Dagnor's Cauldron

Quick Facts





Level Range:
12 - 20

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A rocky terrain taking its name from the lake it surrounds, this area is home to wandering undead, snakes, orcs, and goblins. Watch your step !

At the bottom of Dagnor's Cauldron is Kedge Keep, an underwater dungeon entered from the floor of the lake. And along the southern mountain boundary is a tunnel leading to the undead-ridden manor, Unrest.
Leaving the Passage from ButcherblockIn the Middle of Dagnor's CauldronGoblin KillersA Mountainous TerrainUnderwater Entrance to Kedge KeepGoblin CampOrc CampOn the Island
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XP at 30
# May 13 2001 at 3:14 AM Rating: Good
after failing to get a group in unrest i decided to stop and kill two tidal lords that had spawned at the camp (both were blue) and killed them fairly easy. to my amazement i got unexpectedly good xp from these guys at 30. dunno why really.
RE: XP at 30
# Jul 27 2001 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
360 posts
I wholeheartedly agree with this post. At 30, the Tidal Lords can barely touch ya, are blue, and give noticeable experience with each kill. As well as some coin and arrows. The rest of the gobbies were green enough to totally ignore me, as well. Very good way to get hell-level experience.

Now, if only they'd come up out of the Cauldron more often...

Arynduil Greyleaf
30th Ranger of Tunare,
Norrathian Brotherhood, Erollsi Marr
Fab 4 Aggro
# Feb 21 2001 at 5:18 PM Rating: Default
I've started hanging out by the Fab4 camp and have died a few times because of wandering Tidal Lords. I run back to camp and the Fab4 just stand there and watch me get pummeled. Should I turn off the auto-attack and just sit down or just root and try to run to the BB zone? The few times I have been sitting in the camping medding and a gobo Lord attacked me the Fab 4 attacked the gobo. What is going on with these fellas? Any suggestions?
RE: Fab 4 Aggro
# Mar 06 2001 at 10:31 AM Rating: Decent
240 posts
Can't help there. The Fab4 have always helped me no matter what has attacked me. They have saved me a few times from the Tidal Lords. There is a Dwarf on the Island who watched me die as a Tidal Lord slaughtered me. I am a woodelf so maybe your race has something to do whith a NPC helping you out. Just a thought.
Loot in Dagnor
# Sep 13 2000 at 8:45 PM Rating: Good
102 posts
When you get right down to it, although Dagnor's Cauldron has a reputation for being a desolate wasteland with high drops and hard hitters, it has some great rewards to offer. First of all, there are lower lvl creatures that look much like some of the normal ones, these include Barnacle Bones, Flotsam and Jetsam, and one other whose name escapes me. All three of these pre lvl 20 mobs drop good loot (again the Barnacle Pauldron and rat tail whip are all that I remember) Later on, you can take on Aqua goblin Tidal lords which have fairly good loot on their own. However the peak of this area is around lvls 30-40 when you can hunt the few named goblins in the area for Humongeous items like the Incredibly Rare, Pearl Kedge Totem (+18wis -9str) Which can trade for incredible amounts. And the reed belt which is the common drop off of the same mob. I started hunting here around lvl 20, a low camped, non city zone, with "guards" that can save you if you get swamped, and a few good spawn areas for groups.
The Hero's
# Aug 28 2000 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
102 posts
Of all the things that must be mentioned about Dagnor's Cauldron, the Hero's stand up pretty high on the list. There are four of them, representing the races on Faydwer, and they are one of the only safe havens in the entire zone. If you are hurt badly, one NPC there will heal you, and also if you are scared or lost, another will escort you to the BB zone to help you on your way. They aren't the highest lvl guys, so If you have a tidal lord on you, you still have to watch out, but they will get the job done. Another thing you have to be careful for is named goblin spawns. For some reason, a few of these aren't KoS to this camp, and they won't help you if you get into trouble. However they have saved myself and many others more than a few times, so you have to give them some credit.
RE: The Hero's
# Aug 29 2000 at 2:38 PM Rating: Default
Note: I have tried asking to be healed and was turned down by the cleric there, he just told me to stay at the camp until i was ready again. I'm not sure if you ned to give a little cash or something to make him do it.

But they make an excellent base of operations if you're not fond of pulling to the Unrest tunnel.

Dagnor's tips
# Aug 27 2000 at 10:49 PM Rating: Excellent
ok, seeing as I've toted MM to the point of boredom, This zone deserved a post as well, as it was my launching pad into my lvl 22 spells.

Most people only view this zone as the crossway to Unrest, Kedge, or for the rare goblin spawn. (Bilge I believe).

It's more. Trust me.

It was already stated that there is a goblin camp for the upperteens-low20's here. True. It's an excellent place to camp... however, there is a catch or two:

Harmony or the like is a MUST
snare or the like is an almost-must.

