Skulk #1: The Hills Are Alive  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Adventure
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 03:00:00
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Call of the Forsaken
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Oct 8 06:27:03 2013
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023

Call of the Forsaken Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

About Heroic Adventures

- Heroic adventures in Call of the Forsaken scale in level: As low as Level 75 and up to current maximum level.
- Scale is based on the highest level player present in the zone and affects difficulty, loot quality, and mob levels.
- There is some variation/randomization in the task steps you'll be assigned as you progress through the task.
- Time of completion will vary by your group's makeup (anywhere from 30-90+ minutes).
- Collection items appear as ground spawns midway through tasks (you'll see an emote indicating their appearance).
- Named mobs (or their PHs) spawn midway through tasks (usually, but always, at the same time collection items appear).
- These tasks have individual 3-hour lockout timers (timer gained upon completion).

Experience in Heroic Adventures

- Mobs in these instances grant some experience, but the bulk of experience is earned upon task completion.
- As of a patch in November 2014, less difficult tasks were tuned to reward less experience and more difficult ones were tuned to reward more.
- For an added experience bonus, check out Guard Hamarn's "Daily Tasks".

This is a heroic adventure (1-6 players) that begins with Skulk the Madaxe (click for map) in the Dead Hills. He is an ogre located inside a big tent at the dock camp just west of the zone-in point.

Pre-Requisites for Requesting:
- Level 75
- No tasks


- Say "investigate" to get the task and "when" to zone in.

Step #1:
- Speak with Oracle Udwoona and see if you can assist her 0/1
--- Hail update

Step #2:
- Recover a stock of mushroom spawn so that the Stonecap clan can continue to grow their mushrooms 0/6
--- Clear rats away from crates, then loot the crates
- Rescue Udwoona's bunnies 0/4
--- Kill undead around bunnies, and then hail the bunnies (one bunny, Puffball, will need to be killed)
- Defeat the monsters living in the Stonecap clan's home 0/20
--- Kill updates (undead only)

Step #3:
- Remove the monstrous fungus that has gained sentience and taken up residence in Krag's home 0/1
--- Kill "Fetid Fungus" in the east cave (hits for a max ~18,500).
- Make it safe for Krag to return home 0/10
--- Kill spiders in the east cave
- Recover Krag's spare arms and armor from his home. You'll need to find the key to his treasures. 0/1
--- In the eastern cave is Krag's Chest; kill "a mangy scavenger" mobs until you loot Krag's Key, then open the chest and loot it

Step #4:
- Let Krag know that you have helped him out 0/1
--- Hail update

- At this point in the task, collectibles spawn in the zone (ground spawns) and a named (or its PH) has a chance to spawn.

Step #5:
- Clear out the rest of the ogres' homes 0/15
--- Kill update ("a moldering dead")
- Krag remembers a terrible smell coming from the homes to the north. Maybe that's where the source of all this trouble is 0/1
--- Kill the High Infectioner in the caves (spawns adds)
- Rescue Mouga. She is the most knowledgeable about fungus, and Karg thinks she was taken because of this expertise 0/12
--- Find and kill 12x "a creeping mushroom" in the caves northeast and northwest of Krag
--- Search the northern home for the source of terriable smell
Step #6:
- Speak with Udwoona and let her know you have done what you can 0/1
--- Hail update to complete the task

- As soon as the objective for Step #6 is done, the task completes.


Three named mobs ("Dark Infector", "Dread Ghoul", and "Rat Packleader"; or their respective PHs "an unrestful soul"; "an aggressive corpse"; and "a gangrenous rat") have chances to spawn after you complete the fourth step in the task. They drop the same stat items (can also drop Tier 1 armor templates and Rank II spells):

Level 100+
Blood Drinker's Coating
Etherforce Ring
Tainted Band of the Avaricious

Level 95
Shadowed Hoop of Decaying Leaves

Level 90

Level 85

Level 80
Glowing Draconic Icehoop

Level 75



You say, 'Hail, Skulk the Madaxe'

Skulk the Madaxe brandishes his axe menacingly, 'Hurr hurr! Did that scare you? Never get tired of pulling the axe and seeing that look! Hurr hurr. Been awhile since I laughed this hard, cause the Dead Hills ain't [afraid of my axe].'

You say, 'Afraid of your axe?'

Skulk the Madaxe says 'Not them xulous. Nope. They ain't afraid. Neither are them pusbuckets or the skeletons. Only thing that's been scared of my axe, aside from you, was that ogre up in the hills. She just turned and ran. Didn't get to see the look on her face, though.' Skulk sighs, and continues. 'She probably has what we needs. That [artifact].'

