themselves into the scepter's base. The mage opens his eyes and extends the scepter to you, ''Now then, [shall we continue]?'

    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.

    You say, 'How shall we continue?'

    D`mitrious Irska says 'Now that the scepter has been properly modified for the task, you must keep it safe for now. Your next task will be to seek out two more components, for the original components and the spells describing how they were forged are lost forever -- destroyed by Urwenae's second and final pupil who went mad while attempting to fulfill his duty. The Essence of Storms must be retrieved, and there is only one place within the whole of Norrath's prime or astral realms that it can be found -- the Plane of Sky. There is a being known as The Storm Mistress who dwells there. Seek her out and retrieve the Essence of Storms from her ethereal being. Do not worry yourself over what seems to be a gruesome murder and thieving, for she will coalesce again as all immortal, planar beings do in time. The second item that you must retrieve is the Cloudy Azure Sphere, which lies in the hands of [Priestess Auraia] in the depths of Kedge Keep.'

    You say, 'Who is Priestess Auraia?'

    D`mitrious Irska says 'Auraia was once a priestess of the Prime Healer. Upon her travels throughout the world of Norrath, she stumbled blindly into the castle grounds of Mistmoore. Fortunately, it was during the daylight hours and she did not need to wander far before discovering the error of their ways. Quickly, she attempted to turn back, fearfully respecting the wish for privacy that is heavily guarded and ferociously enforced by the vampire lord's undead servants. As she made her way out of the castle grounds and returned to the boundaries of the Lesser Faydark forest, Auraia happened upon a recently discarded azure sphere. She had no idea what the sphere was intended for - at first likely thinking it the lost toy of some Koada'Dal or gnomish child. However, she was intrigued by it and threw it in her pack for a later inquiry and inspection. Eventually, Auraia heard tales of the ancient underwater city known as Kedge Keep from her Koada'Dal hosts in Felwithe. The intrigue was too much for this young adventurer to bear and so '

    *********the quest text ends here and the keyword must have been after the cut off (go go VI quest engine again)

    POA...Mistress of Storms in on Noble Isle in PoA and cons indifferent but drops a piece when killed called 'essense of the storm, no drop'. 'mistress is 55' Storm Mistress pet cant be mezzed but she can. Everything is non aggro on the isle initially.

    KEDGE KEEP...Preistess Auraia mermaid Cloudy Azure Sphere. Magic, Lore, No Drop. Mana 10, Sv Cold 10, Wt 0.1, Class: Wiz, Mag, Enc, Race: None, Deity: Karana. She is level 55 as well and is over by room before Undertow Hall.

    Go back to D`mitrious and (broken part coming) you cannot combine two pieces in the 2 slot container. DUH!. I took a leap of faith and handed him the Essence and the Cloudy Sphere. he combined then then gave back an Orb of Storms, I put in the Scepter and combined.

    D`mitrious Irska studies both items intently, muttering softly to himself at an inaudible tone. Eventually, the mage closes his eyes and begins to chant, the melodic weave of arcane words causing the essence to shimmer with the brilliance of an electrical storm. Slowly, he brings both hands together, sealing the ethereal essence within the magical sphere -- a union that forces a loud boom, the voice of thunder, to echo throughout the hall. D'mitrious opens his eyes and examines the completed orb and nods to himself, ''This should be sufficient. Take it and place it within the scepter. When the two enchanted items are united, the Orb of the Storm Caller will be forged.''

    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 10.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.

    You receive Orb of Storms.

    Insert Orb of Storms into Scepter of Storms container and hit combine.

    Final reward is the Orb of the Storm Caller. Reward: Scepter of Storms
    Reward: Orb of the Storm Caller

    Paying Oracle Jaarl Respect (Normal): Oracle Jaarl judges you amiably -- it appears to be quite formidable.

    You say, 'Hail, Oracle Jaarl'

    Oracle Jaarl shakes his body and his countless necklaces cause a loud rattle to echo off the stone walls. 'Hello Frostpipes. Have you come to [worship] or have you just come for a visit to view our wonderful architecture and to [pay your respects].'

    You say, 'I will pay your respects'

    Oracle Jaarl says 'You have, well then! You can pay your respects by bringing me a [present].'

    You say, 'what present'

    Oracle Jaarl says 'I like necklaces. I wear necklaces made from every kind of beast. The power of the beast is contained within each necklace. The more necklaces I wear, the greater my power! Bring me a Bear Fang Necklace, a Wolf Fang Necklace and a Panther Fang Necklace. This will show your devotion to the temple. Then perhaps I can do you a [favor].'

    You say, 'what favor'

    Oracle Jaarl says 'I see that you truly respect our temple and more importantly, myself. Since I have great power and you have given me many gifts, I am willing to give you a gift if you are skilled in the ways of the [mystic] or the [heretic].'

    You say, 'i am skilled in the ways of the heretic'

    Oracle Jaarl says 'I can make a weapon for you, one that you may use to curse your enemies with terrible illness. I require several items. The shaft of the weapon will be made from a Treant Finger. I shall cover the shaft in Griffon Down and affix a Griffon Skull to the top. Finally, I shall need a Diseased Bear Liver with which to imbue the staff with its terrible magic.'

    You say, 'where do I get a diseased bear liver'

    Oracle Jaarl says, 'The best person to talk to about that would be that human. I believe he calls himself Farkus Grime. He passes through here now and then and he seems to be fascinated with disease. Perhaps he could help you with that.'

    You say, 'where do I get griffon down'

    Oracle Jaarl says, 'I imagine you could find one of those from a Griffon.'

    You say, 'what griffon skull'

    Oracle Jaarl says, 'I imagine you could find one of those from a Griffon.'

    You say, 'Treant Finger'

    Oracle Jaarl says, 'I doubt a treant would willingly hand over his finger. Remember, the older the treant the stronger the shaft of the weapon will be.'

    Farkus Grime can be found at the zone in of Jaggedpine.

    You say, 'Diseased bear liver'

    Farkus Grime clenches his teeth and speaks in a quiet but deadly tone, 'Keep your voice down you fool, mention of such a thing around here is dangerous! I'm always willing to help someone who shares the same... philosophy... as myself though. Are you [truly serious] about this?

    You say, 'truly serious'

    Farkus Grime says, 'Very well, follow me and we'll have a little chat then.'

    Farkus will lead you east of his spawn through some trees before beginning more dialogue.

    Farkus Grime says, 'You nearly blew my cover back there you idiot. Still, I shall overlook your transgression.'

    Farkus Grime says, 'I had not pegged you as one allied with the Plaguebringer, may his blessing once again spread across the land.'

    Farkus Grime says, 'So you wish for me to defile one of these so-called 'sacred' bears for you? I'm not sure what vile ritual you would need this liver for but I'd be delighted to assist you.'

