Protecting Lerin Sardor  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Items:
Era:Shadows of Luclin
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Feb 22 19:35:01 2002
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Lerin Sardor is near the Dawnshroud Peaks zone. Hail him and he tells a story of how he was traveling to sell his wares but has no guards to help him make it there safely. He says he has a deal to make with you and hands you an unsigned agreement. If you will escort him and provide protection through the Netherbian Lair zone, he will reward you at the end with one of the items he was going to sell at the bazaar. He says to return the agreement if you are willing to take him up on his offer. Hand it back to him and he gives it back to you as a signed agreement. He immediately starts walking towards the Nexus zone. Follow him. You will be attacked by about four waves of mobs as you're walking (usually 4-6 mobs at a time). Fight them off until you get to the guards near the Nexus zone. He thanks you for helping him make it there safely and asks for the agreement so that he may hold up his end of the bargain. Hand in the signed agreement and he give you your reward.

Need all dialogues, faction hits if any, fight details, quest items, /loc of Lerin Sardor at beginning and end of walk.
Submitted by: Kina Kalliope
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protecting lerin
# Oct 11 2005 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
97 posts
ok, so here is my story: i talk to the guy, and he gives me the note. give it back to him, he signs it, and hands it back to me. i am positive i put the note back in my inventory. so, im walking down the hall, all the sudden im jumped by a group of trogdolytes, i think there were 4 or 5 of them. finished them, and they took me down to about 80% hp. i continue walking, then i get jumped again by a familiar group. finished them off also. got down to about 65% hp. keep walking, then some fungoid dudes jump out, and they were easier, didnt take me down that much, maybe down to around 50% or so. netherbians jump out next. again, 4 or 5, you know the drill. as i finally get lerin to the other side, ( i am at about 15% HP) some idiot pulls a train of about, i dont know, 15 netherbian drones. my hp was low, so of course they aggroed on me. i died, yipee. my bind point is in kelethin. so, i finally get back to netherbian lair, and of course, after all that, Lerin Sardor despawned. wanted to kill the dude that trained me, but he wouldnt duel and it wasnt a pvp server. as i found out, Lerin Sardor has a VERY LONG respawn time... waited 3 days before i saw him again. turns out the item he gives me isnt the best. wasted about 4 days of my time =/
Protecting Lerin Sardor
# Aug 02 2005 at 3:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Hail, Lerin Sardor

Lerin Sador says "Ahh, hello there _____. I am a trader from Sanctus Seru trying to make my way to Shadowhaven for some dealings. I have come this far with the aid of guards from Sanctus Seru, but they have turned back and left me to go on my own. I hear there are many terible [creatures] here lurking in the shadows, leave it to the guards of the Hand to leave me unprotected.'

You say 'What creatures?'

Lerin Sardor says 'What I was told is that this pass is filled with small horrible creatures with no eyes. Perhaps you could [help by providing safe passage] to the other side?'

You say 'What help by providing safe passage?'

Lerin Sardor says 'Great! If I can get safely to the other side I will give you a small trinket that I was going to sell. Getting safe passage for the rest of my goods is worth more than the item in itself. Surely you know a good deal when you hear one. Take this note, if you agree to the conditions that I get across safely before you get payment return it to me and we will be on our way."

You recieve "Unsigned Agreement"

When you are ready return the "Unsigned Agreement" to Lerin Sardor

After you've return the Unsigned Agreement...

Lerin Sardor says 'Let us go then, please be alert throughout the cavern. Once we get to the other side safely give me the signed agreement and you will have your payment.'

You recieve a "Signed Agreement"

Lerin Sardor will start walking as soon as you hand in the Unsigned Agreement. 2 - 4 Troglodyte, Fungoid or Netherbian spawn that each of the tunnel entrances and will attack Lerin Sardor unless stopped. Last set of mobs spawn at the center colum. He keeps walking until he gets to the 2 guards at the Nexus zone line area. Once there...

Lerin Sardor says 'Whew, we are finally here. If you will give me the contract I will keep up with my part of the bargain.'