You say, 'What artifact?'

Skulk the Madaxe says 'Wanted to follow her, but had nasty goo wrapped around my leg and something slimy made of who-knows-what clawing at my good eye.' Skulk scratches at his left eye and grimaces, as if remembering something unpleasant. 'Gemma mended me up good, but not going up there alone again. You want to [investigate] those ogres and see if they got that artifact we need? They must know something if they're alive in this Zek-forsaken place.'

You say, 'I'll investigate'

Skulk the Madaxe nods, 'Skulk has sailed the world and seen a lot of odd things, but ain't ever seen an ogre like her before. I can't say why, but she was odd. ODD.' Skulk repeats the word again slowly and loudly for emphasis. 'Say [when] and I'll show you where I found her.'

You have been assigned the task 'The Hills Are Alive'.

Skulk the Madaxe has asked you to find the ogre that he ran into earlier. She fled to the north, so he wants you to find her and her people and learn more about them. No ogre should run from a fight, and he wants to know what sort of ogre she was. She can send you back if you ask her to leave.

You say, 'When...?'

You have entered The Dead Hills.

While not part of task progression, a few of the ogres inside the instance have different things to say:

Prud greets you with a trusting smile, 'Hello, _____. I've heard good things about you.'

Doreen says 'You'll be safe in our city, but be careful outside its walls. Lots of nasty things can be found in these hills.'

Mouga says 'Welcome to our city, _____. A bit of advice: stay away from Lompi's cooking unless you like spending hours squatting over a hole!'

Brudo Gomph says 'Hello, _____. I've been told that you think an item of great importance may be hidden within our humble city. It's true, we have many artifacts in our cave structures, though it may take some [work] to uncover them. As an ally of the ogres, you're welcome to search within our caves for the artifact you're looking for, though remember that these items belong to the ogres. If you find an artifact you wish to keep, return to me and we can negotiate a fair trade.'

Brudo Gomph says 'Many artifacts are protected by guardians whose job it is to see that the artifacts are only obtained by those who prove themselves worthy. Others have been hidden in plain sight, but invisible to those whose intentions are not pure. No matter which obstacle you encounter, you'll need to prepare both mind and body before you begin your search.'


Speak with Oracle Udwoona and see if you can assist her 0/1 (Dead Hills)

Task Window Says: You're not sure which ogre here is the one Skulk met. They all look worried, but one appears to have a strong presence. Speak with her.

If You Get This Step: This is a hail update.

You say, 'Hail, Oracle Udwoona'

Oracle Udwoona says 'Oh, well. We were not expecting strangers. Welcome! I would offer you a seat and warm broth, perhaps some stewed mushrooms, but our homes have been overrun. I see you are... what was that Skulk fellow called it? Adventurer? If you are, then we could sure use your [help].'

You say, 'My help?'

Oracle Udwoona says 'Well, we aren't an aggressive people, you see. We've been having trouble with the local fauna, which are mostly monsters and, lately, undead monsters. Until a little while ago, we just kept to our homes and hid the entrances as best we could. But since the dead have started to rise, things have gotten pretty bad. All sorts of monstrosities have moved into our homes and we aren't prepared to kill things just for our own comfort. However, you adventurers, from what I now understand, don't have such moral issues. So if you find yourself near our homes, we would not be displeased if you could help us out.'


Recover a stock of mushroom spawn so that the Stonecap clan can continue to grow their mushrooms 0/1 (Dead Hills)

Task Window Says: The Stonecap Clan's home, such as it is, has been overrun. They need you to help reclaim it and what little they own.

If You Get This Step: Up the path a ways you will find crates with 2-3 rats nearby. Clear the rats, destroy the crates, and loot until you get the update.


Rescue Udwoona's bunnies 0/4 (Dead Hills)

Task Window Says: The Stonecap Clan's home, such as it is, has been overrun. They need you to help reclaim it and what little they own.

If You Get This Step: This is a kill update (kill undead mobs around the bunnies, and then hail the bunnies). The undead bunny "Puffball" also needs to be killed, since it's an undead mob. Note that the bunnies have a very small hail radius, and are very sensitive to nearby undead mobs, so make sure everything is cleared.


Defeat the monsters living in the Stonecap clan's home 0/20 (Dead Hills)

Task Window Says: The Stonecap Clan's home, such as it is, has been overrun. They need you to help reclaim it and what little they own.

If You Get This Step: This is a kill update (kill 20 undead mobs on the path, outside, and around the ogre homes). Note that unrestful souls and aggressive corpses tend to do more DPS than the skeletons (hit for a max ~17,000).