    Farkus Grime says, 'However, before I do this thing for you there's something I need for you to do for me to show your loyalty. And to help me to settle an outstanding score of course.'

    Farkus Grime says, 'I want you to assassinate a Qeynos guard by the name of Nash. He has been a thorn in our side for some time. Bring me his head and I shall defile one of these bears for you.'

  • Guard Nash roams through Qeynos Hills, kill him and loot his head then return it to Farkus Grime.

    (Note: this turnin seems to be quite buggy, I was only able to get it to work once and attempting to do it again resulted in the bear not spawning or spawning but not dropping the bear liver)

    Farkus Grime says, 'You've done well, I see we are of a like mind. I'll lure the bear outside so you can do your work.'

    Farkus will spawn "a docile bear" then lead it and you north of the zonein for a bit, follow him.

    Farkus Grime holds a bit of food out to the bear cub, 'Want it?'

    Farkus Grime says, 'Follow me then little bear'

    Farkus Grime gives the bear the tainted food.

    Farkus Grime says, 'The disease within this food acts very quickly. The bear should be maddened by the illness shortly and his liver suitable for harvest.'

  • At this point the bear should attack you and drop the Diseased Bear Liver, if you kill it prior to this I had it not drop the liver.

  • Hand Oracle Jaarl the three necklaces you got from Snarla from finishing the Snarla's Friendship quest.

    Oracle Jaarl puts the necklaces around his neck as his body shakes, causing the various bits and pieces of bone and tooth to clatter loudly. 'Ah yes! I feel the power flowing through me, I am ever closer to the spirit world! I thank you for your devotion to the temple!'

    Your faction standing with Anchorites of Brell Serilis has been adjusted by 100.

    Amiably (100) is not enough faction for him to discuss the "favor". Reward: Rod of Ulceration

    Qeynos Badge of Nobility (Badge #5) (Normal): This is the Fifth Qeynos Badge Quest. I don't have the exact details yet, but here's what I know.

    You say, 'Hail, Sergeant Caelin'

    Sergeant Caelin says 'Hail, Limecherry. You have nothing to fear from the gnolls. My men and I have been sent from Qeynos to help defend Fort Jaggedpine should those worthless curs make the mistake of assuming this will be a place of easy plunder. I've fought and slain scores of gnolls in my time. Were I not bound to my post here I would go forth and drive them from their dark cave to the north myself. However, I can offer you a [bounty], should you choose to take such a mission upon yourself.'

    You say, 'what bounty'

    Sergeant Caelin says 'If you choose to go and fight against the gnolls, I shall offer a bounty for every gnoll canine that you return to me. You look a bit more adventurous then many of those that live in this settlement. They seem a bit [docile].'

    You say, 'who is docile'

    Sergeant Caelin says 'Perhaps it comes from living in harmony with nature for an extended period of time but they are more concerned with trading food recipes and doing arts and crafts. I have offered to give them some basic training in the arts of war but they seem to have no interest. This is a dangerous world in which we live and failure to acknowledge that has meant the downfall of many a society. I won't let this happen on my watch, provided my [men] are on their toes.'

    You say, 'What men'

    Sergeant Caelin says 'Guard Bossamir is a model soldier and a good man. I'm happy to have him watching my back. That Finewine character however, he is not worth the cost of the sword he wields! All he does is whine and complain. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and his family enrolled him in the guard to teach him some discipline but I've had no luck with him. He hasn't even turned in a [shift report] for weeks. Captain Tillin will bust me down to private if I don't deliver those soon.'

    ***Kills Gnolls and turn in Gnolls fangs otherwise Sergeant caelin will just say "you have not proved yourself worth to our cause". You need to be at least amiable to him. when you are...***

    You say, 'what shift report'

    Sergeant Caelin says 'You have been helpful in our defense efforts. However, I can not be too careful about whom I trust with carrying this information. If you truly consider yourself an ally to Qeynos then no doubt you have assisted the city in its defense before. Show me your Qeynos Badge of Honor and I'll know I can trust you fully. I'll place my mark upon it should anyone question your authority to do this service for me.'

    ***hand him your Qeynos badge of Honor and you will receive "Marked Qeynos Badge of Honor" in return along with "A warning note/report" to give to Guard Finewine. Sorry I don't have the dialogue for that but trust me***

    *to your right and within eye site is Guard Finewine. He is standing by the other house back entrance*

    You say, 'Hail, Guard Finewine'

    Guard Finewine says 'Yeah. Hi. Lovely place this. Humid, dark, wild animals all over the place, man eating plants, snakes and bugs finding their way into my armor and biting me where a man ought not be bit. And if [Bossamir] is right, we're soon to be cut down by ravaging gnolls. Why-oh-why did I get assigned to this job? Why wasn't I assigned to Qeynos where a man can get a decent meal and sleep in a nice bed at night? Oh I'm sorry. Did I say that out loud?'

    You say, 'What Bossamir'

    Guard Finewine says 'Hmm. . . Yeah, I have this tendency to prattle on when I'm completely miserable. According to what my colleague Bossamir has heard, these gnolls may be tougher then we thought. But that would be par for the course anyway with the way my pitiful life is going. Woe is me. The people in this backward settlement hate me, Sergeant Caelin hates me and I assume Kane hates me too because he sent me to the armpit of Antonica on a suicide mission.'

    *gave him the Warning letter/note*

    Guard Finewine says 'So he wants to send me to jail simply because I'm not filling out some silly reports? How can I be expected to think in such a decrepit state? Maybe you could help me. If I had a meal worthy of someone of my breeding then maybe I could think. Bring me something elegant, I don't want anything dull and pedestrian. I don't know what I want though. Do you have any suggestions?'

    Guard Finewine wants some dryad, potameid pate first before he will part with the report. Finewine then says he wants panther pate and will give you a no drop brandy for the dryad/potameid pate.

    --Dryad, Potameid pate
    -First you need Dryad meat (which will lower your faction with Dryads and they are everywhere in this zone) or Potameid meat (trivial 151)
    -foraged plant shoots
    -combine in an oven or spit which will result in a +4 wisdom banquet meal for the dryad recipe and +4 intelligence banquet meal for the potameid recipe.

    ---panther pate
    -no drop panther liver from JP panthers
    -foraged plant shoots
    -no drop brandy from guard (see above)
    -combine in an oven or spit

    I am not sure of the exact sequence from here, but here is the reward.

    Need missing dialogues, faction hits if any, details of war, additional quest steps, etc. Reward: Qeynos Badge of Nobility
    Reward: Marked Qeynos Badge of Honor

    Silver Blade of Thunder (Normal): The quest requires the following:

    1. Ally faction with Residents of Jaggedpine and/or Protectors of Pine. This requires about 10-15 hours of factioning on Darkpaw Gnolls and/or Poachers in Jaggedpine zone.

