Big Dipper  

a rare creature

Uploaded November 25th, 2023 by Gidono

  • This mob spawns at the most southern lake near the big water wheel.
  • Mob sees through invisibility: Yes

Categories: EverQuest | Templatized
This page last modified 2023-11-25 00:04:45.

Level: 129
Expansion: Laurion's Song'
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# May 05 2024 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
145 posts
This guy is hard. Just sayin...

When we arrived, we noticed a bunch of corpses near the camp. I'd like to say we didn't laugh at them.

He's underwater, as you fight him, you get A Timorous Perch adds, regularly. The Perch adds are white and DB to a 125, and are not mezzable. They cannot be pushed far enough away to keep them from beating on the group. Slowing doesn't help. We exodused with the named at 8%, the Tank, Rogue, and Chanter were dead. Chanter died twice. We still had Big Dipper and three Perch on us.

After rezzing, buffing and coming back, we tried pulling him out of the water, but he wouldn't come. We found a spot in the pond with no roamers. We could cast on him, but nothing took effect. The Merc WAR beat on him, but took no damage. The puller tried pulling with the pet but had no luck. The puller then got close enough to hit him, and immediately died to him and his Perch companion.

So, we're giving up for today. Maybe we'll try another day.

This guy should be taken seriously.


Edited, May 5th 2024 12:50pm by Wreck
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