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The Antonican Times Vol. 8 No. 2  

WT: 0.1 Size: TINY

Item Lore:Qeynos Local Newspaper
Language:Common Tongue
Item Type:Book
Merchant Value:0 pp 0 gp 2 sp 5 cp
Lucy Entry By:unknown
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-07-28 00:50:53
Page Updated:Thu Oct 9th, 2008

Average Price: No Data Pricing Data...
Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 1

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Book Text:

::Antonican Times:

Volume 8, No. 2

~Wayfarers Find Grozmok Stone~

The Wayfarers Brotherhood has located the Grozmok Stone.

Calliav Giniuar, a magician becoming known for his strange visions, is now studying the stone.

"Our friend, Calliav, is researching the Grozmok Stone and believes it has some kind of magic that may impact our next journey," said Morden Rasp, Wayfarers Brotherhood leader.

The ship that the Wayfarers Brotherhood is building in Nedaria's Landing is well underway as well.

"We're always looking for enterprising young Norrathians to help us out here," Rasp said.

~Trade Stops with Kaladim~

Earlier this week, King Stormhammer stopped all trade with Qeynos as a result of a scuffle between two dwarves and the pub owner of The Lion's Mane.

King Stormhammer wants the "No Dwarves" signage removed from The Lion's Mane tavern before trading will resume. He has also asked for a keg of dwarven ale returned to Kaladim and an apology from Barkeep Nug Rellash.

To date, Rellash has refused to submit a formal apology. He has been asked to meet with Qeynos officials as a result.


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