    2. Kill "an unkempt fanatic." Fanatic is a mob in the Rathe Mountains, at the unkempt druid ring near Lake Rathe zoneline. She is a level 52 druid. I was totally unable to snare her. She had on a large DS. We killed her with about 8 people most of whom were in their low 50s, and me, a 58 Ranger. She had very lazy agro and I was not able to pull her. With resists around 100 I resisted all of her spells. She did not resist Earthcall. She dropped (only)
    Tome of Thunder, MAGIC LORE NO TRADE, no stats. Ranger/Rogue/Bard, Karana.
    Unknown spawn time, but was up first time I checked.

    3. Kill "The Deathrot Knight," which is a new level 63 SK in Hate. I'm not sure of location since he actually was trained to us, at zone in, but I tracked him immediately at zone-in and I believe he's first floor. With all the mobs that came with him, He killed about half of our raid force, which was 40 players, fairly well balanced, average level upper 50s. I don't believe he had any special attacks/procs. I don't believe his resists were terribly high following malo. He hits at least in the mid 100s and possibly 200s. He drops (only)
    Silver Blade of Rot, MAGIC LORE NO TRADE, 1HS, Dark Elf Warrior & SK, Innoruuk. 17/35, 10AC, +10STR -10DEX +10STA -10CHA -10WIS +5INT -10AGI +5MR -15PR -15DR.
    Unknown respawn time; was up my first visit to Hate after Jaggedpine opened.

    4. Kill "Ikurenm the Sly" in the front castle area in the Hole. It is an imp, and is located in the front most room behind the balcony, one level below the bridge. Very easy to find; just go in the door past the dropoff and work your way up three or four levels from there. Rumor has that it's 52. It was a dark blue con to a 59 druid. Loot: Essence of Thunder.

    5. Kill Zrithsadioun, a rare gnoll necro, level 50ish, in South Karana. Rumor has it that he wanders the northern half of the zone and is observed at least once daily. Loot: Voice of Karana.

    Many thanks to those who helped me to get this far, especially Vova and the entire Science of War guild on Stormhammer.

    Quest text follows:

    You say, 'Hail, Kaithys Galestrider'

    Kaithys Galestrider closes his eyes and gives a mid-bow of his head toward Malvesti, 'Greetings, traveler. It is an honor to be reunited with our kindred of the outside world of Norrath, and a great pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Kaithys Galestrider, citizen and formerly one of many dedicated protectors of the Jaggedpine. Alas, the cycle of life has grown gray in this once vibrant body. Aaaah. . . but do not think that my spirit has grown weary as this body, dear child. I still retain a will of iron and my wisdom has only strengthened with the passing of time. [I still hold a great knowledge] unique to this old mind and my dedication toward this forest and our people is quite strong yet. Do not underestimate the power of sheer will, child, for it can be more cunning and deadly than even the sharpest of blades wielded by the mightiest of warriors.'

    You say, 'What great knowledge do you hold?'

    Kaithys Galestrider gives a brief grumble and harshly clears his throat before speaking in his rough, strong voice, 'All citizens of the Throne of Karana's Thunder will learn to uphold an artisan skill of some sort when they come of age. This is the necessity of those of us who have lived for so long in solitude -- cut off from the outside world and left to our own for existence. In conjunction with my former duties as a ranger of the Jaggedpine, I was found to be adept in the art of blacksmithing. My mentor, who has passed beyond into the great storm of Karana's Eye, taught me the ancient rites and magics used by those of nature's ward to enhance the quality of our products wielded by our scouts. Unfortunately, I am at a loss to continue production of these weapons, as they are in great need since the arrival of our most unexpected [threat].'

    You say, 'What threat?'

    Kaithys Galestrider clears his throat and makes a motion with his strong arm toward the west, 'The gnolls of Blackburrow dug their way to our forest. Their reasons are apparently 'holy' ones for their kind as they were in search of the ancient shrine of Brell Serilis that was built by the dwarves in secrecy. . . how many years ago I am not certain of. Where the dwarves went and why, again I don't know. In any case, these 'questors' of their earthen deity have taken it upon themselves to make routine attacks on our home. I suppose they feel that if the shrine is now theirs, that the forest above should as well be their personal playing ground. Not that we care so much if the gnolls wish to pay homage to their god, mind you, but their intrusion here is far beyond a nuisance and inconvenience for with them came much more worrisome [turmoil].'

    You say, 'What turmoil?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'Much more has come through the gnoll-dug tunnel than the gnolls and their attacks upon our home. The vile criminals of your world have followed the gnolls' heels and infected our land with their greedy lusts for wealth. It seems that one cannot walk the forest without finding a rotting, half-skinned corpse of one of our sacred beasts anymore. They kill for profit -- not for necessity, and they do it endlessly it seems. Many of our scouts have seen dark figures moving in and out of the tunnels leading to Blackburrow and our brethren in Surefall Glade have been kind enough to inform us that these poachers and thieves are selling their prizes on the underground market of Norrath. But their greed does not end at the poaching of wild beasts, for they have taken an [interest] in our ways as well. . . something that will one day prove to be a great misfortune for them.''

    You say, 'What interest?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'As I have already said, the poachers seek profit, wealth, and infamy among the goodly citizens of your world -- and now ours. Like infectious parasites, they feed off of the recognition of their names and the fear that comes to those innocents who are cursed with their attentions. The way they earn this infamy is to directly assault those who would remember them and in this case, it is the Throne of Karana's Thunder that they have turned to in order to quench that venomous desire of theirs. They have raided the village and many of our brothers and sisters, stealing what they can that might fetch some price on their criminal's market. However, it has become a much more dangerous situation than mere thieving of family heirlooms -- we fear that they are unwittingly [aiding a much greater threat] to all protectors of the natural order.''

    You say, 'How are they aiding a much greater threat?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'One of the items stolen in the recent raids was a priceless and sacred tome -- the Tome of Thunder. This ancient tome was scribed by the first of our druids many centuries ago, when the Throne of Karana's Thunder and the Shrine of Karana were constructed. This tome detailed the legend of Karana, the legend of our people and the creation of these still standing monuments that act as a testament of The Rainkeeper's power and his influence among us. Our efforts to relocate the tome were proven unsuccessful until the aid of the Qeynos loyalists came to our side. A scout of the Jaggedpine Treefolk came across some information and his [report] is most disturbing if proven to be the true fate of the Tome of Thunder.''

    You say, 'What report?'

