Frostfell - Santug's List (#3)  

Quest Started By:Description:
This Quest is Seasonal
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Era:Serpents Spine
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Mon Dec 18 13:07:06 2006
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This series of tasks is available during the Christmas season, starting in 2006.

You say, 'Hail, Santug Claugg'

Santug Claugg says 'Har! I be Santug Claugg! Me think we've met before! Yes! You helped save Santug from the Grinnuch! Me can't thank you enoughs! There are more [things] ta do now, if you want to helps out more!'

You say, 'What things?'

Santug Claugg says 'There is some things yous can help me with! The grimps stole my gift [list]! Also me so busy making some of the gifts me lost, I havn't gotten time to do something special! If you have da Frostfell [spirit] you can help me with it!'

You say, 'What list?'

Santug Claugg says 'Me list! It was torn ta shreds by da grimps when the Grinnuch captured me! I need dat list back! It very important! Will you prease [help] me get me list back?'

You say, 'I will help'

You have been assigned the task 'Frostfell - Santug's List'.

Santug Claugg says 'Yay! The grimps who tore me list apart probably still have fragments of it. Go, bonk as many of dem foul critters in da head as you need to and find me list! They may be hard to find as they know how become invisdable! You may also need someone who can track dem!'

Find and bring the 1st portion of Santug's List to Santug Claugg
Find and bring the 2nd portion of Santug's List to Santug Claugg
Find and bring the 3rd portion of Santug's List to Santug Claugg
Find and bring the 4th portion of Santug's List to Santug Claugg
Find and bring the 5th portion of Santug's List to Santug Claugg
Find and bring the 6th portion of Santug's List to Santug Claugg
Find and bring the 7th portion of Santug's List to Santug Claugg
Find and bring the 8th portion of Santug's List to Santug Claugg
Find and bring the 9th portion of Santug's List to Santug Claugg
Find and bring the 10th portion of Santug's List to Santug Claugg

These items drop from invisible "a grimp".

Santug Claugg says 'My list! You got it back! Thanks you so much! This puts Santug back on track for gift giving this year!'

You have found and returned Santug's List! Santug now has complete details on who is naughty and who is nice, thats quite a list!

You have been given: Santug Suit.
Submitted by: Aftercure on Stromm Server
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# Dec 24 2020 at 6:38 AM Rating: Good
2,602 posts
RE: These items drop from invisible "grumps" (grumps or grimps? in various zones?...).

They are called "a grimp." Some of them have a buff on them called "Spell: Air Elemental Invisibility" on them.
Santug List
# Dec 20 2019 at 9:14 PM Rating: Good
68 posts
You can go to any of the zones listed; but I took the Commonland Route just outside of Freeport.

it took 10 min to get all 10 using the master loot tool. Do not forget to have some mage cast "see invis" on you if you cannot do it yourself.

At level 10 I did not get any xp but did get Santug Suit.
Grimps loc
# Dec 16 2015 at 9:24 PM Rating: Excellent
1,312 posts
Grimps spawn like crazy in the snowy area of Everfrost down south by Blackburrow. Get your pages in no time in that spot.
Grimps loc
# Dec 25 2022 at 9:47 AM Rating: Decent
101 posts
I can concur this is still the best spot!
<img src="" border="0" />
Grimps loc
# Dec 16 2021 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
298 posts
Good advice! Took less than 5 min to get them all here!

I was a little disappointed in the reward. I didn't look well enough at the details - that it is only 1 charge and Temporary!
Everfrost Peaks
# Dec 17 2014 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Got all 10 pages here for 3 different accounts just west of the PoK book. Pages drop off visible and invis gimps. Pages 2 and 3 seem to be the hardest to find

Edited, Dec 17th 2014 12:40pm by Kaidas
Rathe Mountains
# Dec 24 2008 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
With see invisible, just wandering through, got all 10 pieces.
Bright Blessings to All!

Lady Daia Spiritlight
High Priestess of Quellious, Rathe Server
High Priestess of Quellious, Mischief Server
Finding the 10 pages
# Dec 14 2008 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
I have see invis on but there are no invisible grimps popping. The normal grimps are only dropping the clues-- is this broke?
Finding the 10 pages
# Dec 17 2008 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
At the moment you can only do the 'lead in' to this quest. After a few days they will "cure" Santug and he will be in the PoK and home cities. At that time the invisible grimps will come out and you can evolve your stocking. Nothing is broke. I went throught the same questions and doubts last year. When Santug is in home cities and in the PoK that is your cue to hail him and continue the quest.

Happy Holidays !

Edited, Dec 17th 2008 2:03am by edracer
Finding the 10 pages
# Dec 16 2008 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
60 posts
The invisible grimps are the ones that show up as (a grimp). I've killed both visible and invisible and gotten drops.
Finding the 10 pages
# Dec 17 2008 at 10:11 AM Rating: Default
Care to elaborate as to the zones please. Would be a bit more useful to some people.
Finding the 10 pages
# Dec 17 2008 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
129 posts
Killed invisible grimps in Everfrost Peaks and got all 10 portions. Same zone I completed Frosfell - Looking for clues (#1), and Frostfell - Saving Santug (#2). If you take the Halas stone from Pok, you zone into Everfrost Peaks with the grimps right in front of you. But can be found in different zones, Butcherblock, Rathe, etc. Just search for 'a grimp' in the searchbar to see all the zones.
Note, 1st and 2nd task can't be done anymore as Santug is now in PoK.