Remove the monstrous fungus that has gained sentience and taken up residence in Krag's home 0/1 (Dead Hills)

Task Window Says: Krag is one of the few Stonecap Clan members with warrior training, though has he sworn off using his basher. His resolve is important to the clan, and helping him out seems important to them. His home is the one on the eastern wall of the northern cavern.

If You Get This Step: In the eastern caves is a sporali called "Fetid Fungus". It is a Necromancer; hits for a max ~20,500; single-target rampages; and has a lot of hitpoints. Kill this mob.


Make it safe for Krag to return home 0/10 (Dead Hills)

Task Window Says: Krag is one of the few Stonecap Clan members with warrior training, though has he sworn off using his basher. His resolve is important to the clan, and helping him out seems important to them. His home is the one on the eastern wall of the northern cavern.

If You Get This Step: Kill 10x "a deadly darkfang" in the eastern caves. These each hit for a max ~17,000 (mezzable).


Recover Krag's spare arms and armor from his home. You'll need to find the key to his treasures. 0/1 (Dead Hills)

Task Window Says: ?

If You Get This Step: In the eastern cave, you will find Krag's Chest. You will need to kill the "a mangy scavenger" rat mobs until you loot Krag's Key (drop appears to be random). Once you have the key, open the chest and loot Krag's Weaponry.


Let Krag know that you have helped him out 0/1 (Dead Hills)

Task Window Says: Krag's home appears safe and his belongings, such as they are, appear relatively undamaged.

If You Get This Step: This is a hail update.

You say, 'Hail, Krag'

Krag says 'Well, thanks. I really do appreciate your assistance. I promised never to raise a weapon again, and so far I've kept that promise.'


Clear out the rest of the ogres' homes 0/15 (Dead Hills)

Task Window Says: Your task is not done. There are still dangers lurking in the remaining Stonecap caves.

If You Get This Step: This is a kill update ("a moldering dead" in the two northern caves).


Krag remembers a terrible smell coming from the homes to the north. Maybe that's where the source of all this trouble is. 0/1 (Dead Hills)

Task Window Says: ?

If You Get This Step: Kill the High Infectioner in the northeastern cave. It hits for a max ~12,500 and spawns adds that are most likely (but not confirmed to be) health-based (maybe five total). Adds hit just as hard, so you'll probably want to deal with them as they spawn. Adds are mezzable and rootable, and the High Infectioner does NOT lock health when they spawn.


Rescue Mouga. She is the most knowledgeable about fungus, and Krag thinks she was taken because of this expertise 0/12 (Dead Hills)

Task Window Says: Your task is not done. There are still dangers lurking in the remaining Stonecap caves.

If You Get This Step: Mouga can be found captive in the northwestern cave, but all you need to do for this update is kill 12x "a creeping mushroom" in either of the two north cave systems.

a creeping mushroom has been slain by _____!
Mouga shouts 'What happened? I don't feel so good...'


Speak with Udwoona and let her know you have done what you can 0/1 (Dead Hills)

Task Window Says: (nothing)

If You Get This Step: Hail Udwoona to complete the task.

You say, 'Hail, Oracle Udwoona'

Oracle Udwoona says 'We thank you for your assistance, stranger. I thank you. I am pleased that none of our clan needed to resort to violence in order to return to our homes. If that were the only choice, I am uncertain what we would have done. I can send you back to that fellow named Skulk whenever you are ready to [leave].'


- a varying amount of platinum
- a varying amount of experience
- a varying number of Marks of Valor (currency used to buy group gear)
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Dread Ghoul
# Nov 02 2023 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
16 posts
Just did this at level 93 and spawned a level 97 Dread Ghoul named which dropped an Agralta's Cudgel of Merit
Completes before Udwoona
# Dec 14 2021 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
11 posts
Should update this with the fact it really complete after Step 5.
Completes before Udwoona
# Dec 22 2021 at 12:51 PM Rating: Excellent
irix6530 wrote:
Should update this with the fact it really complete after Step 5.

So there is no step #6 in the task window?
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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Completes before Udwoona
# Feb 21 2022 at 11:17 PM Rating: Good
293 posts
There is a step six and today for me it was updated at that step, not at the completion of step 5.
Tried Shuraz system - did not work
# Jun 24 2021 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts

"if you get open crates : Dark Infector"

was not true tonight -- only Hunter Mob we need. Ran the "crates" mission 5 times. Got 4 PH and one Ratpack Leader....