    Kaithys Galestrider sighs and shakes his head in further display of his disappointment, 'It seems that the Tome of Thunder was something commissioned to be stolen -- that one who knew of the poachers and their recent activities in the Jaggedpine paid these criminals to steal this specific tome. The scout believes to have found the individual, or [group] rather, that sought and likely now holds the tome and if my suspicions are correct, then it does not bode well for all that pay homage to the sacred protection of nature.'

    You say, 'What group?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'The scout believes them to be a cult of militant, brutal, and viscous so-called druids and rangers who have resided in the planes of Karana and the Mountains of Rathe for decades now. This group calls themselves the Unkempt Druids -- but they are false bearers of the Unkempt name, my friend. The true Unkempt reside in solitude to the east in the Unkempt Wood, sealed off from the rest of the world as we were for so long. This is as much a blessing as it is unfortunate for the true unkempt are far more feral and dangerous than any ignorant cultists of your world could even dream to be. What these imposters wish with the Tome of Thunder we have to discover -- but the fact that they exist at all is the danger. We have worked long and hard to keep the unkempt ways unique to their inaccessible territory but this news that the unkempt philosophies, if only a small part of them, have reached the interest of outsiders is very [troubling].''

    You say, 'Why is it troubling?'

    Kaithys Galestrider coughs hard for a moment and then clears his throat, the old man's attentions clearly caught off-guard and his eyes wide with surprise, 'Why is this troubling, you ask?! Any who serves nature -- any part of it be them of the Mother of All or The Rainkeeper must realize that the [philosophies] and ways of the unkempt are not only the ways of chaotic, brutal, viscous, and murderous killers who hold no remorse for their actions against their fellow homid kin, but their ways are one of the greatest threats to ours. They have immersed themselves in the chaos of nature -- acting like a pack of wild, frenzied wolves that will kill any that stumbles into their territory, as well as their own kind when it is deemed 'necessary'. They are feral and wild, believing all semblance of civilization to be blasphemous to the protection of nature and they despise those like you and I because we accept and embrace our culture and use it as a part of our path.'

    You say, 'What are their philosophies?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'To be honest, we know very little about the unkempt as they are not ones to openly share their ways with outsiders in the civil manner of words. What we do know, however, is that where we try to accept and teach all who would lend ear the importance of the natural world -- allowing them to continue their culture and civilization in a way that would not disturb the precious and delicate order and balance of nature, the Unkempt hold a much different outlook. They would see any who give recognition or pledge any fealty to civilization or culture as enemies and thus, they would and will exterminate them. Well. . . so is the perception, in any case. However, we do know that the true unkempt have [no desire to leave their woods] leaving the only explanation for those beyond the Unkempt Woods' boundaries to be impostors.''

    You say, 'Why do they have no desire to leave their woods?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'We are not certain, but I believe that they are content where they lay. The true unkempt do not show the desire to convert the other orders dedicated to the preservation of nature to their ways through any mass scale mission. Much of this recluse nature is likely a result of the strong influence of the Tribes of the Dawn and the Moon. To be honest, the barricades keeping the unkempt sealed from the Jaggedpine were set in-place with the desire to keep our young, curious, and strong-headed rangers and druids from venturing into the territory. There was also an element of desire to keep the inhabitants of the forest there, for although they may not seem the missionary types, figuratively speaking of course, their ways may very well escape the confines of the Unkempt Wood and many thirsty and curious young druids and rangers might find themselves seduced by the allure and mystery of the Unkempt ways. Unfortunately, it seems that our efforts have [proven to be in vain].''

    You say, 'How have they proven to be in vain?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'If what the scout of the glade says is true and the presence of unkempt cultists is indeed a reality then somehow the philosophies or some semblance of them have leaked out into the world. I sincerely doubt that their naming convention is but a coincidence. The true unkempt pay homage to the Mother of All exclusively, although they do so not within the traditional methods of worship and reverence. From what we have gathered, they view her as a spiritual manifestation of the cycle and balance of the natural world -- the divine force that ultimately fuses the delicate balance between life and death, creation and destruction together. That is why it is so difficult to understand why these cultists would want our tome. Perhaps they were misinformed by the one who had introduced them to the path of the unkempt. In any case, despite their reasons for reaving it into their possession, the tome must be [returned] to us.''

    You say, 'i will return the tome.'

    Kaithys Galestrider furrows his heavy, wrinkled brow as he carefully studies you, 'If you believe you can brave such an endeavor, child, then I am willing to accept the offering of your services to us. The scout of the glade tracked the tome as far as the Mountains of Rathe. I would suggest that be the start of your search. Once you have retrieved the tome, return it to me with haste. We do not want you to be followed or any unnecessary attention being brought to us. When and if you return with the tome, I shall see what I can do to reward your efforts, but without the tome, I fear that my talents are of little use to one of your caliber. But mind you, child, a scout of The Rainkeeper may only use the reward I can provide -- the scouts I refer to are the rangers, rogues and bards who have dedicated themselves to the laws of the storm. If you cannot complete this task without reward and are unable to wield that which I can provide, then move along and know that I bear you no ill will for doing so.'

    Turn in Tome of Thunder from an unkempt fanatic to Kaithys Galestrider. You receive a Writ of Thunder, same stats as Tome of Thunder but looks like a parchement scroll.

    Kaithys Galestrider examines the tome carefully, running his callused hands over the cover and spine and flipping through the ancient parchement within, 'Yes...nicely done, child. It is in miraculous condition for the recent fate that befell it. I am indebted to you and have the noblest intentions to repay your efforts. However, whilst you were away, my smithy was raided and most of my needed supplies to create the item I think a suitable reward for your efforts were stolen by the poachers. I will need to retrieve one of the [key materials] and take it with the Writ of Thunder to my assistant, Gurrin Nitestorm who you may find in the Surefall Glade.'

    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!!

    You say, 'What key materials?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'There is a blade, a cursed blade that I have held onto for many years now. Until Gurrin came of age and his skills in blacksmithing and his druidic magics had matured, I was unable to purify the curse and use the blade to create one of my finest creations yet. That weapon is the Blade of Rot -- a weapon that I procured during one of my finer moments as a young adventurer. You see, before the Jaggedpine was sealed, I had frequently left the confines of the forest in search of adventure and my own curiosity of the unknown world guided me. Shortly before the Jaggedpine was sealed, one of my companions stumbled upon a spell that would create a mysterious gateway to an unknown place. Of course, we were foolhardy and arrogant in our ways, so naturally we encouraged our wizard, Yanous, to create the gateway so that we might scout what lies beyond in the unknown. Little did we know the [horrible danger] we had brought upon ourselves.''

    You say, 'What horrible danger?'