Give Lerin Sardor the "Signed Agreement"

Lerin Sardor says 'Thank you so much for your help! As I promised here is a small token of my appreciation.'

You gain experience!!
And recieve a Jasper Kundan Earring

No faction hits for this quest.
I Killed Him =P
# Jun 29 2005 at 1:18 AM Rating: Default
I killed him and he dropped a Signed Agreement. Does anyone know what its for?Is it for quest ir just trash?

Edited, Wed Jun 29 02:22:12 2005
# Apr 04 2004 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
no there is no faction hit with him...just kill him and get the signed agreement and wait for him to spawn again to turn it in =)
RE: faction
# Apr 20 2005 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
You say, 'Hail, Lerin Sardor'
Lerin Sardor says 'Ahh, hello there ______. I am a trader from Sanctus Seru trying to make my way to Shadowhaven for some dealings. I have come this far with the aid of guards from Sanctus Seru, but they have turned back and left me to go on my own. I hear there are many terrible [creatures] here lurking in the shadows, leave it to the guards of the Hand to leave me unprotected.'
You say, 'what creatures'
Lerin Sardor says 'What I was told is that this pass is filled with small horrible creatures with no eyes. Perhaps you could [help by providing safe passage] to the other side?'
You say, 'I will help provide safe passage'
Lerin Sardor says 'Great! If I can get safely to the other side I will give you a small trinket that I was going to sell. Getting safe passage for the rest of my goods is worth more than the item in itself. Surely you know a good deal when you hear one. Take this note, if you agree to the conditions that I get across safely before you get payment return it to me and we will be on our way.'
Lerin Sardor says 'Let us go then, please be alert throughout the cavern. Once we get to the other side safely give me the signed agreement and you will have your payment.'

Lerin Sardor says 'Whew, we are finally here. If you will give me the contract I will keep up with my part of the bargain.'
Lerin Sardor says 'Thank you so much for your help! As I promised here is a small token of my appreciation.'
You gain experience!!
( note: it took me 11 minutes from start to completion as a level 25 SK.)
# Mar 31 2004 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Does one get any faction, or take any faction hits, with this little quest? It sounds like something which our guild might find fun.
# Jan 28 2004 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
Did this solo as a 56 Ranger. ...I was really bored.
maybe he made it after all
# Dec 30 2003 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
question, I tried this quest, but i didn't know what i was doing, so the 1st ewave took me by surprise and killed both me and Lerin. I still have the signed agrement, but Lerin doesn't appear where he was. Is there a way to find him, without having to start over?
# Nov 28 2003 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
Killed lerin with a 35 necro and a 29 enchanter. didn't know quest just killed him took about 40 min. upon killing him he respawened immediatly with corpse still there and the quest started on his with a 4 mob first wave lol. he only dropped the signed agreement on corpse fun kill though =)
Numbers in the Waves
# Nov 25 2003 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
I "attempted" this quest solo with my 36 enchanter. The numbers in the waves were not great, maybe due to my being ungrouped. Perhaps others can report more information they have by level and number of people in the group. Anyway here's as far as I got:

1st Wave: 2 mobs
2nd Wave: 3 mobs
3rd Wave: 4 mobs

I didn't get past the 3rd wave because they waxed Lerin at that point. However, the first two waves were easily soloable using Enthrall (to save mana) and Memory Blur on the enthralled mobs to clear the aggro. After all mobs were enthralled, Lerin would continue on his way.

The mobs seemed to pop in the entrances to the caverns that come off the main tunnel. If someone were standing by these entrances before Lerin got near, he might be able to draw aggro that way without endangering Lerin so much. This is just an idea to try.

This is just some more info to add to the archive for those attempting this quest.

