Finger Bones  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Era:Legacy of Ykesha
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Feb 25 19:06:10 2003
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
You say, 'Hail, Dimaal the Spiritmaster'

Dimaal the Spiritmaster says 'Ahh a visitor, I see? Welcome to the Cave of the Damned. I am the keeper of these caves, and I have been charged with holding the spiritual [manifestations] at bay. Many bloody battles have been fought on the shores of Gunthak, many more battles will be fought here.'

You say, 'What manifestations?'

Dimaal the Spiritmaster says 'Most of the spirits that perish on the beach move on to the next world, though a few remain bound to their ships or comrades and remain on the shore. Every once in a great while, however, a spirit breaks its bond to the beach and is drawn to this cave. There is magic in this cave, dark magic. The spirits that find their way here draw power from the magic in the caves. I assure that the spirits that find their way here remain contained in the cave, along with their [treasures].'

You say, 'What treasures?'

Dimaal the Spiritmaster smiles. 'I figured that would pique your interest. A few of the spirits here managed to retain a portion of their material possessions. If you wish, I can channel the spirits into a form where you may request their treasures. Of course, there is a [price].'

You say, 'What price?'

Dimaal the Spiritmaster says 'Finger bones. There is strong magic in the bones of our fingers, and I use such bones to summon the spirits, as well as keep them bound to this cave. Bring me four identical finger bones, the better condition the bones are in, the stronger the spirits I call will be.'

Broken finger bones drop in the main pirate village, Pristine finger bones drop in the Castle, and Cracked finger bones drop off of undeads on the beach. Hand in set of 4 bones unstacked to Dimaal once you are ready to proceed. Next comes a few waves of mobs from 4 to 8 per wave and 3 to 5 waves, level of mobs varies with the quality of the bones given. There is a break of a few minutes between each wave. The cracked bones produce the weakest mobs, the broken bones produce medium difficulty mobs, and the pristine bones produce the strongest mobs. Just before the last wave he says the following and spawns wave with a named mob.

Dimaal the Spiritmaster says 'You seem to have this situation under control. I will depart now. Best of luck.'


Cracked finger bones
A doomed partisan
a doomed sorcerer
a doomed curate
an emaciated zombie
Simati the Cursed

Broken finger bones
A cursed conscript
A cursed magus
A cursed vicar
Tagai Darkheart

Pristine finger bones
A fallen knight
A fallen priest
a fallen thaumaturge
Phizan Crindo
Vaal ti`Lia
Submitted by: Fleven
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Cracked finger bone
# Feb 23 2019 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
2 posts
I got a cracked finger bone off an emaciated zombie in gunthak
Simati the Cursed
# Dec 10 2013 at 8:30 PM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
We ran the event as described...

fingerbones from the undead beach gave us "cursed" mobs (vicar and such).

We ended with Simati (the named fingers from the beach is supposed to spawn).

Note that this is slightly different than the write up, as it says "doomed" mobs for that tier of the quest.

Edit: We did finger bones from the "pirate village" tonight and got "doomed" spawns. Our final named was Tagai

Edited, Dec 11th 2013 9:35pm by snailish
pristine bones
# Feb 13 2010 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
2,308 posts
Spawns 6 waves. First 4, 8 mobs. 5th wave 8 + one named. 6th wave 8 + one named.
New MOB Vaal Ti Lia
# Feb 13 2010 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
241 posts
2nd wave with pristine finger bones
New Mob
Vaal Ti Lia

Dropped 1HB
Petrified Fibula

Seems to be junk stats

Dadijob (Prexus) TA Rocks
New MOB Vaal Ti Lia
# Feb 13 2010 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
2,308 posts
Yup, and I have a screenie!
Once Upon a Time...
# Aug 24 2007 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
159 posts
A year goes by and how things change. Did the 1st mission, the easy one I believe, and I completed it with a 58 Warrior with 6 KHP.

- Had 5 waves of 5 Mobs and a Magus.
- I had the namer Skellie dude thing with the winged helmut also, but appeared on the 1st wave.
- Virtue was the only buff I had except PoK and Baz assorted potions...I.E. thorns, haste, regen etc.
- The Namer on the 1st wave dropped the Greatsword of Lost Souls and the stats are the same except the the required level. The rl droppped to Level 33 and their is also a loss of 5 damage points. (combined damage points under the new item system that indicates modified and unmodified stats)
- and in closing... The quest NPC did not give the emote 'You seem to have this situation under control. I will depart now. Best of luck.' The NPC simply de-spawned. Mission over.