    Kaithys Galestrider chuckles hoarsely to himself in fond remembrance of his youth, 'We, a group of able, adept, and arrogant adventurers found ourselves in a maelstrom of darkness, chaos, and hate. Aye, my child, we had miraculously found and foolishly walked through a gateway that led to the astral realm of the Prince of Hate. Awestruck, excited, and justly frightened, we dispelled any thoughts to turning away and readied our blades and minds for the battles of our young lives. After all, how could we turn away? This was a true adventure -- to be in the midst of the danger of dangers and engage in the battle of battles. We fought for what seemed to be eons; undead after undead and priest after priest -- each one falling to a torrent of blades and woven magical energies. We emerged victorious through even the seemingly impossible battles and then as we readied our blades for yet another planar villain, the [tides were turned].'

    Nolan Greenwood begins to cast a spell.

    You say, 'How were the tides turned?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says '''Till the day that the Eye of Karana's Storm takes me, I will never forget the sight that fell before us. An unnatural behemoth; a monster of steel, bone, and flesh stood before us. Its blue-black flesh was like a sheet of silk stretched over unnaturally formed muscles beneath an exoskeleton of bone and steel-plated armor. The armor child, the armor breathed! It pulsed with life. . . or death, and it moved -- slithering around its host's form like cloth churned by a gentle breeze. Clutched in one of its massive talons was the twisted length of steel and bone, which it wielded with a grace I've yet to see surpassed and the deadly force of Innoruuk's very hatred. We engaged this agent of hate -- this nemesis of life for what seemed an immeasurable limit of time. All that I can remember are the deafening, monstrous roars bellowed by the knight and the blaze of steel, blood, and flesh that danced around us in the peril we engaged. [Victory] seemed impossible.''

    You say, 'How were you victorious?'

    Kaithys Galestrider sighs, his demeanor now strikingly seriously, 'In the finest aspect of the world -- aye, we ultimately defeated the monster but not without consequence. My brother both in blood and in arms fell, as did our enchantress and my beloved, Malyrie. We could not save them. . . I still remember Malyrie's calling to me; pleading for us to flee and leave her to hold off the rushing hoards of Innoruuk's servants that sought to avenge their fallen champion. Yanous, a Koada'Dal wizard who I believe still lives but whom I have not seen in decades, fell upon instinct and phased us away from that place of death and hate. I can only assume that Malyrie perished shortly thereafter, and my brother's corpse was never laid to a proper burial. However, I was able to recover the massive [blade] that the knight wielded -- I don't know why exactly I recovered it, but it was a force strangely like a foreign instinct that forced me to take it up from the ground.'

    You say, 'What is the blade?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'When we returned to the Jaggedpine and several weeks after the mourning of our departed loved ones, I took the liberty of inspecting the blade carefully. It was a curious item, although saturated with the corruption and evil of the very seething hatred that inspires all of Innoruuk's creations. Through extensive research and Yanous' aid, I was able to determine that the blade was tied to the Deathrot Knight -- the creature that wielded the blade, but it was fading, attempting to return to the divine realm that it was forged in. Yanous placed an enchantment upon the weapon to keep the corruption dormant and its 'consciousness' at bay, so long as the weapon remained within the confines of the Jaggedpine. Unfortunately, [Yanous was unable to purge the corruption] from the blade entirely and we felt it wise to not speak its presence to the elder priests whom might have been able to do that which Yanous was unable.''

    You say, 'Why was Yanous unable to purge the corruption?'

    Kaithys Galestrider says 'Though his powers as a wizard are great, his knowledge did not reach far enough into the occult and the spiritual realms of divine magic. He did what he could and it was more than enough for the time being. As I have already said, I have been waiting patiently for my assistant and apprentice to come of age and mature in his priestly power before I attempted to make proper use of this blade in honor of my brother and beloved's demise. But, the blade was stolen before I was able to present it in secret to Gurrin and I fear that it may have returned to the realm of hate and the Deathrot Knight may again be in existence. We must have the blade returned and the only way you can do this is to venture to the plane of hate and destroy the Deathrot Knight. You must return the blade to Gurrin with the Writ of Thunder and we shall be able to complete what was intended all those years ago.''

    Kill the Deathrot Knight in Hate as described in 3. above. Loot the Blade of Rot.

    Gurrin Nitestorm is a new Surefall Glade NPC who spawns near the waterfall behind the Ranger guild hall. Give him the Writ and the Blade.

    Gurrin Nitestorm examines the blade carefully, his manner seeming distant -- as if he were in a trance. The druid then turns to the ancient scroll and slowly begins to read the ancient druidic runes; his voice a soft chant and the rhythm of his incantation slow and powerful. As Gurrin weaves his spell the blade in his hands begins to bleed from the red gem in the hilt, which drains its color as the corruption is purged from its very nature. By the end of the druid's spell the gem in the blade is pure and white and the blade itself seems to have been altered -- sentient and purged of all evil. Gurrin extends the blade to Malvesti, 'The corruption is no more, although the essence of the blade has been returned to the powers that forged it. The Deathrot Knight will exist again and that I cannot change. However, the blade has been set upon a new path and all it needs now is a proper hand and will to [guide] it.'

    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!!

    The blade is
    Purified Silver Blade MAGIC LORE NO TRADE
    1HS 10/35
    AC5, MANA10, SVM5

    You say, 'i will guide it.'

    Gurrin Nitestorm says 'Indeed, my friend. It seems that Kaithys has chosen you to do so and I shall do what I can to abide by his wishes. I would advise that you return to Kaithys and show him the purified blade. He knows much better than I what stones must now be overturned for his intentions of you to be properly fulfilled.'

    Returning the Blade to Kaithys in Jaggedpine:

    Kaithys Galestrider takes the blade and intently examines it. Satisfied with the purified quality, he nods to himself and proceeds to remove the gem from the hilt of the blade before returning it to Malvesti, 'You will need to seek out two items and return them to me. Those items are the Essence of Thunder and the Voice of Karana. The essence you will find in The Hole where one known as Ikurenm the Sly resides. Some time ago, before my initial acquisition of the blade, this imp stole the sacred rune from my mentor and only now are we able to retrieve it for its purpose has now reached its dawn. The second item, the Voice of Karana, you will find in the possession of Zrithsadioun, who wanders the plains of Southern Karana. Zrithsadioun is one of the plague worshiping gnolls of Infected Paw who is so twisted and vile that even his own people have cast him out. Very recently, one of our scouts overheard the gnolls of the shrine discussing a recent loss of their stolen bounty. One of the items that were stolen from them wa

    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!!

    (Note that the last sentence in his text is incomplete.)

    He returns to you a different Purified Silver Blade:
    Capacity 2, includes a COMBINE button

    You need to get the Essence of Thunder, which drops from Ikurenm the Sly in the Hole, and the Voice of Karana, which drops from Zrathsadioun in Southern Karana. Give them to Kaithys.