Edited, Tue Nov 25 13:37:14 2003
Long and Tough
# Jul 16 2003 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
I completed this quest yesterday with a 36 Froglok Warrior, but I tried again today with my 49 Half Elf Ranger and could not. The monsters spawn in large swarms and all jump Lerin at once. The second wave was 8 fungoids, the first being 5 Trogs. Since you cant buff him whatsoever, he dies quickly and easily to the mob frenzy.
The other tough part of this quest, aside from sheer numbers, is waiting for Lerin's respawn. Like I said, I did the quest yesterday, and had to wait until today. It seems Lerin has an almost 24 hour respawn time. The Earring is worth the effort during the quest, but not worth the wait. Who wants to sit around for an entire day to camp a quest mob, just for the chance of failure again?
You can win thousands of fights
But you may only lose one.
# Jul 15 2003 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
I just did this quest because I hailed a random NPC I hadn't seen before... I figured what the hell, gave him back his paper, and successfully got him to his destination... easy stuff for a 51 warrior ;-)

Anyways perhaps it was just me, but everthing I killed had more than 2pp on them, and perhaps other people have experience with this, but are the triggered mobs purposly stuffed with plat (for the level that this quest is intended, it's quite good money AND you get an earring with decent stats)

Maybe I was just lucky, but by the time I sold all the loot to the merchants I made about 30pp, maybe a little more, for less than 5 minutes of work.

Good Quest :-D
RE: Loot
# Nov 24 2003 at 12:58 PM Rating: Default
Most mobs in Netherbian drop a few plat all the time. Sometimes just some gold and rarely only silver. I don't count copper. I just destroy it's dead weight.
See Spoiler and Advice
# Jul 01 2003 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
See these headers under the notes on the item info link.
Variation in qiest
# Jun 24 2003 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
If anyone has noticed. I tried this Solo and failed. I tried it with a small group. The second time I relized the game was smart and recognizing I had more in my grou p it through more mobs at me. Anyone else notice this?
# Jun 06 2003 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
god i hate this quest 2weeks for a meisly earing
Pretty easy quest =)
# May 26 2003 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
My 34 Beastlord, a 39 Paladin, and a 35 rogue did this quest very easily. My warder was extremely useful: I just sent him in the midst of the waves as they came in to attack Lerin, and he would keep aggro off of Lerin while we killed them off. Lerin was 100% health at the end of the final wave due to this strategy. Unfortunately, similar to the below post, one of us got aggro..but it was the rogue. Lerin did the same thing, he ran back towards DSP, and disappeared. We thought we had failed the quest but I went back to check and see if he was
around, and he strolled by me back towards the Nexus. Then to make this a happy ending, I got the earring, although I dont know which is better, my Forest Loop, or this one. The forest loop has nice Dex on it which this one doesnt have. No worries though, it was a fun quest that anyone should try.
Interesting Results Of Accidental Aggro
# Apr 08 2003 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
Just did this last night with 35 Rogue, 30 Cleric (KEI), 26 Cleric, 38 Wiz (KEI), and 31 Beastlord. We initiated the quest, took on the first wave (trogs), then the second (fungi), and somehow during the third, our Beastlord accidentally got aggro from Lerin and ended up killing his pet to keep from mauling Lerin. No on in group had a way to wipe hate list, so we told the Bst to zone to DSP. As the Bst runs south to DSP, Lerin stops following and double-times it the opposite way, north towards Nexus, his destination. After the Bst zones, Lerin is a bit past the pillar (where the last wave usually spawns) and proceeds to continue walking calmly and, get this, NO MORE WAVES SPAWN. He just calmly finishes his route, repops at the end and our 26 Cleric is the proud new owner of this nice earring. Just thought folks would enjoy this rather amusing and unintended bypass of some of the content.
RE: Interesting Results Of Accidental Aggro
# Apr 24 2003 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
That is realy funny about the aggro pet :)
Charmable ?
# Mar 16 2003 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
Is it possible to charm him, take him to the Nexus zone line, wait for charm to break and cast Mem Blur ?
I know some mobs are not charmable, like The Reishicyban in PC, which would have been such a cool pet, 3 and a half times a human.

Think I'll try this, and post the results.
Charmable ?
# Mar 16 2003 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
58 posts
Is it possible to charm him, take him to the Nexus zone line, wait for charm to break and cast Mem Blur ?
I know some mobs are not charmable, like The Reishicyban in PC, which would have been such a cool pet, 3 and a half times a human.