It was still very exciting to do for I was expecting Level 70 mobs... but then again this is only mission 1 ill let ya know how the other 2 missions go. I did the gravy one 1st, LOL.

In reality, I could have left after the 1st wave for I already had the Greatsword... but went thru the mission... till the end !
Once Upon a Time...
# Feb 16 2021 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
3 posts
So how did the other missions go?
Easy as pie
# Aug 22 2006 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Soloed the entire thing with a 70 monk, 217 AAs and only 8khps.
Was nothing to me. All the mobs spawned, attacked me. I killed them one by one and it was over.
No named or loots though. :(
You can win thousands of fights
But you may only lose one.
Did this today
# Aug 16 2006 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
2,308 posts
Great little quest. Definitely challenges a groups ability to pull together. CC is a must! Turned in 4 cracked, avg level of group was 35. 3 SK, 1 necro, 1 BST, and 1 shaman. 3 waves, 6 mobs, then 4 with a named, Fissan Giil (Huge skellie in full battle armor w/a winged helm), then 6 mobs for the final. Dropped waterlogged tunic. Named was red con, while cursed mobs where white to yellow cons. Cracked spawns cursed mobs.
# May 23 2006 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
Girdle of the Forgotten Prophet
Focus effect Affliction Efficiency II
wis +4
hp +10
sv fire +4
recommended level 31
size medium
race all
slot 1, type 7

Order of the Frogs
The Rathe

dropped off Tagai Darkheart during this event.

Edited, Tue May 23 22:52:15 2006
RE: Girdle
# May 24 2006 at 12:03 AM Rating: Good
6,998 posts
Added, thanks.
Broken Finger Bones
# Apr 24 2006 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
Tried the broken fingerbone quest with 53 ranger and 53 mage last night, thinking the mobs would all be lt blue. Well about 8 mobs spawned, half of which were casters (including a named caster) and all went straight for the mage. Btw, being on the opposite side from the quest-giver doesn't help, they still spawned on top of the mage. Definitely need to have a full group for this one, no matter what the lvl.
if your pop levels you can duo/solo easy (61+)
# Apr 09 2006 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
duao able with 62 mage and 62 shammy (ds points help just have mage get all agro with pb aoe's and then keep him healed they kill them selves so fast pets only realy needed for the nameds)
figner bones
# Aug 30 2005 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
I was getting cracked finger bones off the skellies on the beach. I also got one off a "survivor" mob, which seemed kinda odd.
Dimaal despawned
# Apr 20 2005 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
I was trying for the Waterlogged Leather Tunic for my newbie BL. I'm a 66 pally and was gonna give two shots at doing the Cracked finger bone cycle. Got the Greatsword of Lost Souls the first time, waited till respawn (one hour or so) and got thru first two waves when Dimaal says something like, one of the spirits has escaped and I can't let him break thru my defenses or something vaguely like that. He then disappeared after the second wave of mobs and no third wave with named came.
Couple of points: the Cracked fingerbone cycle was extremely ez, I never got below 80% health. Secondly all the mobs were UNDEAD. Good luck.
update on team
# Mar 23 2005 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
well after my previous post our group has changed slihtly, 51 ranger, 51 rogue, 53 pally, 44 Shadknight. im probably going to try this sometime this week or next... or perhaps ill wait until the fableds end first...
what is minimum to try the cracked waves?
# Mar 06 2005 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
i wanna kill the waves for the cracked and try getting the enduring breath item dropped-- the waterlogged tunic-- but im wondering what modifications need to be done to our current group of 51 palladin, 41 ranger, 42 rogue, 38 shadowknight. im fairly certain the group as it is wont get anywhere near the end so any input is welcome.
# Jan 07 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
A lvl 67 necro should be able to take this right?
Too easy
# Oct 13 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
I did this quest easily as my 63 bst. I just kept running around the mobs while pet took everything down one at a time. I had full mana and full life at the end of every wave of attacks. Magicians should try the same tactic if they like. The drops are fairly nice for low lvls and sell well in bazaar. I havent done any of the others but the cracked finger bones but will eventually get around to trying it one day.
# Sep 27 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
HI all,

I can't see why a Shaman would do this quest. There is only 1 piece of loot (the charm) the a shammy can were, but.... it is only good if you have no buffs. OK really, have you heard of a shammy with no buffs...