    Kaithys Galestrider takes the hollow, smoky orb in one hand and the tiny wooden charm in the other. Slowly, the ancient ranger begins to speak in an unknown dialect. His chant causes the small charm to glow and the air around you to begin to sway in a gentle, chilled breeze. The scent of the storm fills your nostrils as the magical zephyr begins to rage, simulating the coming of a powerful tempest. The old ranger's voice booms out beyond the tempest gale and suddenly, he forces both of his hands together, sealing the small wooden charm of Karana's divine voice into the orb. The magical storm steadily fades as the two pieces are conjoined and handed to Trod, 'This is the Orb of Thunder. Place it within the hilt where the gem had once been and your task will be complete and your reward fulfilled. It has been a pleasure and I thank you for all that you have endeavored to aid me in completing this near half a century long goal of mine. May it serve you well, my friend.'

    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 10.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.

    Receive Orb of Thunder.

    Combine Orb of Thunder in the Purified Silver Blade to receive the final item, Silver Blade of Thunder.
    Reward: Silver Blade of Thunder

    Snarla's Friendship (Normal): You say, 'Hail, Snarla the Fang'

    Snarla the Fang says, 'Shhh, quiet! This is place of solitude and peace! You [respect temple] while you here if you know what good for you!'

    You say, 'respect temple'

    Snarla the Fang says, 'One way guests show respect is to bring the host [food]. Something really good would be nice.'

    You say, 'food'

    Snarla the Fang says, 'Lessee... Dryad Pate is what I want. Bring me some [Dryad Pate] and then you be a good guest. Maybe then I return a favor for you.'

    You say, 'Dryad Pate'

    Snarla the Fang says, 'I don't know how it made. Talk to Chef Brargus about it. He the cook.'

    You will need at least amiably faction (100) to speak to Chef Brargus.

    You say, 'Hail, Chef Brargus'

    Chef Brargus says, 'Whatchoo want?'

    You say, 'How do I make Dryad Pate?'

    Chef Brargus says, 'You want my secret recipe for Nymph Pate? You don't look like you could even cook a [Patty Melt] without making a disgusting mess, let along something as delicate and refined as Nymph Pate!'

    You say, 'Patty Melt'

    Chef Brargus says, 'Yeah, you know a patty melt! It's like a [Grilled Cheese Sandwich] with some meat stuck in between the whole mess. Sheesh, are you a vegetarian of something?'

    You say, 'Grilled Cheese Sandwich'

    Chef Brargus says, 'Great Brell's gravy, you are inept aren't you! I'll say this slowly. You take some bread, then you take some cheese then you put them together and cook it with a frying pan! I'll tell you what, if you can manage to figure out how to make a Patty Melt, bring it back to me and if it's halfway edible I'll give you my recipe for Nymph Pate.'

    At this point I assume if you give Chef Brargus a Patty Melt he will give you the recipe for Dryad Pate

    Create a Dryad Pate
    1x Dryad Parts, dropped from Dryads in Jaggedpine
    1x Plant Shoot, foraged and found on neriads in Jaggedpine
    1x Spices
    1x Brandy

  • 1. Turnin Dryad Pate to Snarla the Fang

    She will accept the Pate and necklace pouches at apprehensive faction (-50).

    Snarla the Fang says, 'Ohh... This really good, thanks! You take this token of friendship. You all smell the same so this way I know who you are. I can make nice [necklaces] for my friends.'

    You receive: Token of Friendship

    Your faction standing with Anchorites of Brell Serilis has been adjusted by 20.

    You say, 'necklaces'

    Snarla the Fang says, 'I make many different kinds of necklaces for my friends from fangs of powerful creatures like bear, panther and wolf. You give me your token of friendship and I give you a pouch to keep some stuff in. After you get the stuff and seal the bag, bring it back and I make you a nice necklace to wear. Stuff I need is one Anaconda Skin and three Fangs. Fangs that make good necklaces are Wolf, Bear and Panther. Make sure all fangs are same. Necklaces with different fangs are neat but not as nice as ones with all same fangs, so I only make those ones.'

    The anaconda skin is lore so you can only gather one at a time. I had much better luck hunting anacondas in Nedaria than Jaggedpine. Still, the skin is a very uncommon drop.

  • 2. Give the Token of Friendship back to Snarla

    Snarla the Fang says, 'Ok, here pouch to collect stuff. Come back when pouch full. Make sure you seal pouch or stuff may fall out.'

    You receive: Necklace Component Pouch

    Combine in the Pouch either 3 Wolf, Panther, or Bear Fangs which can be found on the corresponding creature type in Jaggedpine or all can be found on the Poachers in the southeast and 1 Anaconda skin found on anacondas throughout the zone.

  • 3. Give Sealed Bear Fang Pouch to Snarla the Fang.

    Snarla the Fang says 'My friend returns again! I make this nice necklace for you. Wear this and feel the essence of the bear flow through you.'

    Your faction standing with Anchorites of Brell Serilis has been adjusted by 10.

    You receive: Bear Fang Necklace

  • 4. Give Sealed Panther Fang Pouch to Snarla the Fang.

    Snarla the Fang says 'Hello again friend. This nice panther fang, here you take this necklace I make you. It imbued with spirit of the cat.'

    Your faction standing with Anchorites of Brell Serilis has been adjusted by 10.

    You receive: Panther Fang Necklace.

  • 5. Give Sealed Wolf Fang Pouch to Snarla the Fang.

    Snarla the Fang says 'Oh hello friend, I make this nice necklace for you! You wear this and feel the spirit of the wolf run through you!'

    Your faction standing with Anchorites of Brell Serilis has been adjusted by 10.

    You receive: Wolf Fang Necklace

    If you get all three necklaces, Oracle Jaarl will take them which leads to the quest Paying Oracle Jaarl Respect. Reward: Bear Fang Necklace
    Reward: Panther Fang Necklace
    Reward: Wolf Fang Necklace
    Reward: Token of Friendship

    The Gale Weaver (Normal): This quest starts in Jaggedpine Forest, and is given by Annous Pineshadow, a white robed human near one of the camp fires, once you've attained Ally faction with the Jaggedpine Folk.

    You say, 'Hail, Annous Pineshadow'

    Annous Pineshadow closes his eyes and gives a deep bow of his head in formal greetings, 'Good day to you, Orolmy. I am Annous Pineshadow, high priest of The Rainkeeper and ambassador of Qeynos. It has been a [long] time since I last set foot within the Jaggedpine, and although not surprised, I am amazed and awestruck at the untouched purity of these sacred grounds. It is very much a relief to know that the forest has been sparred the taint of the venomous world that has become Norrath.'

    You say, 'How long has it been?'