Darn it!

anecdotal information about name spawns
# May 21 2021 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
1,069 posts
if you get the first stage as kill 20 creatures you may get name : Dread Ghoul
if you get open crates : Dark Infector
if you get save bunnies : Rat Packleader

This is over 20 missions. Never got a different name in a different mission. Luck? RNG? hmmm
New Task Portion
# Sep 24 2020 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
4 posts
My 5th part of this mission was to "Search the northern homes for the source of a terrible smell 0/1" Which evidently is killing "High Infectioner" LVL 104 which goes immune at 10% until you kill the goo it eventually spawns a decaying sporemound, kill that and you can finish off the High Infectioner. Then go back and hail Udwoona to finish.
Bunny Rescue Finale
# Jul 12 2020 at 3:06 AM Rating: Good
179 posts
The first time I did this quest with the bunny rescue subtask, I got a good laugh when I returned to hail Udwoona for the reward and found her surrounded by the three rescued bunnies,.
Artulyn Starsummoner 120 Grand Summoner of Omani Winter on Bertoxxulous

For the Light of a Candle to be Seen, It must be taken to a Dark Place -- UKLG
a mangy scavenger
# Jun 16 2020 at 3:34 AM Rating: Decent
270 posts
gets old when none of these mobs have the key and I have to drop and redo mission. doesn't happen a lot but it does. Noticed when it does one mob is left but you cant get to. says its way above me and noway of getting too. im a ranger with tracking.

# Feb 28 2017 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
126 posts
Need correction:
2. Recover a stock of mushroom spawn for the Stonecap clan (0/6)

Edited, Feb 28th 2017 9:13am by Gary168
# Feb 28 2017 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
528 posts
Gary168 wrote:
Need correction:
2. Recover a stock of mushroom spawn for the Stonecap clan (0/6)

Changed, do you know if it is always 6 mushroom spawns needed or is it variable in the task?

Edited, Feb 28th 2017 4:03pm by Bobbybick
no key
# Jun 01 2016 at 11:58 AM Rating: Good
1,069 posts
still happening as of today. /sigh.
The Hills are Alive
# Mar 07 2015 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Just completed it today. My steps were a little different:

1. Speak with Oracle Udwoona
2. Recover a stock of mushroom spawn for the stonecap clan.
As mentioned above this involved killing rats and looting the chests or barrels. Before you get to these though you have to clear the path and kill various mobs. There was a bunch of "a malarian pest" and "an unrestful soul" and "a mangy scavenger".
3. Use keys to recover Krag's arms and armor form his home. One of the rats in the corridor has the key. It was tough to avoid multiple aggs around the crate.
4. Let Krag know you have helped him out. Just hail him and its done.
5, Rescue Mooga, the clan resident fungus expert. As mentioned above kill 12 "a creeping mushrooms".
6. Speak with Udwoona to let her know that you've done what you can.

I actually received the award and completion before I hailed Udwoona.

However, you get out by saying "leave" to Udwoona. She does not tell you that.

Reward was ~18 AAs. Did not receive any of the other indicated rewards above, nor could I see a named on track.

# Sep 04 2014 at 8:08 PM Rating: Good
770 posts
The collectibles and the namer/Ph spawns after Step 4, Hail Krag -- not after Step 3.

I completed the bunnies version today without any problems. The bunnies have a tiny Hail radius, you need to be practically standing on top of them to be acknowledged. The bunnies also have a wide perception radius regarding the undead around them; need to clear out a good chuck of space around the bunnies before they feel safe enough to run off.
# Aug 10 2014 at 5:04 AM Rating: Good
1,069 posts
today, step 3, recovering the key from the rats,. killed all the rats and no key dropped.
# Apr 19 2015 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
We had this happen to us tonight, killed all the visible rats but no key. One was still on track but there was no way to get to it, like it spawned below the world.
# Jan 04 2015 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
Had this happen to us just now. Used sense animals spell and found rat very far away from us, at top of zone ontop of mountain that we couldn't reach. Sent in a bug report.
# Feb 24 2019 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
3 posts
They still have not fixed the rat bug. So, I guess it's been over 3 years. The same thing happened. We had a druid in the group so we could track it. We finished all tasks and killed everything in the zone we could reach. However, that stupid rat was roaming off the map. No wonder people quit this game with a turn around rate on bugs at over three years... closer to four. I was looking forward to the 20 year anniversary but now I don't know if I'll even stick around. There are too many bugs in Heroic Adventures which makes up about 50 percent or more of the play time in this game... at least on my server. Nothing worse than a bugged HA in a group. I don't mind if it happens to me alone as much but then we have wasted everyone's time. Video games can be a waste of time or they can provide enjoyment. In times like this, Everquest is a complete and utter waste of time.
Bunny step worked this once at least
# Aug 08 2014 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
10 posts
Kept getting bunny step, so finally decided to try it.