I am gonna destroy all my finger bones that my shammy is wearing.
PLing quest
# Aug 04 2004 at 3:23 AM Rating: Decent
Tried cracked bones with lvl 39 wiz and lvl 53 sha. We hadn´t read anything about the quest just thought we tried it. We killed 2 mobs then decided to run but if we would have had a tank with us it would have been pretty easy.
Gonna try again this weekend with lvl 43 wiz and lvl 54 sha. If it wont work we´ll do it with lvl 43 wiz and lvl 65 bst. Gonna use this quest to PLing the wiz.. :) Pretty good xp.
Cracked finger bones
# Jul 05 2004 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent
Me (56 enchanter) and some ppl round my level including 48 war and 41 cleric and a berz, druid, ranger ....just a guild pickup group from boredom....i had 5 CRACKED finger bones and figured WTH ...we'd try it...we got there got to FM and full hp and turned in bones...was disorienting at first when so many spawned and the wee lil cleric got punched to 80% before i aoe stunned the hell out of everything and mezzed....after that was CAKE i mean SOOOOO EASY!!!! we were FM and full hp beggin for the next spawns =-P dropped Greatsword first try =) exactly what i was looking for ...pally alt...hope this helped...its VERY VERY easy just have a tank, dps, cleric, mezzer

56 Beguiler of the Stromm Server
- Saeadien

Edited, Mon Jul 5 02:31:39 2004
RE: Cracked finger bones
# Jul 06 2004 at 2:54 PM Rating: Decent
641 posts
Yeah this was a total cakewalk for us:
56 Enchanter
52 Druid (me)
50 Berzerker
48 Warrior
46 Ranger
41 Cleric
Once Saea got them locked down it was just a matter of healing the cleric when he got healing aggro. We did have some gawdawful DPS though with haste and ranger buffs and a super warrior tank. All mobs were light blue to 52, including the named in the last wave. Might be a challenge to a group of low 40's but we totally owned this one. We'll have a shot at a harder one once we get the bones.
Donbayne 100 Rng - Uinian 100 Dru - Breru 100 Sk - Nyenie 82 Brd - Ruusan 76 Clr - Braru 75 Mag - Syqen 100 Shm EQ Stromm/Luclin
More Waves
# May 27 2004 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
After reading the quest description above, my friends and I thought we'd give this event a go. After the fifth wave we thought we were done and let our guard down a little - needless to say we were quite surprised when the 6th wave of 8 mobs spawned. We were a little slow killing these, and had 3 left to go when a seventh wave spawned on top of us. We evaced out at that point, not sure if there would have been more waves but the DE had despawned yet
a few details
# May 09 2004 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
The turn-in fails if you try to give Dimaal the bones while you are in wolf form. I'm not sure about other illusions. Dimaal despawns when the last ring mob dies.
Should have read posts b4 doing this
# May 05 2004 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
A Bard friend and I were at the Temple geting some xp and gems, we picked up a load of these bones, and I thought What the Hell...

Just as we were about to hand in the bones a BL friend of ours loged on, I asked if the Bard wanted to wait on her, and he said that we have enough bones to try twice.
My last words were "I am going to load an Evac in case this goes bad"

This is what happens when a 48 bard and a 46 Wizard play with finger bones.

Hand in bones
You gain experience
1 second later (and I am NOT telling a lie 1 sec = 1 sec)
Thump Thump Thump from the speakers
Your A$$ has been handed to you by a hord of dark blue mob, you lost a great deal of XP, Loading Please Wait...
Oh, and good luck getting a Rez in Guntak on Tarrew Marr.
You tell the group "Sorry Donny, but this gets you back for all those chests in LDoN hehe, damn Bards"
Don$%$ Tells the group "np, we can try again when we have a full group"
You tell the group "LOL, I am going to bring a raid when I am 65 and kick that dark elfs a$$ for bringing them here"

Oh well what is EQ life with out a few foolish suicide missions :P
What a difference a year makes.
# Apr 23 2004 at 3:03 AM Rating: Decent
Did the pristine tonight on A.Ro as a pick up idea for my guild. There was 11 of us with average raid level of 59. Lowest was a 54 ranger and highest was 65 monk.