    Annous Pineshadow gives a gentle chuckle as he conjures his most fond of memories, 'Sixty years -- give or take. This is the place of my birth and my home. When I had come of age, I ventured to Qeynos to learn the ways of the priest, finding myself lost in the ways of the druid. I adore the nature that Karana sustains, but I had always felt myself more suited for the path of preservation and servitude of the faith. When his majesty, Antonious III sealed the Jaggedpine, I was among those who were asked to remain behind in Qeynos. Only the druids and rangers of Karana remained in the Jaggedpine -- it was important to preserve only the bare minimum and we understood the need. We also did not wish to have our culture be entirely cut off and those who remained outside of the forest's confines were there to continue the faith and [sacred ways] of The Rainkeeper.'

    You say, 'What sacred ways do you speak of?'

    Annous Pineshadow says 'There are hundreds of different rites, ceremonies, prayers, and rituals that are performed in one's devotion to The Rainkeeper. Many of these can be as simple as the performance of a duty, as a druid would protect their forest, while some may be as complex and consuming as a several day ceremony to usher in the changing seasons. Aaaah. . . but there is truly so much that in the time that's left for me here could not give proper justice for in my explanations -- nor do I believe that you would truly understand them by simply listening. You must [have the faith in your heart] and you must truly wish to uphold the ways of the Rainkeeper and do so to truly understand.''

    You say, 'I have faith in my heart.'

    Annous Pineshadow says 'I would not dare challenge that, my friend, but is your faith strong enough to withstand the greatest of consequences -- even the sacrifice of your own life in remaining true to that faith? Aaaah. . . but such is a question that cannot be merely asked and simply answered in words. One truly does not discover one's self until they are faces with the reality of such tests of faith. Perhaps, if [you are willing], I might guide you on a path that may lead to the discovery of such answers.''

    You say, 'I am willing to test my faith.'

    Annous Pineshadow says 'Excellent, child. I am pleased to know that you are willing to go so far as to test your faith -- but do so not to me, or to anyone other than yourself and The Rainkeeper, else you shall find only a hollow shadow of the answers you seek, and a great void of disappointment. If you prove successful in your own eyes by completing this task, then you shall be among The Rainkeeper's sacred order of priests -- The Gale Weavers. Druids and Clerics alike make up this order, for our dedication is mutual in strength and our ultimate duties to The Rainkeeper are parallel. The first journey that you must embark on will result in the acquisition of the [Azure Idol of Karana] -- an ancient item that each of The Gale Weavers possess.''

    You say, 'What is an Azure Idol of Karana?'

    Annous Pineshadow says 'When the order was first founded by the Hierophant known as Tanirun Galeweaver, he bestowed upon all of his brethren a sacred idol carved by his own hands. It is said that when Tanirun blessed the Shrine of Karana with his gift of the storm, that the remaining essence of Karana's witness was divided among the idols. In the passing times, the idols were handed down when an old member passed beyond into the Eye of Karana's Storm and a new member was inducted in their predecessor's memory and honor. You will seek one of these idols -- one that at present has no owner and was stolen by the bandit raiders and return it to me. The man who possesses the idol is one known as Drayen Blackguard -- a member of the dreaded Blackguard family that has taken recent residence in the forest. You shall find him in the mountains of Rathe if our scouts are correct.''

    Find and kill Drayen Blackguard at the bandit camp in Rathe Mountains and loot (immune to changes in run speed): Azure Idol of Karana.

    Give the Azure Idol of Karana to Annous Pineshadow.

    Annous Pineshadow says 'Marvelously done, my friend. The idol's return by your hand bodes well indeed toward the success of your quest. Now, it shall remain without a hand to possess it -- but in time, perhaps, it may find a suitable possessor in you. If [you wish to prove yourself worthy] of the idol and further prove your faith as notable enough to belong to the sacred order of The Gale Weavers, then speak your pledge and your test shall continue.''

    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!!

    You say, 'I wish to prove myself worthy'

    Annous Pineshadow says 'Then your endeavor shall continue, my child. Take this scroll -- to you now it holds no meaning but in due time you shall understand. Keep the scroll close to you until you have sought and successfully acquired the [Dormant Crystal Sphere] and [The Rainkeeper's Writ].'

    You receive: Ancient White Scroll.

    You say, 'What is a dormant crystal sphere?'

    Annous Pineshadow says 'There are several magical spheres throughout Norrath but this sphere is [unique to The Rainkeeper]. It is said that when Karana blessed this area with his first storm in acceptance of the nomadic tribe that would settle here, that the droplets of rain left upon the pines and blades of grass was gathered by one of these nomads and stored in a plain clay jar that was then buried as a symbol of their own gratitude toward the storm. Nearly a century later when Karana's Shrine and the Throne of Karana's Thunder were near completion, one known as Tanirun Galeweaver found the jar. The water was still inside, preserved by means unexplainable through simple reason. It is said that Tanirun poured the water into his own hands and wove a spell, sealing the wind within the orb of this ancient rain that was now crystallized by Tanirun's spell.''

    You say, 'How is it unique to the Rainkeeper?'

    Annous Pineshadow says 'Tanirun's orb was used to make the first symbol that to this day is wielded by the members of the sacred order. His effects were duplicated by the first order and each bore an orb identical to Tanirun's. These orbs, as the idols, were passed down from member to member. As with the idol, we held an orb that had no bearer. However, before the Jaggedpine was sealed, the orb disappeared. We are not certain as to how or why, but we do know that if it lies within the hands of one who is not of Karana's faithful priests, it shall become dormant until awoken. I have heard rumors, distant whispers upon the wind and storm that the orb lies within the depths of Solusek's Eye -- nestled in the hands of a giant known as Neiroth the Tyrant. Find this ancient giant and retrieve the orb from him.''

    Find and kill Neiroth, a named Fire Giant in the room people describe as the Lord Nagafen 'prep' room and loot: Dormant Crystal Sphere.

    You say, 'What can you tell me of the Rainkeeper's Writ?'

    Annous Pineshadow says ''When the order of The Gale Weavers was established, Tanirun and his brethren of the order constructed a sacred writ similar to a spell, but it cannot be invoked at the priest's whim. Like the storm, it is chaos. When the words are spoken, the elements of the storm will come as they wish, when they wish. This writ was used to conjure the essence of the storm into the orbs, creating the mirror of a sky where a storm rages eternally. The writ was lost to us sometime before the Jaggedpine was sealed. One known as Naundruar, a former high priest of our order, took the writ. He was furious, enraged that the order had been asked to divide and leave our sacred homeland. None are ultimately certain what horrible fate befell him, for his hatred toward Qeynos had infected his being like an incurable disease. In the southern plain of Karana you will find the remnants of this once great priest and with him, you shall find the writ.'''

    Find and kill Sir Nandruar, a Giant Skeleton in South Karana and loot: The Rainkeeper's Writ.