Think I'll try this, and post the results.
takeing the long road
# Feb 12 2003 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
I found away around escorting this guy. Well I am a necro , and he conned green so I attacked him. After about wasting all my mana 3 times, and only doing half a red bub from him with my pet on him also I called for help. here came the cavelry. my pet, and his pet working on him, and about 20 min, and over 10k hp he dropped, and i looted the signed agreement. it would be easyer to do it the other way. i am thinking lol.
inconsiderate players
# Feb 03 2003 at 7:01 PM Rating: Excellent
85 posts
A friend and I were doing this quest when she saw this rarely seen npc. We thought we would have an easy time of it since we're both 50+ but the earring would have been a nice upgrade for her. Little did we know that the greatest danger was an inconsiderate noob who killed Lerin for the insignificant xp he got from winning the fight. Repeated and frantic warnings that we were on a quest in progress did nothing to dissuade him beyond saying "Oops" and "I just want xp" And all this after we healed him in passing while he was fighting the Swarmcaller.

The greatest danger to quests might not even be the mobs bent on your might be the ignorant noob standing next to you.

Edited, Mon Feb 3 18:32:33 2003
RE: inconsiderate players
# Jan 09 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
U Said it Brother!

CatMan Lnis HamerToe GetOn UP! WhAT WHAT!
RE: inconsiderate players
# Mar 05 2003 at 9:45 AM Rating: Default
1,050 posts
Since you were both 50+, you should have killed him yourself or at least did majority damage and made it clear that you would continue to do so until he went away. He can't cry KS, because technically you engaged the mob first by initiating the quest.

Edited, Wed Mar 5 09:15:11 2003
If you were me and I were you, would we still be friends?
any try to kill npc?
# Dec 12 2002 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
i tried to kill him and all my stamina gone before i did 1 red bubble of damage
Good but be careful
# Dec 04 2002 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
Our group of four lvl 28 and 29 ppl nearly got wiped trying this. But it was a lot of fun. Yell for help from the zone before you start.
easy quest for a nice reward
# Nov 22 2002 at 12:29 AM Rating: Decent
i just completed this quest today while running to dawnshroud peaks. i saw him at the zone ent and decided to hail him. i didnt know what he gave (except a quest), so i decided to try. after he started walking 2 people followed me and they both ended up lvling from killing the mobs. he reached the nexus zone in like 1-2 min and he gave me the earring when i gave him the note. for a lvl 31 bst this is a very nice earring.
easy way
# Nov 06 2002 at 3:11 PM Rating: Default
If there are people in this zone camping spawns do an /ooc Who wants easy xp?
Then tell them to follow you and kill all the mobs you know you aren't getting the xp for, and you fight the ones on Lerin.

When I see someone doing the quest I run after them and start slaughtering the mobs with them. I got 3 kills from the trog spawn, and from the fungoid. I know I'm there in NL with a partner, if we both just jumped into that action every time we saw it, it would be some fast xp's at lvl 28-29th.
Got it last night
# Aug 29 2002 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
I saw Lerin while running to Maidens Eye for a rezz. Yell to my guildmates he is up if anyone wanted to take him down - no takers. After rezzing my M E friend, I see Lerin is still there scared and lonely. So I called on two guild mates from the bazaar to help (53 warrior, 51 monk). We walked him through with no problem. No one was in netherbian other than us and the place was full of mobs. None of the battles lasted longer than a minute I would guess. Before we started we set to /assist Lerin and everyone he fought we fought. We ran ahead of his slow walk and killed strays before they even aggroed him. Kinda overkill actually. Finished his long walk to the end and got the earring (replaced my owlbear claw with it). Two groups ran by during the walk - one stopped - I asked them not to assist (so they didnt accidentally kill Lerin). Overall we all thought it was a lot of fun. None of us lost even half a bubble of hp.

Edited, Thu Aug 29 08:56:30 2002
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