Felwithe Defender Vambraces  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Items:
Related Creatures:
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Jul 25 20:50:50 2002
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
You say, 'Hail, Seria Woodwind'

Seria Woodwind says 'Hail friend. I am Seria Woodwind of the Royal Order of the Koada'Vie, the defenders of Felwithe. I assist young Koada'Dal that are called into Tunares service as a paladin in learning the ways of the Koada'Vie so that one-day they too may bear that noble title. Do you [wish to become a member] of the Koada'Vie?'

You say, 'I wish to become a member'

Seria Woodwind says 'As a defender of Felwithe you will be required to face much of the evil that inhabits the lands of Norrath. We do not sit idle and wait for the enemy to arrive at our gates before taking action towards the safety of our citizens. Every Koada'Vie initiate should acquire a [suit of armor] to aid in protecting themselves from the weapons of our [enemies].'

You say, 'What suit of armor'

Seria Woodwind says 'You require this special Mail Assembly Kit in order to fashion your Felwithe Defenders Armor. The materials necessary for the armors construction vary according to the piece you are attempting to craft. Once you have been properly outfitted return to me and I will provide you with [further instruction]. Do you plan on crafting [Felwithe Defender Gauntlets], [Felwithe Defender Boots], an [Felwithe Defender Bracer], an [Felwithe Defender Helm], [Felwithe Defender Greaves], [Felwithe Defender Vambraces], or an [Felwithe Defender Breastplate]?'

You say, 'I want felwithe defender vambraces'

Seria Woodwind says 'To assemble felwithe defender vambraces you will need to obtain two bricks of crude bronze and smelt them in a forge with a Water Flask and this Crude Vambrace Mold. Once that is done combine the Crude Bronze Vambraces with a Giant Sylvan Bat Fur and two Giant Wasp Warrior Tergites in the Mail Assembly Kit.'
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Giant bat fur?
# Sep 07 2002 at 11:09 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
hiyas - where is the best place to hunt these things? - I have all the stuff I need for the arnours cept the thorax for the breastplate (hehe) apart from these giant bat furs. I have been hunting around orc hill and probably 10 or so of these giants bats but not one fur.... and the bats are hard to find. Any thoughts anyone?
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