Got through, had to also kill a couple of rats near last bunny for it to stop being terrified.

Still bugged as of 7/7/14
# Jul 07 2014 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
Tried to do this task last night, same issues as described in older comments. Really crappy way to spend over an hour clearing every mob in the zone only to find out the bunny's still wouldn't update. Don't waste your time for now.

Vildayve ~Bertoxxulous~
still bugged
# Apr 20 2014 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
90 posts
The bunnies will still not update..... especially Bolete.
still bugged
# Apr 17 2014 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
Still bugged. I enjoy wasting time like this.
Extra details
# Mar 12 2014 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
100 posts
From the Game Update Notes: March 12, 2014

- The Hills Are Alive - The Rescue Udwoona's Bunnies step of this Heroic Adventure should update properly if the nearby undead have been defeated.

It took them 5 months, but they finally listened to all the /bug reports!!!
# Jan 24 2014 at 10:58 PM Rating: Default
49 posts
318 per, 6 toons, all 100
Step 2
# Nov 09 2013 at 5:51 PM Rating: Good
211 posts
Recover a stock of mushroom spawn so that the Stonecap clan can continue to grow their mushrooms 0/1 (Dead Hills)

Task Window Says: The Stonecap Clan's home, such as it is, has been overrun. They need you to help reclaim it and what little they own.

If You Get This Step: ?

Up the path a ways you will find crates with two or three rats nearby. Kill or otherwise remove the rats and melee the crates, loot.
Step 2
# Feb 06 2015 at 7:39 PM Rating: Decent
2 posts
No need to Melee. Just /open and loot. I wasn't getting anywhere with melee.
Step 2
# Nov 15 2013 at 7:31 AM Rating: Good
108 posts
Keep to the right path. Sharpfanged rats can be splitted, but seems to have a large agro range. Melee the moldy boxes and loot 6 mushroom spawn - not every box will drop one
Step 2
# Nov 09 2013 at 6:25 PM Rating: Good
211 posts
Slight modification: The sharpfang rats need to be killed, as you cannot damage the chest with them up. The mangy rats, that con dubious, do not need to be killed.
frustrating bug
# Oct 20 2013 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
still bugged October 20th, 2013
frustrating bug
# Oct 22 2013 at 4:58 PM Rating: Good
211 posts
I had a similar problem today with one of the bunnies. However, when I had a different PC hail the bunny responded and went off on it's way.
Fetid Fungus
# Oct 16 2013 at 7:36 AM Rating: Decent
- Remove the monstrous fungus that has gained sentience and taken up residence in Krag's home 0/1

In the far eastern cave there is one mob, a Fetid Fungus, which is a giant fungus. Hits for 14506 on Level 96 Mage pet Shard of Air and 18074 on SK. It Rampages. TONS of HP. It hit my SK for 60k in one round so I had to have the mage pet tank it - no problem like that. Conned red to level 99. Kill it and the task will update.

I got no named or loot. At the end I got some XP and ONE of my boxes got some alternate currency. That was it!

Edited, Oct 16th 2013 10:29am by BasilRathbone
High Infector
# Oct 14 2013 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
689 posts

dissolving venin
itkari's swift deconstruction
mind strip
osalur's flashblaze
scent of dread
volmondnacht orb

max hit 14k on a 8200 ac paladin with not quite max defensive
had about 6m hp
Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
high infector
# Oct 14 2013 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
689 posts
doomscale cultist model

spawned 5 adds during the fight (%, likely). his HP did NOT lock when an add spawned.

1st was a dark blue con (to 100) a decaying sporemound
2nd was an even con a moldering dead
3rd was a yellow con an unrestful soul
4th was a yellow con a moldering dead
5th was a yellow con a moldering dead

I didn't try to VP the sporemound but was able to VP the rest of the mobs.

I had (at worst) 3 adds up, so his hp is definitely not locked when an add spawns.

2-box'd this mission with pal/shm and healer/wiz mercs. Buncha deaths.

This time, 2 collectibles and 2 named (Rat Packleader roaming and Dark Infector static) spawned. Dark Infector was right outside the tunnel to the High Infector.

Steps were:
save bunnies
make it safe for Krag to get home (kill spiders)
something smells (High Infector)


got a total of 152 marks of valor this time.
Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
high infector
# Dec 22 2013 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
318 posts
Adds are mezzable
then ...
# Oct 13 2013 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
689 posts

2 collectibles and "Rat Packleader" spawned
Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
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