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The Antonican Times Vol. 9 No. 7  

WT: 0.1 Size: TINY

Item Lore:Qeynos Local Newspaper
Language:Common Tongue
Item Type:Book
Merchant Value:0 pp 0 gp 2 sp 5 cp
Lucy Entry By:Zaray.[Tenacity].DRo
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-28 06:58:49
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Average Price: No Data Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 1

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Book Text:

::Antonican Times::
Vol. 9 No. 7

~ Evil Army on the March ~

They didn't swarm out of
Nektulos as one might have
expected. They moved out
of the dark forest in
an orderly and frightening
fashion. Hundreds of
Trolls and Dark Elves
marched in formation making
the ground shake with their
steady trod. At first
their destination was
unclear, though the obvious
guess was that they would
turn on Freeport. Things
became less clear when they
turned north. Gilbart
Hoblekin witnessed the


"It was unbelievable. I
mean, I didn't get too
close, but there were
hundreds of Trolls and Dark
Elves marching out of the
forest. Just when I
thought they had stopped,
more would come. Then,
instead of attacking
Freeport, they turned north
and marched up toward
Kithicor. I thought about
following them, but just as
that army got out of sight
another one appeared!
These uglies just marched
right past Freeport and off
into the desert. I decided
that I'd rather get a drink
than find out what was
going on."

The two armies marched for
hours, ignoring or
destroying anyone that got
in their way. One of them
stopped and made camp in
the southern Desert of Ro.
The other moved through
High Pass and the Karanas
to make camp in the Rathe

"The intent of these armies
seems clear from your
description," Commander
Kane Bayle told us. "They
are surrounding Grobb, or
what once was Grobb. They
plan to reclaim the city
that was taken from them.
And if they really are
being led by Warlord
Ykesha, then I would have
concern for those that have
taken what once was his."

When asked if Qeynos would
be sending troops to defend
the Frogloks, Commander
Bayle told us that he could
not comment on matters of
that sort.

Fear grips Antonica now.
Evil marches abroad and
their goal is clear, they
plan to reclaim Gukta and
kill the Frogloks that live

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