Did the hand in and the waves started. All lt blue to my 61 warrior. We had a bard mezzing some and a shammy slowed them all. With 2 monks, a rogue, a bst, ranger, and a wizzy nuking the mobs didn't last that long. They were actually rather trivial. Don't think anyone was ever in any danger of dying. Even the named mob lasted only about 30 seconds.

We all agreed that a single low 50's group could most likely do the pristine given the gear, weapons and buffs that most 50ish toons tend to go into battle with today. And if you get together an undead focused group (pally, cleric, necro, SK) or an AE group, then lights out as well.

Also found that positioning the group across the far side of the cave away from Dimaal helped in that all the mobs moved towards you and reduced how much they were spread out. That made it easier to move from mob to mob as we killed them.

Hope this helps someone.
# Feb 19 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Default
High Level Mage could solo the Cracked Fingerbones set of mobs IF they have the right AAs to do it
i Made it thru the first wave and had plenty of time to get Full Health and Mana... second wave had 2 Troll mobs that kept making me Interupt my spells due to knockback....

ok, heres how i did it... Summoned water pet (on hind sight this was a bad choice) and fully equipped it (2 swords, girdle, Muzzle, Plate) cast Bunout 5 and Flameshield of Ro on it and did the turn in.... waited a few seconds for the pop and sent pet on the only troll on the first wave (the other 4 were Wizzies) then i stood in one place and cast Sun Vortex on the Wizzies each one Died after a single Nuke... then I finnished off the troll and waited for Wave 2... wave 2 had 2 trolls that i didnt see right off so i just started nuking everything... the clerics go down to 9% with Sun Vortex (then they heal back up to 75% while your casting Sun Vortex again)... i only got to 4 of the mobs from the second wave (3 Wizzies and a cleric) before I was too low on healt to continue and I know I saw at least 2 trolls and 1 wizzie still standing...

this is the first time ive ever attempted this quest, not bad for a first attempt (65 Mage Baron)...
on my second attempt im gonna have more AAs and these mobs are gonna die like flies.
did the cracked bone turn in tonight
# Dec 01 2003 at 10:08 PM Rating: Good
went in with a group of friends tonight, consist of this:

46 SK(me)
51 WIZ
45 WAR
45 CLR
45 ENC
45 DRU

we got the cracked finger bones while getting the erudite spirit to spawn for temperance quest. we've never done this before so we went in cautiously, we buffed up pretty fully at Dimuul(follow the tunnels and he's in the room next to the one that zones to crypt of nadox). there are a total of 3 waves(seems about 3-4 minutes in between, more than enough, we were actually kind of bored in between waiting for spawn) before the boss wave so 4 total. the mobs were the 3 types listed for the broken finger bone quest(cursed mobs) and all con dark blue to me. The cursed conscript is a zombie that looks to be warrior, has about 3500-4000 hps, nothing special. the cursed magus is a wizard that looks like hags, kind of witch like, has about 1500 hps, nukes fairly hard, in the upper 300's or so. the cursed vicars are clerics, about 2500-3000 hps. there were 5-6(usually 2 of each) in the 3 waves before boss and I think there were 6 with boss in the last. Sinai the cursed is a zombie looking mob with about 8k hps. none of these hit particulary hard and we did it easiliy.

overall everyone got about 13-16% exp, about 150-200 in cash loot, and sinai dropped a greatsword of lost souls and quite a nice way to spend about 45 minutes =) we were a little bit twinked so the sword wasn't upgrade for us.

hope the info is helpful for folks doing this quest, we are probably going to move forward to broken finger bone quests now =)

p.s. all of these mobs are mes'ed with easy, resists aren't too high, they die fairly fast so slow is not needed. we had the wizard kill the magus(2 shots, ice comet and one lvl 51 fire nuke killed them) while the MA me engage the conscripts, the chanter mes'es anything that is not engaged).
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