If pulled front to back, you can grab all 4 goblins in succession with harmony, and deal one at a time with them. Very nice.

The goblin shamans are the only casters... with a weak heal spell, and an even weaker DoT. They also have a rather pathetic ice spell. 3 sucks for the price of one.. but wait, there's more! they have a pathetic AC buff too! Only worry about them if they are sitting in the camp buffing the other guys. if you are going 1 on 1 with one, even as a lvl 19 ranger I had no trouble (con black-yellow at that point).

The mariners are the lowbies. easy kills, lvl 14-17 I believe.

The bosuns are the standard tank of that area. equal in lvl to the shaman, they can pack a few hits, but a good DS will have them reeling (you listening druids?).

The Tidal Lords are the top dogs of the area (save for Bilge Farfathom). They are about as tough as a glyphed familiar from MM (sorry about the reference), and can hit for almost 50 if you aren't lucky. On the other hand, they are rather easy to hit. at lvl 22 (once I picked up my new ranger spells) I was able to solo them, and by 24 (when I left Dagnor's) I could drop one while also getting beat on by a bosun. Note: I ran afterwards :)

Other choice/more active choice:

running around. The 4 types of goblins I mentioned at the camp can also be found roaming the zone. If you are FH/FM and the camp has yet to respawn, run around and see if you can pick a fight.


beware of a goblin running back into the goblin camp (as was mentioned in other thread). This can prove a bad situation... luckily, you are 15 seconds away from the Unrest zone. The pathing is also bad enough here that as long as low hp isnt slowing you down, you can outrun a goblin to the zone as soon as you pass the large hill.

Bilge is a rare spawn, but when he does show, he wanders like a normal goblin. If you see him and are less than lvl 35, or without a group, I'd stay back. Evenin a group, I wouldn't recommend going after him, provided the group you are with is in the 18-22 range that nets you exp here.

If you are an evil race, Also beware of the "hero" camp. It's usually used as a safe spot, but they might turn ugly if you aren't in good with the majority of Faydwer factions.


I have yet to kill Bilge, But I hear he has a nice belt. As for the Goblin Tidal Lords, they drop 2 quest items, one for rangers, one for shamans (water ring and seashell). Goblins in general ALWAYS carry a hunters bow and 4 arrows (great for some archery practice if you are falling behind), and can also have various words, or rusty or bronze weaponry.

The special forage here is Cauldron Prawns, that look remarkably like fishing grubs... and I bet they taste the same too :)

There are also lower lvl wandering mobs here, but if you are at the level those are good for you (around 10) You'd be better off in other places, like Crushbone, the Chessboard in BB, Lfay, or any of the good non-faydwer areas :)

Hope this is of benefit.
# Aug 27 2000 at 10:50 PM Rating: Good
20 posts
forgot to log in for that last one :) In other words, rate this one like the above post please? :)

(at least until I get the option to delete my own threads. then I'll take this one out quick)
# Aug 10 2001 at 1:19 PM Rating: Default
Great post! It gave me a bunch of info that I really needed. Lvl 17 rogue new to DC. If anyone can help me out with this zone, your help would be much appreciated. I need to know what I should hunt at me lvl. I also need to know how long I should hunt it, what is the loot, how to hunt it, and if groups are common there (if so, should I join one?). One last question, is this an easy zone to get lost in? I do not have good sense heading....lol, don't need it. If you think that sense heading is a worth-while skill, it's not. Go to NRo and the....maybe EC....anyway, the first merchant you see out there in the sandy area sells, you guessed it, compasses, just buy one and right click and hold. PRESTO! Instant grand-master sense header. Never fails). Ok, thanks to anyone who answers any of these questions.
aquagoblin camp
# Aug 24 2000 at 4:56 AM Rating: Good
34 posts
not far from the Unrest zone there is a nice little hill that overlooks a small camp of aquagoblins..This provided very nice exp for someone stuck in Faydwer but tired of unrest and too young for Mistmorre..I hit it around lvl 17 but its a good camp into the low 20s. First ofcourse you need some form of Lull spell..and I would strongly advice taking an enchanter along..though lull will make this camp..campable..the gobs tend to flee right inot the camp at 25% health causing you much death..add to this the numerous wandering beasties its just much safer with someone around who can mez.

Another stratagy for this zone around the high teens early 20s is to hunt the stray wantering goblins and rats and snakes and the like near the hero camp. This is a group of friendly npcs camped just tothe right and down at bit as you exit from the BB path..though obviously dont hunt too close or they will killsteal, they have an odd habid of not noticing critters ripping you to shreads so be warned. However they will kills things most of the time and their camp makes an excellent place to rest and med until you are ready to go snag a wandering gob or whatever..as mobs are rather prolific and players arnt in this zone..single prey is not hard to find
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