Edited, Dec 17th 2008 9:56pm by Olivan
Finding the 10 pages
# Dec 21 2008 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
Confired all 10 can be found in everfrost near pok book. Some seem rare then others.
# Dec 09 2008 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
132 posts
Can anyone tell me why Santug wont talk to me? I tried him in both Everfrost and Butcherblock. I couldn't find him in PoK or my home city.
# Dec 10 2008 at 4:53 AM Rating: Decent
When you hail the frostfell goblin in PoK, he responds by saying "Soon Santug will be back, wait a few days till he's jolly! Blah blah, hold onto the stocking. Once Santug returns it will get much larger!"

I couldn't get other Santugs to respond to me either, they keep saying i'm "naughty" or something along those lines. My guess is that we have to wait a few days for him to get jolly. I hope I'm wrong though, otherwise I have to carry this useless 2 slot stocking until he gets some prozac.
# Dec 11 2008 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
3 posts
I would assume that from that message from goblins you will have to wait a few days before he comes to the pok
# Dec 23 2007 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
there are an abundant amount also locater at the north inn.
Drop Location
# Dec 22 2007 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
I got all 10 items for two characters around the Commonlands toll booth.
other Classes?
# Apr 08 2007 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
does this quest work on other classes? and is it still questable?
other Classes?
# Apr 10 2007 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
What do you mean by "other classes"? The Santug Suit is an all/all item... and no, the quest was only available during the Christmas season 2006...
Location of the portions
# Jan 07 2007 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
Each zone involved seems to drop a specific set of list pieces, here's where I've found each piece so far:

1) Commons(E)
2) Commons(E), BBM
3) Commons(E/W), BBM
4) Commons(E/W), Everfrost
5) Commons(W), BBM
6) Commons(E/W), Rathe Mountains, BBM
7) Commons(W), Rathe Mountains, BBM
8) Commons(E/W), BBM
9) Commons(E/W), BBM
10) Commons(E/W)

Pointlessly quick update, the grimps in the western half of the new combined commonlands seem to drop a different set of pieces, so you can get the entire list without having to zone. (E) means I found them near Freeport, (W) means I found them near the toll booth, (E/W) means I can confirm they dropped both spots. Other zones listed were drops I got while passing through, there are probably 6-8 list pieces in each zone but I didn't stay to note them all.

Edited, Jan 7th 2007 10:37pm by Korigo
Location of the portions
# Dec 21 2023 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
88 posts
I usually get all mne in EverFrost (Halas stone in PoK) but in other years have got them in Commonlands. This year (2023) I was convinced that two of the quests, Santug's List and A Gift For Tinam, had been axed, because Santug would not speak to me when hailed - usually, you can't stop him! When I'd done all the other quests, and having done the Baking for all my alts during the summer, in anticipation of Frostfell, I spoke to Santug again. This time, I said, "What about Santug's List?" and lo! he gave me that very quest. Most odd. I shall do the same to get A Gift For Tinam and, if I don't post about it here, you can assume that it worked. I wonder why Daybreak have done this? I was on the point of sending an indignant petition to complain about the docking of the two quests and I whinged about it volubly on FaceBook! However, I am very pleased to have been proved mistaken.
Location of the portions
# Apr 10 2007 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,906 posts
I got all of the 10 portions on grimps in Everfrost.
Related Tasks
# Dec 25 2006 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts

Christmas 2006 is not actually a part of the task name -- but the related tasks are as follows:

1) Frostfell - Searching for Clues
2) Frostfell - Saving Santug
3) Upgrading Stockings (get 20% Stocking)

1 leads to 2 which leads to 3.

#3 is not an actual task -- it's more of a quest.

Anyway -- #1 to #3 must be done relatively soon after the task givers appear, as within a week, or you will miss out on them after Santug is saved.

The next ones can be done in any order (or at the same time). just be sure to turn in your Stocking after each one for the upgrades stocking (40&, 60%, 80% and then 100%.

Before you do any of the below, go ahead and trade up your stocking again (40%). Then the remaining tasks are:

Frostfell: A Gift for Tinam
Frostfell: Fireworks
Frostfell: Santug's List

The Frostfell: Fishing for a Feast did NOT allow me a stocking upgrade, so I assume the Chef tasks are not part of the tasks allowed for stocking upgrades.

# Dec 25 2006 at 3:03 PM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
.. is also in Crescent Reach after he has been "saved."

santug suit
# Dec 22 2006 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
right tag...the santugs suit is temporary.
heh, worst quest ever?
# Dec 21 2006 at 1:56 AM Rating: Decent
Roaming invisible mobs that may or may not drop the ten pieces you need... for a TEMPORARY item. One-charge is fine, but temporary? booo
Wrong tag
# Dec 21 2006 at 6:27 AM Rating: Decent
39 posts
The illusions are expendable & one charge. Not temporary.
Wrong tag
# Dec 21 2023 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
88 posts
Some of my alts have Frostfell trees they won years ago! :D
Wrong tag
# Dec 25 2006 at 5:58 AM Rating: Decent
41 posts
Item is TEMPORARY, sorry (
# Dec 19 2006 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
I've seen him in Kaladim and WFreeport

as for the gimps.... just wandered around BB and kept killing till i got all 10
# Dec 26 2006 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
702 posts
Are you saying we dont have to travel between all of the listed zones? I bought some see invis items, now I guess I can wander Butcherblock and waste these guys. Where is the best place to find these grimps?
Finding all 10 Pages
# Dec 18 2006 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
There always seems to be one or two pages that don't want to drop often and they seem to vary time to time, but they do eventually drop. Also, if you do not see any live gimps, turn on your see invis.
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