    You hand The Rainkeeper's Writ to Annous Pineshadow
    You hand Dormant Crystal Sphere to Annous Pineshadow
    You hand Ancient White Scroll to Annous Pineshadow

    Annous Pineshadow says 'You have done well, my child. The ancient scroll has impressed upon it a small mirror of your faith. As it was with you through your travels, the runes have changed to reflect your own heart and what lies within it. I have woven for you the Orb of the Gale -- your Orb of the Gale, but do not think that your journey ends here. It is still hollow -- the winds are dormant and the clouds lie in wait. Their lifeblood is missing, and you must seek it. To do this, you must venture to the realm where the Gale thrives -- the Plane of Sky. There are ethereal creatures known as Gale Weavers that dwell there. You must extinguish their temporary tangible form and from that, take the essence of the Gale that they have woven. Do not feel remorse for destroying these planar creatures, for you do not truly destroy them. Once you have obtained the Essence of the Gale, place it into the orb and seal it, creating the Orb of the Gale that must be returned to me.''

    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 2.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!!

    You receive Dormant Gale Stone, a 2 slot container in the design of a diamond.

    Now travel to the Pegasus Island in the Plane of Air, kill The Gale Caller and loot: Essence of the Gale.

    Combine the Essence of the Gale in the Dormant Gale Stone (no other items required):

    You have fashioned the items together to create something new! [ Orb of the Gale ]

    You give Orb of the Gale to Annous Pineshadow.

    Annous Pineshadow says 'You astound me, my child. Well done indeed, and I am very pleased to know that you have been successful in these endeavors. It is an honor to bestow upon you this, our sacred symbol, and welcome you into the order of The Gale Weavers. Bear it proudly, but do not flaunt pride. Keep your sacred duties to The Rainkeeper first and foremost in your thoughts and actions -- the Gale Weaver shall guide you when you need guidance most, and it shall protect you when your time for failure has not yet come. The idol shall remain with me, where I shall bury it at the Shrine of Karana in honor of your coming into our ranks. When the time comes for you to pass beyond, it shall be unearthed by another who has taken my place as high priest of our order, for I will likely have passed into the Eye of Karana's Storm before your final day.''

    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 15.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 7.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 7.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain experience!!

    You receive your reward. Reward: The Gale Weaver

    War of Jaggedpine (Normal): This event begins with the slaying of Barducks Darkpaw.

    Barducks Darkpaw's corpse shouts, 'A curse upon you pitiful manlings! Avenge me my brothers and raze their pathetic settlement! Ruin their land as they've ruined ours!'

    Three waves of gnolls attack the town. The first wave consists of regular gnolls. The second (and third?) wave(s) consist of gnoll assassins which can drop class-specific quest pieces:

    Book of Gnollish Hymns
    Gnoll Dousing Rod
    Gnoll Oracle Medicine Bag
    Gnoll Pitfighter Gloves
    Gnoll Warriors Crest
    Gnollish Holy Symbol
    Runed Gnollish Tome

    Here's the emote where all the villagers despawn and respawn as the war event versions of themselves :

    The sound of war drums echo through the forest and a rough inhuman voice calls out a war cry. 'Brothers, now is the time of our revenge! Destroy the human settlement and claim it as our own! For Barducks and clan Darkpaw!'

    If you keep at least Sergeant Caelin alive, all the gnolls despawn (even while fighting them) and this message appears:

    Sergeant Caelin shouts, 'It appears the gnolls have been routed but at what a cost? Many of the innocents I have sworn to protect have perished this day. Karana forgive my dreadful failure. If you can show me that you assisted in defense of the fort, you shall be compensated.'

    If no villagers die you will see this:

    Sergeant Caelin shouts, 'It appears the gnolls have been routed with nary a casualty to report! My thanks to everyone, all that can prove they have assisted with this spectacular victory shall be richly rewarded!'

    Also If no villagers die, Jardor Darkpaw spawns.

    Here's the message when he spawns.

    an inhuman voice screams from the distance, 'You may have defeated some of my brothers but clan Darkpaw is far from broken! Prepare yourselves, for you shall soon know my wrath!'

    Jardor drops Head of Jardor Darkpaw (What is this used for?)

    When handing in the quest items :

    Sergeant Caelin says, 'You are brave and a valiant one, _____. Alas, the people whom I have been sworn to protect have been mostly wiped out. Take this as a token of my gratitude for your assistance today.'
    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 10.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 5.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos has been adjusted by 1.
    You gain party experience!

    On a flawless run with no villager deaths,

    Handing in quest drops:

    Sergeant Caelin says, 'That was excellent work on your part! Take this as your reward, we all owe you our lives!'
    Your faction standing with Residents of Jaggedpine has been adjusted by 50.
    Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk could not possibly get any better.
    Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 25.
    Your faction standing with Guards of Qeynos could not possibly get any better.

    Known Rewards:

    Enchanter, Mage, Necromancer, Wizard: Orb of the Defender
    Warrior, Paladin, Shadowknight, Rogue: Long Sword of the Defender
    Cleric: Helm of the Defender, Sash of Mourning
    Druid: Circlet of the Defender
    Ranger: Coif of the Defender
    Shaman: Wreath of the Defender
    All: Blue Colored Fluid, Elixir of Promise, Feline Elixir, Fiery Red Elixir, Good Berries

    Bracer Rewards (do these drop during the event, or are they also turn-ins?):

    Enchanter, Mage, Necromancer, Wizard: Bracelet of the Defender
    Warrior, Paladin, Shadowknight, Rogue, Berserker: Bracer of the Defender
    Monk, Beastlord: Wrist Wraps of the Defender
    Druid: Wrist Guards of the Defender
    Cleric: Wristband of the Defender

    (all dialogues, more details, information on any other items, rewards, etc. needed) Reward: Coif of the Defender
    Reward: Belt of Mourning
    Reward: Belt of Mourning
    Reward: Good Berries
    Reward: Feline Elixir
    Reward: Orb of the Defender
    Reward: Long Sword of the Defender
    Reward: Helm of the Defender
    Reward: Circlet of the Defender
    Reward: Wreath of the Defender
    Reward: Bracelet of the Defender
    Reward: Bracer of the Defender
    Reward: Wrist Wraps of the Defender
    Reward: Wrist Guards of the Defender
    Reward: Wristband of the Defender
    Reward: Elixir of Promise
    Reward: Belt of Mourning
    Reward: Blue Colored Fluid
    Reward: Griffon Wing
    Reward: Fiery Red Fluid
    Reward: Sash of Mourning
    Reward: Sash of Mourning
    Reward: Sash of Mourning
    Reward: Sash of Mourning
    Reward: Cloth Cord of Mourning
    Reward: Herb of Recovery